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Topic: Mapping - Page: 1

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Hi guys I'm having some odd issues with my Novation remote sl 37. when i map the buttons above and under the endless encoders they only work for certain codes! I tried effect button 1 on the midi piano keys and it worked fine i tried it on one of these buttons and no response! Then i gave the button above the endless encoder a sampler 1 play_stop and it worked fine! I'm also having a hard time with the endless encoders they work with my mapping but jump all around the parameter scrolls. I have them setup for effect sliders but i can't get a proper mapping code that stops them from jumping please help!

geposted Tue 17 Jul 12 @ 11:55 am
If your controller doesn't have a definition file which would be in the "devices" folder map it as

param_smaller 50% ? action for anti-clockwise : action for clockwise


param_smaller 50% ? effect slider 1 -1% : effect slider 1 +1%

geposted Tue 17 Jul 12 @ 12:11 pm
thank you kindly I'm going to give that a go and as for the cc buttons how do i map those? my korg kp3 has them as the 1-8 buttons on top and my novation has them under and above the endless encoders they show up but don't function when mapped. please help im so close to making my kp3 a midi controller for effects only its going to be amazing!

geposted Wed 18 Jul 12 @ 5:44 pm
if the buttons are pressure sensitive and send CC messages you just need to treat them like sliders, the code is slightly different however as you want to make the button to work when you apply pressure.

param_greater 0% ? pressure : no pressure

eg for a sample with volume that will play while you have pressure applied

sampler volume & param_greater 0% ? sampler play : sampler stop

If 0% is too sensitive you can increase the percentage to decrease the pressure sensitivity.

It's more work to map CC buttons. I use that formula everytime I want a temporary trigger, but you can do a lot more with them as you have pressure sensitivity. My mpk mini even goes as far as sending messages in a smarter way by only setting the CC value when pressure is applied and not following the pressure when releasing, this means you can do things like trigger drum samples and let them play at the volume you intended, if the controller makes the CC decrease when lifting the pressure off this isn't possible.

geposted Wed 18 Jul 12 @ 6:02 pm
so how could i set them up as effects buttons i know its effect button 1 then so on but how wouldi map that with the param greater idea btw thanks you've been very quick to respond. My plan is to have my kp3 for effects and my novation for samplers since i already have a mixer.

geposted Wed 18 Jul 12 @ 6:34 pm
If your just toggling on and off I believe it is just done with the normal script

"effect active"

But I use the param_greater script anyway so if I want to modify anything later it's easier to achieve.

"param_greater 20% ? effect active : nothing"

this way if you only want an effect active while the button is pressed you just change the script slightly to

"param_greater 20% ? effect active on : effect active off"

it's the same for anything else, you just separate the different sensitivities. If you want to get tricky you could do a roll and change the size based on the pressure applied to the button just like the VCI-380 does in itch. eg. this will make the roll size smaller the more pressure you apply to the pad...

(not sure which one will work and unfortunately cant test as my mpk mini no longer works, but one of them should work)

effect 'rollit2' slider 1 100% & param_greater 10% ? effect 'rollit2' slider 2 100% & effect 'rollit2' active on : param_greater 20% ? effect 'rollit2' slider 2 75% : param_greater 40% ? effect 'rollit2' slider 2 50% : param_greater 60% ? effect 'rollit2' slider 2 25% : param_greater 80% ? effect 'rollit2' slider 2 12.5% : param_greater 95% ? effect 'rollit2' slider 2 6.25% : effect 'rollit2' slider 2 0% & effect 'rollit2' active off

effect 'rollit2' slider 1 100% & param_greater 95% ? effect 'rollit2' slider 2 6.25% & effect 'rollit2' active on : param_greater 80% ? effect 'rollit2' slider 2 12.5% & effect 'rollit2' active on : param_greater 60% ? effect 'rollit2' slider 2 25% & effect 'rollit2' active on : param_greater 40% ? effect 'rollit2' slider 2 50% & effect 'rollit2' active on : param_greater 20% ? effect 'rollit2' slider 2 75% & effect 'rollit2' active on : param_greater 10% ? effect 'rollit2' slider 2 100% & effect 'rollit2' active on : effect 'rollit2' slider 2 0% & effect 'rollit2' active off.


geposted Wed 18 Jul 12 @ 10:29 pm
I was actually looking for the action for effect button. in the effects theres buttons like 1/8 1/4 1/2 these are triggered by effect button 1 effect button 2 and so on I already have the sliders (effect slider 1-8) mapped to the touch screen of the korg kp3. So I'm just looking to make the cc buttons 1-8 effects buttons 1-8. Is that better explained or am i still confusing? Thanks again for your time.

geposted Wed 18 Jul 12 @ 10:59 pm
that's just "effect button 1" or if you want a specific effect "effect "effect_name" button 2 etc...

can you use miditrace and see if the buttons send CC messages, if they are you will see a "B" at the start of the raw midi, and you will get a new line for every CC the button says it will go from 00 to 7F in hexidecimal, which is 0 to 127 in decimal

B0 00 00 00
B0 00 01 00
B0 00 02 00
B0 00 03 00
B0 00 7F 00


geposted Thu 19 Jul 12 @ 12:07 am
ya i tried using just effect button 1 but they don't seem to work where can i find midi trace? I'm going to try and find it right now.

geposted Thu 19 Jul 12 @ 12:13 am
so i used midi ox and the time stamp for the first button is 000d1601 the status on it is BO so i don't know if thats what you were mentioning or not if not let me know what I'm supposed to do. Thanks for the other mapping actions as well they weren't what i was looking for but might end up being part of my next mapping project.

geposted Thu 19 Jul 12 @ 12:37 am
data 1 goes from 31-38 and data 2 switches between 00 and 7f when pressing on and off.

geposted Thu 19 Jul 12 @ 12:38 am
I used midi trace and all its saying is f8 00 00 00

geposted Thu 19 Jul 12 @ 1:23 am
that means it's a normal button, there is no pressure sensitivity so disregard everything apart from

effect button 1
effect button 2
effect "effect_name" button 3
effect "effect_name" button 4
etc... if you want to change the effect buttons.

If you type "effect" in the mapper in the window on the lower right it will have all the commands associated with effects and an explination of what it does as well as an example of it's syntax. That's how I started learning vdjscript.

geposted Thu 19 Jul 12 @ 2:35 am
for some reason it's still not working for me is it possible there unmappable? or maybe i have to do something in the kp3 editor to change the buttons?

geposted Thu 19 Jul 12 @ 3:14 am

geposted Thu 19 Jul 12 @ 8:45 am
awh man this thing becomes more and more useless the longer i own it lol! Thanks for the info man I think I'll build my own midi fighter to do this with instead. the script is very helpful though so thanks!

geposted Thu 19 Jul 12 @ 10:48 am
can i use a slider as an effect button? or knob? I've got sliders 1-6 on the touch screen and two sliders on the touch screen left so im thinking about trying to map those. That or is there a way for me to make a template for my novation remote sl 37 so that i can swithc between an effects template and a sampler template? when ever im in vdj and i turn the template knob it freezes up the whole program

geposted Thu 19 Jul 12 @ 11:06 am
Yes you can make any CC slider trigger anything you can do with a button... You just need to seperate the value of the slider into different sections as shown in the picture below.

to map it you use

param_smaller 25% ? quadrant 1 : param_smaller 50% ? quadrant 2 : param_smaller 75% ? ]quadrant 3 : quadrant 4

eg. for one of the axis's you could use this

param_smaller 25% ? effect button 1 1 : param_smaller 50% ? effect button 2 1 : param_smaller 75% ? effect button 3 1 : effect button 4 1

you can do the same for any "absolute" control "knob, slider, modwheel, touch sensor etc..."

then for the touch sensor map

param_greater 0% ? effect active on : effect active off


geposted Thu 19 Jul 12 @ 1:02 pm
Everytime you post back you lead me on an adventure :p so can i map it like a monome or can it only be broken down it to the four quadrants? so everytime i press down one of the squars it does something? then i could map squares 1-64. maybe even do two maps on it so i could switch back and forth between them for more buttons or sliders...

geposted Thu 19 Jul 12 @ 1:12 pm
the monome is designed for that anyway this is to emulate that sort of functionality with a touch pad, so for instance with what I just gave you you could map a way to trigger 16 samples, or even things like deck transport but really anything a button can do can be done on the kp3's touchscreen or any similar device like the icon icreativ. The one thing I noticed in the manual is you cant directly control the leds. For this reason I think the icretive is a better investment as a midi controller, but hopefully someone like Native Instrumnts mades a decent midi touchscreen with rgb led feedback soon, all they really would have to do is change the buttons on the F1 with a touchscreen.

geposted Thu 19 Jul 12 @ 1:31 pm