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Topic: What are the grey boxes called - Page: 2

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locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
Nice one fruit.

Thing to note, get vu_meter and get level appear to be backwards to my mind

geposted Thu 31 Jul 14 @ 1:02 pm
Fruit wrote :
shorten beacons

end tags


geposted Thu 31 Jul 14 @ 1:06 pm
FruitPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Thx :)

geposted Thu 31 Jul 14 @ 1:22 pm
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
Fruit wrote :
I have a question too.

We can have a <visual type="color" source="constant '#xxxxxx'" visibility="50%"/>

Is there a word to have a gradient instead of a constant ?

You can have <mask x="" y="" /> inside the visual. <visual>.....<mask></mask></visual>
where x,y should point to a Black/transparent gradient area. If not mistaken width and height are not needed, it will use the one of the visual.

The above is of course for a gradient of a single color.. E.g. if you want to start from pure red and end up with what you have in background. If you need a gradient of 2 colors, i believe you could try 2 visuals like the above with inverted masks , but i havent tried that so its just a theoretical approach.


geposted Thu 31 Jul 14 @ 11:30 pm
FruitPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Yes of course I can draw something in the png...

But what is cool with those small 'type="color"' new visuals is that you don't have to use a png part ! A begining of... kind of virtual drawing tools...

Would be really cool if we could set a gradient the same way without using png, such as :

<visual type="color" source="gradient '#000000' '#008bff'" direction="up"/>
<visual type="color" source="gradient '#000000' 'transparent'" direction="left"/>

OR, if we wouldn't put a second color, it would grade to the transparency.

It should be a great powerfull tool to have shadows, lightings and reflections, or other very discreet visual enhancements that should make a real difference in user experience.

If such tools are really greatly improved, we can ever imagine a skin without any png LOL !

geposted Fri 01 Aug 14 @ 3:02 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
Well the mixer on my 6 deck squeeze is coming on, still stuff to add/line up but I'm pretty happy.

Next question, I'd like to add a (invisible) button to the eq dials to effect eq_kill (sharing the same space as the textzone), can I do it in the defines a mere 6 times or do I have to do it 12 times (per eq dial), and I also what to add a visual for 'eq_kill ? on: off '

<define class="knobb" classdeck="1">
<slider orientation="round">
<pos x="+0" y="+0"/>
<size width="47" height="47"/>
<down x="1521" y="1201"/>
<up x="1521" y="1201"/>
<mousemask x="1521" y="1201"/>
<fader anglemin="-150" anglemax="+150">
<size width="47" height="47"/>
<pos x="1734" y="1201"/>
<slider orientation="circle" relative="no" rightclick="temporary">
<pos x="+0" y="+0"/>
<circle direction="cw" anglemin="-150" anglemax="150"/>
<size width="47" height="47"/>
<off x="1521" y="1297"/>
<on x="1571" y="1201"/>
<mousemask x="1571" y="1297"/>
<pos x="+0" y="+41"/>
<size width="47" height="11"/>
<text size="13" weight="bold" color="#E1E1E1" align="center"/>

Could I just stick the button and visual here?,


*edit* just had a thought could I just add to the text zone, per button like this
<text format="LOW"/>
<text action="eq_kill_low"/>

geposted Fri 01 Aug 14 @ 6:01 am
FruitPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Textzones can have a leftclick action i.e. <textzone leftclick="eqkill_high" rightclick="" dblclick=""/>

Your actions can even be like "holding 1000ms ? do this : do that".

Actions can be added to textzones defines.

So no need for buttons there, you may just enhance the textzone.

geposted Fri 01 Aug 14 @ 6:15 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
It just dawned on me as you typed, thanks again fruit.

geposted Fri 01 Aug 14 @ 6:36 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
Ok a small one this time,
I've cranked a horizontal scratch wave very left so the event line is where I want it, because of this the scratch wave is rendering over the boarder line, (see the left edge of the white line)

I'm guessing V8 renders the xml in order so I need to write the boarder after the scratch wave, so what's the left edge boarder known as? or is it just that there isn't a declare of it and normally stuff doesn't over lap the edge of the first 1810 px, and I have to invent a boarder.

geposted Fri 01 Aug 14 @ 6:35 pm
FruitPRO InfinityMember since 2003
You could just put a visual in front of the part you want to hide.

Otherwise, I'm an unsure scratch forms can have a "center" property, but you must have tried yet.

geposted Sat 02 Aug 14 @ 8:27 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
Next question I want to add a menu to right click of a colour button, this is my button

<button action="toggle '$d1'" class="colorbutton">
<tooltip>Include this deck for multideck scripting</tooltip>
<pos x="+653" y="+8"/>
<text align="center" weight="bold" format="1"/>

My menu will look something like this, (there'll actually be 4 slots and 6 decks but I've kept it brief for simplicities sake)
Slot A
--------Deck 1
--------Deck 2
Slot B
-------Deck 1
-------Deck 2

geposted Sun 03 Aug 14 @ 12:33 pm
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
There is no action to use for the menu, so you cant really use that as right click action on a button.
You can just have <menu> and define its pos, size, on/off/over graphics and its items.

geposted Sun 03 Aug 14 @ 2:43 pm
FruitPRO InfinityMember since 2003

If your button acts like a visual, meaning you never click it, the menu can stand over it.

Also you can do two parts on your button, to let a zone to click, and one other area hovering a part of the button to show the menu.

geposted Sun 03 Aug 14 @ 3:27 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
Hmm, rethink time, it could be a visual/menu hybrid as fruit recommended, it's annoying that both left and right click bring up a menu.
So anyway how do I nest into sub menus? Like this


geposted Sun 03 Aug 14 @ 4:41 pm
FruitPRO InfinityMember since 2003

geposted Mon 04 Aug 14 @ 7:36 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
Fantastic, It works a charm, just for anyone reading who's curious.

<menu >
<tooltip>Deck Assign</tooltip>
<size width="20" height="20"/>
<pos x="951" y="581"/>
<down x="284" y="1217"/>
<over x="260" y="1239"/>
<up x="260" y="1217"/>
<submenu text="Deck slot A">
<item text="Deck 1" action="set '$deckA' 1" check="var '$deckA' 1" />
<item text="Deck 2" action="set '$deckA' 2" check="var '$deckA' 2" />
<submenu text="Deck slot B">
<item text="Deck 1" action="set '$deckB' 1" check="var '$deckB' 1" />
<item text="Deck 2" action="set '$deckB' 2" check="var '$deckB' 2" />

geposted Mon 04 Aug 14 @ 2:00 pm
FruitPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Is there a way to customize the gradients whose show when activating a loop on forms and scratchforms ?

With the rhythmzone widget ? Or if not with the rhythm one ?

geposted Tue 05 Aug 14 @ 6:41 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
Sorry to interupt fruit before your question was answered but next question
Can I have text on a visual? This is what I have but no text is visible.

<visual source="var '$deckA' 1" class="colorVisual">
<pos x="+653" y="+8"/>
<text format="1"/>
<tooltip>Deck assign</tooltip>

geposted Wed 06 Aug 14 @ 2:50 pm
FruitPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Put a button instead.

<button query="var '$deckA' 1" class="colorVisual">

geposted Wed 06 Aug 14 @ 3:00 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
That's a problem, the visual is covering an invisble open menu command, and a button can't call a menu.

So I'm guessing I'll have to actually render/define 6 open menu sprites (each a different colour, each a different number for each of the six decks) unless there's another way.

*Pot shot here*
Could I not write the menu after the button and then a click will open the menu and not toggle the button?

geposted Wed 06 Aug 14 @ 5:19 pm