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Topic: MY VDJ Rants! - Page: 3

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DJ CyderPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2003
So in other words one machine has a problem the other doesn't. Ok but 2 posts ago it was the programs fault. The upcomming new version should fix some codec problems which I would say half the people who have problems is due to the systems not having to correct codec's to play the videos. some changes we also made to karaoke as well. So time will tell and paitence is key.

geposted Tue 12 Jul 05 @ 5:09 am

"Until version 3.0 it was rock stable but you have to be lying to think its stable now."

LOL... believe me I have no reason to lie and will gain nothing from it. Just being honest and posting my experience with the program. We are all users and are not paid by anyone to say anything. Just my .02


geposted Tue 12 Jul 05 @ 5:21 am
sla200xPRO InfinityMember since 2005
Come on guys cut this guy some slack. While I disagree with cat who started this post position that the VDJ is unstable,(this program has never crashed on me, not once) he does have a right to state his feelings, good, bad or otherwise about the program. After all, he bought the program it. Could he have gone about it differently? Sure. But it is still his right to say what he said without everyone and their mother tearing him to treads. Yes, I know the tone of his message was harsh and obviously rubbed a lot us the wrong way, however he appearanly had some issue, (I do believe they are his PC related) with how the program runs on his PC, plus he does not like a freature or two. So what. VDJ is strong enough to take a few good hits here and there. Even if VDJ was perfect, it would still would not please everyone. Hey even Jesus had his critics.

geposted Tue 12 Jul 05 @ 5:37 am
Wow so many "responses" to answer to, where do I start?

1st off I have other things in my life so I don't post whore on forums as a pastime as some others seem to do. Consequently I didn't respond until now. Secondly to the fool who says that I don't even own the software and I'm just stirring trouble; It says professional edition user in my profile. Enough said.

I've read the user guide extensively and it is ,as another poster states, seriously out of date.

To clarify I haven't had a myriad of problems just 2 things; I am simply unhappy with the poor database (what kind of a program makes you analyze files or load them to see the length of the mp3??) and I experienced crashing when applying loops especially 8 beat loops at random intervals. I can make it occur on 2 different sound cards like I said. This in my mind makes it unstable. I'm pretty sure it was before there was less than 8 loops left before the end of the song. I'll test that further when I have time. That being said, if you happen to apply a loop at the wrong time during a gig and it crashes the program, that is not acceptable, workaround or not. Therefore I don't trust it live.

I have not even addressed video issues here. Just 2 simple things as above. I can mix 2 videos just fine with my system too. It's not something important to me.
I also disagree with Cyder, there are plenty of laptops capable of doing video currently. Obviously they are not the average entry level ones.

As far as the BPM field goes in the MP3 ID3 tag, my files have not been altered by BPM, they all have the BPMs in the correct field. I use tag & rename too. Nice program. BTW MixMeister BPM Analyzer batch analyzes the mp3 files and places the values in the correct BPM field. So this was my other criticism of the database, if the file has the info already correctly in the tag, why doesn't the database show it until I load the file?

P.S.: If I sounded harsh it wasn't meant that way at all. I was stating an opinion that's all.

geposted Tue 12 Jul 05 @ 7:04 am
DJ CyderPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2003
1st off you need to turn on read idv3 tags on in the general config its disabled by default. Then your details would show up. Most users do not have an issue with looping. Those with low ram do, since vdj is a ram intense program substandard ram isn't a good idea and 256 isn't gonna get it either. Show me a laptop that will mix two vob files on two displays and not choke and not cost 5000k we'll talk. Till then I would stongly advise not using a laptop for video. You say your laptop can mix videos but crashes dunning looping an audio track. I find that a little hard to believe. Never the less the database inside vdj is great when used properly.

geposted Tue 12 Jul 05 @ 8:01 am
mp3jrickPRO InfinityHonorary MemberMember since 2003
Constructive criticism is always welcomed around here, nothing is perfect.
That seed is the whole basis for alternative thoughts that open new doors and levels.

You sound like you have a handle on it, I hope we can help get things resolved and confidence restored.

geposted Tue 12 Jul 05 @ 2:10 pm
You are jumping to conclusions it seems. First of all I have 768meg of ram and I don't use a laptop. I have an ATI 9600pro 128mb video card and my system is a shuttle. I have ID3 tags enabled in the program also my friend. It does not work properly. I have even tried the plugins people have designed to assist the database to properly read ID3.

geposted Tue 12 Jul 05 @ 6:27 pm
DJ CyderPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2003
Well it seems your problems are deeper then. I personally built 5 computers to take to new york for mobile beat and each one had 512 megs of ram and not one them will crash during looping. I used itunes to encode all the tracks for them and all of them have their title and bpm show up In VDJ. Anyway I would say more than likely your problems have to do with ram. I'm not sure how you are running the shuttle with non matched ram unless it has 4 slots. Try taking out the 256 and see if it still crashes in looping. I personally won't run vdj in my own machine will less than one gig of ram.

geposted Tue 12 Jul 05 @ 7:03 pm
DJ RazPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Computers aren't magical boxes.
A chip will run a software the same exact way every single time you run it, given the parameters are the same.

No other user has a problem with loops (unless you are looping more beats than are left in the song, which is a known bug).

So "it's VDJ software plain and simple", is not the case.

If you really are experiencing crashing with loops then either your chip is not compatible with the software, or your drivers are outdated, or there is something wrong with your windows config (you running an anti-virus?, got spyware perhaps? etc...). There is also the offchance you found a soundcard that isn't compatible with VDJ.

If you want the users to help you, the first step should be to describe your system configuration, windows settings and running programs. Also describe the exact steps you take to make the program crash.

Coming on the forum and saying something to the likes of "I know everything; the problem is with the software", is not going to generate you much support.

geposted Tue 12 Jul 05 @ 8:47 pm
NebulaPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Well said raz...

geposted Tue 12 Jul 05 @ 8:53 pm
sla200xPRO InfinityMember since 2005
Can you duplicate this on another PC? If not see, try it and see what happens. I do not believe it is a ram issue but DJ Cyder suggestions to remove the ram is a good idea. The thing with computer hardware is trying to do an apples to apples comparison is not always easy. Reading your original post the crash only happens when looping, correct? You also said:

"I can make the program crash basically at will when applying loops."

Does "basically" means it crashed sometime or all the time? If you can describe the exact step you are doing when looping that would may be helpful. Do the also crashed with the loops that came with the VDJ or just the loops you created yourself. I would like to try duplicate if you can describe your process before the crash.

geposted Tue 12 Jul 05 @ 9:26 pm

I believe you, I mean that there is a real issue there. No software is perfect. I also understand that you are a computer tech, but we all miss small details sometimes. If you would like us to help please allow us to. Even with the obvious questions that you feel you might already have looked at.


geposted Tue 12 Jul 05 @ 10:13 pm
DJ CyderPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2003
ddr ram must be used in pairs that are the same size there isn't a way to get 768 megs of ram using mached pairs. 512+256 will get you there which leads me to believe this is an older system using non ddr ram which would also explain a lot of things. How long does it take to load tracks?

geposted Wed 13 Jul 05 @ 1:24 am
What a bunch of crock you are wrong on all counts. You can have mixed memory as long as its of the same speed. Like 512MB of DDR400 and 256MB of DDR400 is just fine. As long as it is inserted in the correct order as per the motherboard manual. If you are going to say something get it correct and do your homework like I did.

geposted Wed 13 Jul 05 @ 5:12 am
I have 768 in mine and no issue with looping.

geposted Wed 13 Jul 05 @ 5:42 am
DJ CyderPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2003
Sorry I meant dual channel ddr single channel is so slow its isn't even worth the workaround. Vantine, laptops are differnt.

geposted Wed 13 Jul 05 @ 6:22 am
OK an update. The problem only occurs on 8beat and above loops. The software for some reason seems to not want to go back to the beginning of the loop on anything 8beats and above. It will also crash (fatal error) on 8beat loops quite often. 4beats and below work fine.

In mixvibes I can use any loop duration without any issues whatsoever. Same in BPM using the manual looper (it has no by beat loop creator). This is what lead me to believe it to be a problem with this particular software since the other 2 work perfectly fine and never crash. I've been djing with this system for 2 years now without a single issue. It's obviously not the newest and greatest but it's stable.

Just for fun here's the specs of my DJ system: Shuttle PC w/ AMD 2400+ , 768MB DDR, 40GB + 200GB 7200rpm Hds, Pioneer A07 DVD-R, ATI 9600 Pro 128MB, SB Audigy2 (as backup), Hercules DJC (Primary sc), Zippy EL-610 Luminescent KB, Logitech cordless infared mouse. BENQ 17" LCD. All drivers and OS are completely updated. There is no spyware.

I also seemed to have solved my problem of the database not displaying BPM values. However, does anyone know why the software does not display lengths of songs unless they are analyzed though? This makes absolutely no sense. That information is not tag based. It is an integrated part of the file header which contains the length. Should be no reason for the software to not know what the track lengths are immediately and display that. No one has mentioned anything about this.

geposted Wed 13 Jul 05 @ 8:01 am
VDJ's engine is made for seamless loops, auto gain, BPM detection etc.

Therefore is essential that songs are ANALYZED...
So VDJ needs all songs to be analyzed before play, either by analyzing folders and files before used, or automatically when a new song is dragged to a deck for play..

So VDJ will not display all information of a song, before analyzed.

Also, VDJ's internal tags works a lot better, than reading id3 tags from files, as id3tags often have incorrect fileinfo...

Use this name logic for songs :
artist - track.mp3

and analyze them with VDJ

This way all songs will be correct in your VDJ database, and a lot better than general id3 tags :)

geposted Wed 13 Jul 05 @ 3:43 pm

Man, relax. When I read Cyder's post I knew he was talking of Dual channel but just made a mistake when he typed it. I think you really need a hug. lol...

geposted Wed 13 Jul 05 @ 10:47 pm
I know what he ment also but he is part of the support team and needs to hold himself to a higher standard. Not all computers have duel channels. Do your home work. Also dual channel isn't any faster either. Most of your new boards are single channel DDR . If they thought it was such an improvement all motherboard companys would use it.

geposted Thu 14 Jul 05 @ 12:21 am