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Forum: Music discussion

Topic: So how do you people get good at mixing? I dont understand the language of it all!

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Ok I have been using VDJ for about 2 weeks now, can do very basic mixing by using the bass crossfader on the mixlab skin, and using the "BPM metre" to slow the song i want to fade out to a hault. I can do some quite nice mixes if i practice a few times with it. I just don't understand all that i am reading about how do people teach this stuff to themselves is it just patience and messing around for hours on end and finding your own techniques? I mix Electro, House, Garage, Old Skool, Dubstep and maybe a bit of DnB. The one thing i'm proud of at this stage is my library, absolute bangers in there ! :D

I really do think i have the potential to be a top DJ, i also plan to produce my own music soon. What would be the best software to use do you think? And if i started doing this now, would this maybe help my understanding of how it all works and mix a lot better on VDJ?

Many thanks my fellow Dee Jays!!!


geposted Sun 14 Mar 10 @ 3:29 pm
Patience, patience, and oh yeah, a little more patience. It take time to develop skill just like anything else. Keep at it and you might surprise yourself.

geposted Wed 17 Mar 10 @ 10:57 pm
Just like DJDerricke said, Patience. Also I think if you can practice with some one who has skills. I was always told "To be the best you gotta play with the best."
Good Luck and Have Fun with it!!

geposted Tue 23 Mar 10 @ 11:32 pm
If you can't practice with the best then try and look at some tutorial videos or try a DJ School, I have some friends that run DJ schools and they are very effective.
I did it the hard way when mixing was a fairly new concept and it was a case of practice, experiment and patience. Beat matching ( mathcing the beats so they play at the same time ) and bar matching ( each 4 sets of beats is a bar, there is greater detail on this in the forum ) is ur first thing to master.
Once you can do that efficiently Its all about getting the Transition ( when u go from one track to another ) right. This is purely down to practice and experimenting as there is no ideal way to transistion, there are many many different ways and ur ears are what will tell you if it sounded good or not.
Listen to other transitions and try and work out what happend and recreate it yourself, some Dj's will use maybe 3 or 4 different methods and others will have 20 or 30 different methods.
Get creative and experiment it can be fun while your doing it and when u pull it off you will get a nice feeling.

I think that in this forum there should be a sticky thread of terms and a glossary for beginners. I am sure there is one somewhere that can be copied and pasted.

geposted Sat 17 Apr 10 @ 4:28 am
kjdj99PRO InfinityMember since 2009
I started at Lime Light in Atlanta August of 1979. I'm still learning new gags. Make friends, carry a headphone y-cord
and your headphones. I asked DJ,s if I could split ther headphone feed so I coud hear the mixes from the DJ perspective.

You'll get it.

geposted Thu 29 Apr 10 @ 9:31 pm
to produce music, look into ableton live 8

geposted Thu 20 May 10 @ 3:42 pm

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