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cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004

1. When you get your full licensed version - turn off the AutoBPM in the General settings

2. Learn some programming and write your own plug-in that does a better job.

3. This is a DJ program, not a lighting program.

4. Your actually right - It is pretty perfect now, but anything is open for improvement.

geposted Mon 25 Jul 05 @ 11:39 pm
jukesyPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Better BPM detection.

I don't actuall use it at all at the moment because It is way off.

However, I use MixMeisters auto BPM all the time, some how it managers to correctly get the BPM of any track no matter what style of music. It even works for SquarePusher, and Aphex Twin.

Could you try and sort this out,



geposted Tue 26 Jul 05 @ 9:03 pm
Not sure if it's been requested before :

In the file analysis, a column to display the bitrate of the files. When I play on a streaming radio, 128kb MP3s are ok, but in a club, 192kb is the bare minimum, so having that information would be a great help...

At the same time, I take back my request for key detection... I have noticed that I've been mixing more than a few times tracks with very different keys and ended up making great transitions by picking the right cues and EQ, so I would say maybe as an option, but not really needed actually.


geposted Thu 28 Jul 05 @ 5:35 pm
Bren FPRO InfinityMember since 2003
E-motion, you share my view on the bite rate (needed big time!), and also on key codes.., as that is the fun part of mixing, please don't make VDJ into a auto mix program!!.., I love it as it is, and would like the options to disable aid (skins is another way).., but needed mostly is just improvements on how somethings have been implemented.



geposted Thu 28 Jul 05 @ 9:57 pm
vpcdjHome userMember since 2004
2 Keyboards (ps/2 and USB)

is there a way to incoporate 2 keyboards (ps/2 and USB) and have each keyboard have unique shortcuts?
the more and more features that are added to vdj the more keyboard shortcuts needed to go with them. infact every button/funtion should be able to be shortcutted. but it would take ridiculous shift, ctrl, alt key combinations to add all the current shortcuts.

that'd be a way to add the cheapest hardware available (another keyboard):D

geposted Fri 29 Jul 05 @ 2:21 am
vpcdjHome userMember since 2004

(3 views. full screen, restore and a) COMPACT design like other media players such as winamp and wmp. this compact view having only basic slider/lighting buttons that the dj has to see to perform a basic mix. buttons like play r not necessary coz those can be shortcutted.
an example of the must have controls in this compact view would be the jog wheel, volumes, fader, wave display, search + half the browser, that lil track display with cues as the track loads, BPMS+local, pitch, track times, one (tabble) or both decks.
this way the user can view other documents or programs in the background.

geposted Fri 29 Jul 05 @ 2:26 am
More pitch range options, such as +/- 6% and possibly 4%. Custom would also be nice (Can be set between 1 and 34%)

This would allow more accurate pitch control with MIDI devices (These only send 128 unique values, which at 6% would give 0.94% adjustments and at 4%, 0.063%)

Also, add the ability to change the pitch range via a shortcut.

geposted Fri 29 Jul 05 @ 6:27 pm
k, but lighting feature would be soo much more help, and also,

the ability to drag a song off of the deck to your playlist would be awseome. i am always acciddetnly puuting on the song instead of an instrumental, then i have to go back through my file to get the song back on the playlist

geposted Fri 29 Jul 05 @ 11:47 pm
viajeroPRO InfinityMember since 2004
hi folks i want to see virtual dj + karaoke by cos i have to use vdj and a program called hoster to my performance and when switch from one to the other i loose time to recover from the crash of hoster or vdj i have 1 g of memory my pc is dedicate only to vdj and hoster so the only thing wrong is windows (microsoft) xp pro up to day

gays i think may be possible. i like to see my dreams come true

thanks jorge.

geposted Sat 30 Jul 05 @ 2:20 pm
on the radio, it would be awseoem to see the song names

geposted Sun 31 Jul 05 @ 7:29 pm
and a crossfader for headphones, the mix volume and stuff, is so much more confusing,

geposted Sun 31 Jul 05 @ 7:46 pm
claxPRO InfinityMember since 2004
It already exists in some skins.
The song name is displayed since the 3.0

geposted Sun 31 Jul 05 @ 7:50 pm

geposted Sun 31 Jul 05 @ 7:52 pm
RKleinPRO InfinityMember since 2003
I would like to see the option of choosing a Bit Rate colum or not. Like the BPM colum. This way you could choose the best recording of your Mp3s.

Thank you!


geposted Tue 02 Aug 05 @ 3:42 am
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
RKlein - this already exists in the 'Config' of the recording options. Go to recording, click on the Config just above the Start Recording button. Look at the bottom where you can choose between WAV and MP3. If you select MP3, then the Drop-down box is available for selecting the bit rate.

geposted Tue 02 Aug 05 @ 4:40 am
Bren FPRO InfinityMember since 2003
cstoll: I think RKlein was reffering to a bite rate display in the file browser window, something many of us want.

I maybe wrong, but that's how I interpreted it ;).

geposted Tue 02 Aug 05 @ 5:48 pm
ColaboyHome userMember since 2005
I would like a 3rd turntable, I've come to notice that mixing trance, psytrance & deep house that I would like a 3rd turntable for extra sounds and beats. Maybe some fancy slipmatts aswell.



geposted Wed 03 Aug 05 @ 10:03 am
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
mp3rick - now that I have re-read that post, your right. However, wouldn't spending some time with an MP3 Catalog program to sort these things out and get rid (delete) the crappy versions be more practical? I mean I know everyone doesn't have lots of cash to spend on tools, but there are excellent programs out there that can help one keep there library in order. Here is one that I use that has alot of features and in my opinion is inexpensive: http://www.wizetech.com/amc/index.shtml ($30)

geposted Wed 03 Aug 05 @ 1:44 pm
mp3jrickPRO InfinityHonorary MemberMember since 2003
If that program recognises dups and catalogs by bpm for deletion of lowest, I want one.

It looks like it doesn't search by bpm unless it's in the tag/comment portion.

Am I seeing this right?

The problem is this can only be done on a one by one basis.
If a program sould search by duplicate/below192/delete it would be awesome.
I am sure there is enough brain power here in this forum to figure that out.


geposted Wed 03 Aug 05 @ 3:55 pm
What we need is a way of only displaying in the list the files that are above a certain bitrate. I don't want to get rid of the tracks that are only in 128 Kbps, they sound fine for radio streaming. But I'd like to be able to only use 192 Kbps and above when playing on a club sound system...

geposted Tue 09 Aug 05 @ 7:04 pm