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Topic: Can someone give me a kind of step by step procedure to start mixing at a basic level?

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frank79Home userMember since 2008
...I mean, something like this:

1- Check the the cross fader is completely on the left and the volume of Deck B is off.
2- Load Music on Deck A
3- Now load music on Deck B e put on you headphones
- etc....etc.....

I am asking this because, because I am an absolute beginner and I still don't know if I must concentrate more on the track which the audience hear or on the track which I hear on my headphones.....

geposted Fri 26 Mar 10 @ 6:48 am
de_lesPRO InfinityMember since 2010
it kinda goes like this:p

play a song the people can hear...
choose the song you want to play next(in your headphones ofc,choose the point where you want this song to start)
put your equalizers all 3 on 9 o''clock,fade the song in on the apropiate time(you do know the 32 beat count do you?)
now start working with those equalizers,bring the new song in,and try to determine wich certain sounds you want out of the mix...until the second song is completely in...

most easy to learn this way

fader down,look for a new song,and repeat :)

and please concentrate on the song that's playing(choosing a new song should'nt take more than 1 minute,even less...)
add some effects,use those equalizers,and enjoy the people!

if you want to mix the bass of the new song in,it's best to wait for a break,and add the bass from the new song(while fading the other out,otherwise you get one hell of a bass^^)
like when you see a break coming,try to slowly fade your bass out,then bring the new one in...

it's all about practice,practice,practice,and then some more practice...

this could help u out...

http://www.djtutor.com/index.php (ellaskins)


geposted Fri 26 Mar 10 @ 6:06 pm
frank79Home userMember since 2008
thanks for your post.

Very useful

geposted Sat 27 Mar 10 @ 6:00 am
meadeHome userMember since 2009
I think that if you are totally new to DJing,depending on your choice of music style you should concentrate on being able to beat match or blend the songs for a nice transition.Since you are totally new,trying to mix and play with the EQ may be a little confusing to you.I have been a DJ since around 1981,started with turntables,then CD players,and now a lap top.I play mostly Old School Hip-Hop and R & B from the early 80's to late 90's with Electro,Funk,and some Funky Jazz thrown in.There are tricks to each set up.but the basics are still the same.Back in the day we didn't use the EQ,or effects.We just blended the next track in,or cut it in,or scratched it in.So it may be easier for you if you practiced blending and beat matching first,and when you are able to mix a few songs together,then try to cut the bass,mids,or highs when bringing in your next track.Learn the basics,then add the tricks.You can learn all the tricks in the book,but if you don't have basic mixing skills, well let me just say it this way.Have you ever been to a party and thought "I can out mix this clown".You don't want to be that clown.The tricks will come,just practice your mixing.

geposted Thu 06 May 10 @ 12:06 am
meadeHome userMember since 2009
If you need a step by step try this:
load a track on deck A.
load a track on deck B,
make sure the fader is all the way over on deck A,and hit play on deck A,
on deck B set your cue point.this can be on the first down beat,or the first hand clap,or the first snare hit.witch ever one you chose that is what you bring it in on.
listen on your headphones to your track on deck B,when you hear the down beat,the hand clap,or the snare hit(witch ever one you used for the cue point hit play on deck B
listen with both tracks playing to see if they are playing together,or if deck B's track is slower or faster than deck A's track.
the auto BPM match of VDJ will put you close but sometimes not perfectly aligned.you can nudge deck B's track with the arrow keys or if you are using a controller you can use the jog wheel to speed up or slow down deck B's track
if you have them where you have them aligned pretty well slide the crossfader to track B's side you can do it fast or slowly.they should play together for a moment while the cross fader is in the middle and then switch to the track on deck B when the crossfader is all the way over.If you had the down beats,or hand claps,or snare hit aligned there should have been a smooth transition from one song to the other.Once you can fade from one track to the other pretty good,you can move the crossfader half way and let the two songs play together for a few moments,and then move it all the way across changing songs.When you are pretty good at that then you can do a mix and play with the EQ,like cutting the bass on one track bringing it in on the other track and letting them both play for as long as you want creating a new "remix"using the vocals on one track with the music from another track.You can also do this using the loop feature on one or both decks.Hope this helps.

geposted Thu 06 May 10 @ 12:37 am
I would also suggest if you plan on doing any parties or anything, don't do any scratching until you get some practice. Just stick to blending and mash-ups, which are usually the easiest things to do without being complicated.

geposted Thu 06 May 10 @ 11:34 am

geposted Thu 20 May 10 @ 3:41 pm

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