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Topic: DENON Hardware Products (Setup, Solutions, Fixes, Issues, etc.) - Page: 10

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gdimarHome userMember since 2010
Hey Thanks Vicbru,

I really appreciate the help. I am new at this and like I said, I can get one deck to work
but as soon as both decks are connected they don't work.

Let me know a good time to call and I will definitely accept your help.

I am available in the evenings Tuesday thru Saturday after 7:00 PM EST

or Sundays and Mondays all day

Thanks again for your help

geposted Wed 17 Feb 10 @ 8:24 pm
vicbruPRO InfinityMember since 2007
gdimar wrote :
Hey Thanks Vicbru,

I really appreciate the help. I am new at this and like I said, I can get one deck to work
but as soon as both decks are connected they don't work.

Let me know a good time to call and I will definitely accept your help.

I am available in the evenings Tuesday thru Saturday after 7:00 PM EST

or Sundays and Mondays all day

Thanks again for your help

I will love to help
call me anytime

geposted Thu 18 Feb 10 @ 5:20 pm
vicbruPRO InfinityMember since 2007
vicbru wrote :
I am currently using the trial version for VDJ 6 with my new 3700's
I can get one deck to work, however when I connect both decks to the computer
only one deck is recognized.
Can someone please help me to get both decks working.
I really want to purchase the pro version but I am holding off until I get both decks working
I have set up the players with the latest firmware & drivers
I tried the steps posted so maybe there is something I am missing

I appreciate any help I can get as I am fairly new to this stuff

Here is my Laptop specs: Gateway FX 1.83Ghz 4gig RAM , Vista 64bit

Thanks in advance

maybe I can help


geposted Sun 21 Feb 10 @ 9:23 am
Man-TkPRO InfinityMember since 2004
do somebody know how to config a button for navigate in my browser with Denon 3700 platter ?

geposted Thu 25 Feb 10 @ 8:28 am
Map a button to the following:

wheel_mode "browser,jog"

NOTE: Check the existing mappings first under CONFIG -> Mappers to see if there is already a button mapped by default to do this.

geposted Fri 26 Feb 10 @ 12:19 pm
coreyfPRO InfinityMember since 2009
lopez453 wrote :
Coreyf, so you are not able to control VDJ's audio or video crossfader now at all ?

Probably updating the firmware did reset the settings inside controller.
Hold MEMO button until you get into controller settings (on the denon display) and look for the crossfader settings there. (see details in your denon manual or ask here if unclear).

That did it! Thank you. After upgrading the firmware it reset that function.

geposted Sat 27 Feb 10 @ 5:09 am
Man-TkPRO InfinityMember since 2004
jpboggis wrote :
Map a button to the following:

wheel_mode "browser,jog"

NOTE: Check the existing mappings first under CONFIG -> Mappers to see if there is already a button mapped by default to do this.

Thanks !!


geposted Sat 27 Feb 10 @ 2:19 pm
how to set up a pc to a denon s3500

geposted Tue 02 Mar 10 @ 5:26 pm

geposted Wed 03 Mar 10 @ 3:07 pm
szeppieriPRO InfinityDenonMember since 2005
Many thanks dj-in-norway!

geposted Wed 03 Mar 10 @ 4:01 pm
szeppieriPRO InfinityDenonMember since 2005
MORENO13215 wrote :
how to set up a pc to a denon s3500

Only by using timecode and an external sound card.

geposted Wed 03 Mar 10 @ 4:02 pm
DJJAMMPRO InfinityMember since 2005
hi since update to vdj 6.07 i cannot get the dn3700s to work properly- it seems they lag and do not respond to the platter properly . What settings do i need to change or is this an issue.. when platter mode is off the players play fine.. when platter is on then thers a lag and when you hit the polay button it jumps ( the track will jump ahaed a sec and then like lagg sloww then pick up and operate normally...

Note: all buttons and seem to operate properly.
Problem is with platter

any help please


geposted Sun 07 Mar 10 @ 10:22 pm
DJJAMMPRO InfinityMember since 2005
ok so am I the only one with an issue with the platters on the dennon 3700s and vdj 6.0.7 ????????????


geposted Mon 08 Mar 10 @ 10:34 pm
Hey there DJJAMM i also have that same problem there is a very bad lag when you press play and also i dont know if you have this problem but when i do a backspin i get a bad pitch fluctuation whe the platter starts going foward again... Hope someone can help us with this or come out with 6.07.1.... lol. Till then i have gone back to 6.05.

geposted Wed 10 Mar 10 @ 9:38 am
Marph84PRO InfinityMember since 2006
So i've got the same problems with my 3700's.... And one othe german user has the same probs, too.

I'm also back to 6.0.5

geposted Wed 10 Mar 10 @ 1:49 pm
hola amigos aver si alguien de ustedes me ayuda a conectar mis denons 3700 a mi virtual dj tengo 2 dennos 3700 y una pc windos vista 64 bits pero kisiera ke me den una mano para instalar tengo el virtual dj 6.0.5 ya de antemano muchas gracias aver ke necesito aser

geposted Sun 14 Mar 10 @ 7:57 pm
Ive uploaded the firmware from denon website, no problems
Ive loaded the drivers, no problem

I then set 2500 in midi mode and opened VDJ
1. Inputs: none
2. External Mixer: left deck 1&2 / right deck: 3&4
3. Sound Card: ASIO / drop Menu: Denon DJ ASIO Driver

I went to mappers set device to: Denon dn-hd 2500

2500 is still in midid mode screen, nothing happening


geposted Tue 16 Mar 10 @ 12:05 am
Hi i just got 2 denon s1200. can some one give me detailed instructions as to how to set them up with vdj 6.0.7

currently i have the deck on the left as midi 1, unit no set to 2, deck on the right to midi 2 , unit no set to 2

in the VDJ sound setup i have what is shown in the attachment.

any help would be appreciated.


geposted Tue 16 Mar 10 @ 10:07 pm
i kinda figured the sound issues, but can some one tell me if the deck that has midi 1 should be on no of unit 1 and if midi 2 should be on no of unit 2?

is there also a specific order i need to boot them up in before launching VDJ?


geposted Tue 16 Mar 10 @ 11:47 pm
DAMONACHome userMember since 2007
Please help! Is it possible to use Denon DN-6000 with VDJ? If yes, please tell me how it's done. There's actually no cable attached to it for use with the computer and I'm wondering whether there exists such a cable.

geposted Wed 17 Mar 10 @ 6:03 am