
Forum: General Discussion

Topic: VirtualDJ 7.4 - Page: 15

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I've been doing some research...

So that we're starting from the same place, I found that Smile track on YouTube and used it to compare results from different software.

VDJ 7.4 says it's 123.99
Mixed In Key 4 = 123.99
Mixed In Key 5.6 = 123.99
RPM (DJ software) = 123.98
Traktor = 129.99
Ableton Live 8 = 123.99
Ableton Live 9 = 123.99

So there you go. Seven different programs (five if you exclude the versions) and they all say the same thing - within a very small margin.

Interestingly MIK 4 initially read it as 124 when set to analyse to one decimal (so it should have read 123.9) which probably means it got rounded up as it was so close to 124.

I won't go into detail about the results I got from the tempo analysis in Cubase 7 (which works to three decimal places and checks throughout the track, not just an average of the whole thing) but it was never an exact tempo. Chances are that the producer introduced a slight "swing" to the track during production, which is commonly used to make a track less robotic.

So as you can see, the result from VDJ was exactly the same as all the other software (to within a gnats nuts).

Hamry wrote :
I've used Mixmeister BPM Analyser on that Smile track and it registered it as 124 BPM. There must therefore be an issue with VDJ, unless someone else has a theory...

My VDJ v7.4 registered smile from CU as exactly 124.000 bpm.

I remember older Mixmeister versions had issues with VBR encoded MP3's - might it be the same issue here?

Anyway, 0.01 over an entire track wouldn't add up to much, so that's a moot point.

Also, BPM detection will never be perfect. It's an assisting tool, surely you can ride the beats a bit (or ride the waves, if you prefer) instead of hitting play and expecting the entire beatmatch to be perfect? :)

Try some old new beat or early 90's house music, when the midi was low bit rate serial - track speed is all over the place on these ones, it is just how it is.

Now you say Hip Hop, not my genre but this is a lot about samples & loops found in 70's music and such. The groove there is a human one, human drums, there is no way BPM detection will work perfectly here.

I will never claim to be the smartest man on earth, but downloading a program aint/shouldn't be too hard to do. Could someone out there tell me how/where to get the new v7.4 that I got the e mail that told me to go download, and on my down load page I see what I believe is the same version that I already have, v7.4msi only???????? so I figure I click on it anyway and all I get is the menu to change, repair or remove??????? thank you all for your help.

omg ... you are right man.. is the same.. always was the same version 7.4 and naturally will be also. The first post in this thread was made in March 2013 when the new version 7.4 was obviously "new". Now - in sept 2013 - i supose we are closer VDJ 8 than a new version 7.x (btw if its happen most of us surely going to massive suicide haha). And if you think just for a bit will see would be impossible find a new version 7.4 (unless a big mistake i guess) over an old version 7.4 cause would be a chaos. reasonably would be 7.4.1, 7.5, 7.8, etc but no 7.4.

Btw. pls i am getting sick waiting VDJ 8 hahaha

what kills me is they sent an e mail out a few days ago to go download it?????????????????????????????????????????????????

before 7.4 I could get videos and mp3, now I have to buy seperate plans for each. You are saying that they are each provided by different providers, well then go back to the other way or provider where I could get mp3 and video for the same price. I do not like the idea of paying for each seperate mp3 and video, if it stays like this I will go somewhere else. I can get all my videos for free on youtube.

The free video content via NetSearch was a free bonus. Your subscription is for audio content from Grooveshark and with the introduction of separate subscriptions plans (Including karaoke, which was not previously available), video content is now only available to video plan subscribers (In addition to high quality professional videos from VJPro for USA/Canada users.)

Please note that ripping YouTube videos and playing them in public is illegal. YouTube is for personal home live streaming use only. Both you and/or your venue could face prosecution if you are caught using illegal software, illegally downloaded music and/or illegal/unauthorised videos at your gigs.

Also, if you are a working DJ, you will need to purchase VirtualDJ to use it at your gigs. VirtualDJ Home FREE is for home non-commercial use only and cannot be used at gigs where you are being paid. If you like VirtualDJ, then please support the software and its future development by purchasing it. You will need to purchase the full VirtualDJ Professional to be able to output video full-screen:

DJ Hip Hop Cowboy wrote :
what kills me is they sent an e mail out a few days ago to go download it?????????????????????????????????????????????????

This was aimed at users who are still running older versions of the software (v7.3 and earlier) and was part of a general newsletter about the BPM show.

If you have already updated to VirtualDJ v7.4, then you already have the latest version of the software and don't need to update.

mmabram wrote :
I do not like the idea of paying for each seperate mp3 and video, if it stays like this I will go somewhere else. I can get all my videos for free on youtube.

It does not matter, if you like the idea or not. This is the new policy. You never paid for the videos you were getting before. Your premium subscription only covered audio, as stated above. If you wish to go somewhere else, as you say, that is your choice. will never be released.

I bet it gets released before you buy that mythical pro license instead of that version we can see you are currently using illegally.



SBDJ wrote :
I bet it gets released before you buy that mythical pro license instead of that version we can see you are currently using illegally.

i bet it will be released before i buy my licence :D try before buy no ? :) ill wait a little more i must see the effects getting better if that happens ill gladly buy my licence as i said before..and no i am not using a illegal copy.. i have my numark N4 LE version although i tried the original and deleted it after trying it and i was satisfied :) now im just sitting here waiting for the Version 8

maki2001 wrote :
i must see the effects getting better

....or you could use VST plugins.

groovindj wrote :
maki2001 wrote :
i must see the effects getting better

....or you could use VST plugins.

why would i use the VST ? why would i subject my program to a VST that i have to fear will it crash..and pleas if you can give me a link to a usable vst so i can try it for myself.. and why the users on this forum always put out an alternative solution which is not demanded for instance when the 4 deck skin was wanted every body wrote well we can have 4 decks if you use the dual skin (again a solution that was not asked for)

if we ask for a sample to loop don't suggest us to make it and put in the sample bank
if we ask cant we get getter effects don't tell us use a vst
if we asked for a 4 deck don't tell us to use multi skin or whatever

i mean people on this forum are easy on the trigger to block people if anybody says something against vdj i think that is not cool and everybody here could be a little more friendly to each other. and just accept the things as they need for sarcasm or laughing in the face.. we are the community and people we must work together and therefore move forward as a group and as a individual. im sorry if i said something wrong and i apologize for it.. :/

You don't seem to realise that VSTs are a professional solution, not an alternative.

VST technology was created by Steinberg, one of the most famous and long running companies that make software and hardware for recording studios. They know what they're doing! VSTs are not unreliable.

Thousands of VSTs are used all over the world every day by professional musicians and producers, everywhere from bedrooms to high end recording studios. The technology has been around almost 20 years.

Fair enough, some VSTs won't work in Virtual DJ - but there are many others that will.

maki2001 wrote :

i mean people on this forum are easy on the trigger to block people if anybody says something against vdj i think that is not cool

Using cracked software for months on end whilst pretending to use LE is also not cool, especially when a good lot of people here have spent money on the software. All you ever do is criticise. Here's a tip.... you might get better feedback from users here if you invest in the software instead of just "trying it out"


Support staff wrote :
Please note that ripping YouTube videos and playing them in public is illegal. YouTube is for personal home live streaming use only. Both you and/or your venue could face prosecution if you are caught using illegal software, illegally downloaded music and/or illegal/unauthorised videos at your gigs.

Yet the older version of music unlimited promoted by VDJ used Cached youtube video's
