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Topic: How to mix two tunes of different bass type

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k80sgHome userMember since 2010

From approximately 4:55 to 5:27, the transition was smoothly done between two tunes with the same bass type. I would like to know how it can be done with Virtual DJ. For those who have listen to Armin's ASOT, notice that the tunes seems to carry their bass over to the next song towards the end except for some cut off mix joining a new tune with a new bass type.

Many thanks.

geposted Mon 18 Jan 10 @ 10:26 am
hmmm not to sure what you aksking however, let me tell you this if you want a smooth transition you have to know your songs very well so that you know when the breaks r or when there is a bit of emptiness (as in for you to drop in the song you want to mix) usually most djs will mix the intro with the outro of a song(nothing wrong with that but its lame and usually not very exicting, its what i call a generic mix cause everyone can do it) now if you wanna blend them in a unique way. this is what you know try to blend the songs some wear int he middle or blend the songs at there high points also make use of the EQs as in cut off the base of the outgoing song and pump the bass ont he incoming song (this will create a high feeling) or move the fader in for a sec enuff so that people can hear the song coming do it 3 times b4 letting it drop this usually gets people hyped, and or as your moving the fader to the next song try cuttin off the mids and highs and leave teh bass only and so forth. now as to how can you reproduce this in VDJ??? well like i said you just have to mess around with the Eqs in the internal mixer and of course making use of a good mixing point. hoped that helped

geposted Fri 29 Jan 10 @ 9:02 pm
thanks so much ^^

geposted Fri 05 Feb 10 @ 11:13 pm
The real key to making your mixes sound good is, to have them in KEY, which means the keys of the songs will match, or have the same key tones, look into THE CAMELOT KEY SYSTEM for a better discription of this. You dont want the Bass of track 1 and the bass of track 2 to clash, or the higher frequencys, using VDJ you can scan your tracks for keys and bpms I sugest doing so. the result will tell you the key of the track, so if the song you are playing is 05A (mumeric key) you will then want the next track to be either 05B or 04A or 06A this will make your mix sound great and flow together, if your selected "next" track is not in key you can simply use the key shift function and put it in key to the "playing" track but be aware shifting the keys more than 3 keys in either direction will change the dynamincs of the song you want to play!!
Hope I helped you out a bit!!!!

geposted Mon 08 Mar 10 @ 2:01 am
Find a break with no Bass line in the track and mix into that ( try the loop function) if u can't match the baselines well. A sudden change in Bassline key during a mix can be quite refreshing but mixing it is another story. Cutting the Bass works as well using both low knobs at the same time lowering one while increasing another and maybe bringing out the high hats so people focus on that element more.

There are however just some tracks that just won't fit so well ( or at all ) no matter what u do with them.

geposted Sat 17 Apr 10 @ 4:50 am

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