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Forum: VirtualDJ 8.0 Technical Support

Topic: VDJ 8 Problems - Page: 1

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I just subscribed today and am not impressed with VDJ 8 at all. The interface is beautiful but as soon as I select a song the whole damn program freezes and I have to restart redo etc I can barely do anything this is ridiculous. Any help or tips?

Also using
MBP Retina 15' 2.6ghZ
8GB Ram
512 SSD
1GB GDDR GeForce GfX

geposted Tue 13 May 14 @ 6:51 pm
Hi . Just reading your statement. Stated by the VDJ team that the early release to include Pro users is a way to highlight any issues which they can then sort before general release. Please bare with them during this time .


chriso710 wrote :
Hi . Just reading your statement. Stated by the VDJ team that the early release to include Pro users is a way to highlight any issues which they can then sort before general release. Please bare with them during this time .


Is there a version 7 I can download with my pro account?


djtouchdan wrote :

Do you not see it here in licenses?

Yes redownloaded I'm an idiot

Hi; I recently downloaded VDJ8 and am unable to to make any configuration changes at all. I am especially unable to use my internal (Laptop) speakers in oder to play around and get familiar with this version. Also I am able to load a song but when i click play nothing happens, it it does not seem as if the song is playing. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

what are your settings/ soundconfig exactly...?

Output is Speakers Only, Card is Internal Soundcard, Source is master, Soundcard reads Speakers + Redirected Headphones. and am unable to change anything.

Possible Bug: when trying to scratch (just with the mouse, no controller) Can only get the scratch to work on the scratch window, not in the wave guides when just under audio mixer. The scratch will work in horizontal waveguides though.

When playing tracks in 2 channel mode the wave guides for channel 1 do not work but work for channel 2, If i switch to the horizontal waveguide, it works fine... Can anyone Confirm?

Not sure if this is just a minor glitch or a settings issue...

Hi; I'm posting this once again. Basically I can't get any sound from my laptop speakers and vdj8 will not allow me to configure anything. About all that I can do is to browse for song and load to one side or the other. When I press the play button nothing happens, I am just using my laptop because I want to test it out first.

Please be more specific about VDJ "not allowing" you to configure.

Can you open the config window?

Can you select the audio settings icon?

Please post a screen shot of the config audio settings, or state what you see on that page, and which options you have highlighted on the top section.

Which part of the whole audio setting procedure is VDJ not allowing?


Yes, I can open settings (config) The audio is highlighted Output-Speakers Only, Card - Internal Soundcard. not sure how to take a screen photo.

Just press the PrntScrn key on your keyboard (when you have the required image on screen) and it will save the image to the clipboard.

You can then paste the image into some suitable software (i.e. Paint). Give it a name and save it.

You post it here by using the small camera icon below the message entry box.

As before, which part of the setting procedure is VDJ not allowing you to do, and in what way is it "not allowing"?

I just recalled something that was happening to a few people. Is your config window constantly refreshing?

I hope this came through, sorry that it took me so long for this screen shot... I hope that it will help determine what my problem is.

I'm not sure if the config screen is constantly refreshing but I just saw it do a slight blink.

Hello friends, I want to report to you the next MAC problems:

1 -. Saturation product of a channel when the limiter starts working, I hear an echo, moreover, when the limiter stops compress an abrupt change in the audio.

2 -. Sometimes can not drag songs to the dish you desire.

. 3 - on the side wiew "samplers" when looking sideways from FAMOUS, AUDIO FX, INSTRUMENTS, music is cut each time you change the selection

4 -. Lists of "History" made ​​with VDJ 7 does not recognize the path of the previously played songs, songs that have not moved, I just installed VDJ8.

5 -. Implement pitchlock between dishes again.

. 6 - the "settings" are unfriendly.
hola amigos, quiero reportar los siguentes problemas en MAC:

1.- producto de la saturacion de un canal , cuando empieza a trabajar el limitador, escucho un eco, ademas, el limitador cuando deja de comprimir se produce un cambio brusco en el audio.

2.- algunas veces no puedo arrastrar las canciones al plato que deseo.

3.- en el side wiew "samplers" , cuando buscas hacia los lados entre FAMOUS, AUDIO FX, INSTRUMENTS, la música se corta cada vez que cambias la selección

4.- en las listas del "History" realizadas con el VDJ 7 no reconoce la ruta de las canciones tocadas anteriormente, canciones que no se han movido, solo he instalado VDJ8.

5.- implementar nuevamente el pitchlock entre platos.

6.- los "settings" son poco amigables.

hk_kutsak wrote :
Hello friends, I want to report to you the next MAC problems:

1 -. Saturation product of a channel when the limiter starts working, I hear an echo, moreover, when the limiter stops compress an abrupt change in the audio.

2 -. Sometimes can not drag songs to the dish you desire.

. 3 - on the side wiew "samplers" when looking sideways from FAMOUS, AUDIO FX, INSTRUMENTS, music is cut each time you change the selection

4 -. Lists of "History" made ​​with VDJ 7 does not recognize the path of the previously played songs, songs that have not moved, I just installed VDJ8.

5 -. Implement pitchlock between dishes again.

. 6 - the "settings" are unfriendly.
hola amigos, quiero reportar los siguentes problemas en MAC:

1.- producto de la saturacion de un canal , cuando empieza a trabajar el limitador, escucho un eco, ademas, el limitador cuando deja de comprimir se produce un cambio brusco en el audio.

2.- algunas veces no puedo arrastrar las canciones al plato que deseo.

3.- en el side wiew "samplers" , cuando buscas hacia los lados entre FAMOUS, AUDIO FX, INSTRUMENTS, la música se corta cada vez que cambias la selección

4.- en las listas del "History" realizadas con el VDJ 7 no reconoce la ruta de las canciones tocadas anteriormente, canciones que no se han movido, solo he instalado VDJ8.

5.- implementar nuevamente el pitchlock entre platos.

6.- los "settings" son poco amigables.

BUILD 1752.632


How would i keep the config window from constantly refreshing?

It's been reported and it will be fixed
