Please could someone offer me some help with the problem I am getting regularly when projecting music videos via a BENQ HD Projector.
Laptop Spec:
Intel Core i7 2.8ghz
8gb RAM
3GB DDR3 Nvidia Geforce 555M graphics
External USB3 Hard Drive
I am using HD quality videos from CD POOL website which is a subscription based service.
When I use videos with Virtual DJ it will play them for around 1hr then without any warning the software will just crash without an error message, it simply just closes down in the middle of a song. There are no warning so that I can goto my ipad and reboot the laptop etc... I output to the projector from an HDMI out on my laptop and this wire is converted to a DVI-D port on my projector.
I load Virtual DJ with the NVIDIA graphics card chosen as default. I turn on the projector, then the laptop, then run VDJ then in the video section select the NVIDA graphics card and activate this. The windows OS is set to extend the display. I have the Nvidia Freezebox regedit activated to stop the videos freezing. The processor graphics never goes above the 3rd light and so is not being heavily used. Are there other registry keys I need to alter?? Any help would be appreciated. I am looking to start broadcasting the vids to 2 TVs in the near future but need to get this problem fixed first. Hopefully it will be better in VDJ 8.
Thanks for your time and help with this.
Please could someone offer me some help with the problem I am getting regularly when projecting music videos via a BENQ HD Projector.
Laptop Spec:
Intel Core i7 2.8ghz
8gb RAM
3GB DDR3 Nvidia Geforce 555M graphics
External USB3 Hard Drive
I am using HD quality videos from CD POOL website which is a subscription based service.
When I use videos with Virtual DJ it will play them for around 1hr then without any warning the software will just crash without an error message, it simply just closes down in the middle of a song. There are no warning so that I can goto my ipad and reboot the laptop etc... I output to the projector from an HDMI out on my laptop and this wire is converted to a DVI-D port on my projector.
I load Virtual DJ with the NVIDIA graphics card chosen as default. I turn on the projector, then the laptop, then run VDJ then in the video section select the NVIDA graphics card and activate this. The windows OS is set to extend the display. I have the Nvidia Freezebox regedit activated to stop the videos freezing. The processor graphics never goes above the 3rd light and so is not being heavily used. Are there other registry keys I need to alter?? Any help would be appreciated. I am looking to start broadcasting the vids to 2 TVs in the near future but need to get this problem fixed first. Hopefully it will be better in VDJ 8.
Thanks for your time and help with this.
geposted Sun 27 Apr 14 @ 2:31 pm
what are your values of max mem use...type half the value of video mem free to video mem max use
try also to check these settings....
try also to check these settings....
geposted Sun 27 Apr 14 @ 2:36 pm
Thanks for the help Robroy ill make the changes and give it a go and see how I get on this weekend.
geposted Wed 30 Apr 14 @ 4:35 pm
That seems to have worked mate. No crashes so far.. Thanks for the advice.
geposted Sun 04 May 14 @ 8:21 am
no prob....enjoy...;-)
geposted Sun 04 May 14 @ 1:37 pm