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Forum: VirtualDJ 8.0 Technical Support

Topic: VDJ8's Sync botton unxpectedly gets stuck & fails to work while beatmatcing ...!

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I've been using VDJ for many years now, VDJ7 has hardly ever caused me any problems, I understand the fact that VDJ8 is a completely new software & has some issues to improve in order to reach the level of reliability & stability that VDJ7.4.1 has ...

But some problems that occur while using VDJ8 is how can put it, ridiculously serious ...!

Recently I've purchased the MIDI Controller Hercules RMX2 which is known for it's quality, reliability & it's compatibility with VDJ ... I've used it with VDJ7.4.1 & it worked perfectly ...!

At home while practicing for my next Gig, creating a new play list, using VDJ8 with the MIDI RMX2, the Sync button unexpectedly got stuck on the right deck & failed to work, so I couldn't continue to beat match & had to interrupt my program ... The Sync button failed to work whether I tried using it through the MIDI Controller or with the Mouse ...

The only solution was to close the software & re-open it, after that VDJ8 worked normally so I continued practicing ...

This problem has happened 4 times, 3 times on the Right deck & 1 on the Left deck !!! All of these times while using it at home, thankfully so far not at a Gig, if this problem did occur while playing live it would be a seriously unpleasant situation !!!

My MIDI controller is completely NEW, I'm using Windows 7 & my Lop top is New also & worked perfectly with VDJ7.4.1 ...!

Another friend of mine who is also a DJ & has the exact same equipment as I do has also experienced a few times the same problem ...!

Has anyone else noticed this ??? I hope this issue is resolved soon ...


geposted Fri 01 Aug 14 @ 9:50 am
PachNPRO InfinityMember since 2009
This post is so unreadable, I don't even try it...

geposted Fri 01 Aug 14 @ 10:01 am
Maybe you should consider improving your vocabulary & advancing your level in English ...

geposted Fri 01 Aug 14 @ 11:31 am
I honestly don't see anything wrong with his writing. I understand everything he wrote in his text and I'm French. I would help him out but I don't know the answer to his issue. But as far as language, spelling and vocabulary go... please complain in another forum. We don't need it here. More important issues at hand at this point!

geposted Fri 01 Aug 14 @ 11:57 am
Next time this happens u may want to check if the other deck is set master I experienced a similar behavior. Only way to get the reverse sync to work was to switch master off

geposted Fri 01 Aug 14 @ 12:18 pm
xgl_djPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Or learn to Dj without sync..

geposted Fri 01 Aug 14 @ 12:25 pm
Maybe he knows how to DJ without sync... With the tools we have today its much faster to do things and go onto the next thing. Myself, I have been DJing for over 35 years and most mixing was done with a manual Pitch fader but today I enjoy the speed of syncing automatically in many instances. Please keep to his original question. I'm sure their are other forums on the net for smart asses!

geposted Fri 01 Aug 14 @ 12:56 pm
xgl_djPRO InfinityMember since 2004
There is no next thing to go on to. How about you take your wannabe-moderator- ass to another forum if you don't like what I am saying..

geposted Fri 01 Aug 14 @ 4:00 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
Bitchin aside either it's a 4 deck scenario and the selected deck is master, which is user error, Or the sync button on the hardware is playing up but it is most likely user error.

And the emboldening capitalising and underlining of OP is borderline juvenile, if you have a problem spit it out in plain text.

geposted Fri 01 Aug 14 @ 7:06 pm
wickedmix wrote :
Next time this happens u may want to check if the other deck is set master I experienced a similar behavior. Only way to get the reverse sync to work was to switch master off

Thanks for your suggestion for a solution to this problem, I will check it out & see the results :-) ...!


geposted Sat 02 Aug 14 @ 7:34 am
funkmasterfrank wrote :
I honestly don't see anything wrong with his writing. I understand everything he wrote in his text and I'm French. I would help him out but I don't know the answer to his issue. But as far as language, spelling and vocabulary go... please complain in another forum. We don't need it here. More important issues at hand at this point!

Thanks for the support & understanding, I honestly don't understand why some people have the need to express their aggression & frustration through a Forum, I find some replies a bit offending, but that's life, what can you do, they live among us ...


geposted Sat 02 Aug 14 @ 7:40 am
xgl_dj wrote :
Or learn to Dj without sync..

If I wanted to DJ without using the Sync Button or other features that benefit the program, I wouldn't have spent so much money on the software & on a MIDI Controller, I would have chosen to play with CDs which is a much more cheaper solution ...

Since I have, I expect basic things to work, or if I'm doing something wrong, to find out what it is, if I know how to DJ with or without the help of the Sync button is really not the issue here ...

It's a Bug Report Forum, I found a problem & reported it ...

geposted Sat 02 Aug 14 @ 7:50 am
locodog wrote :
Bitchin aside either it's a 4 deck scenario and the selected deck is master, which is user error, Or the sync button on the hardware is playing up but it is most likely user error.

And the emboldening capitalising and underlining of OP is borderline juvenile, if you have a problem spit it out in plain text.

On previous posts I did write in plain text, someone else, who has more time & experience in this Forum suggested that I should write this way, I just followed his advice ...

Thanks for sharing this information with me :-)


geposted Sat 02 Aug 14 @ 7:55 am
The use of bold, underlining or italics should only be used to emphasise certain words or phrases, as you would do in normal speech.

However, if it's done at random every few words, then it leaves a negative impression.

geposted Sat 02 Aug 14 @ 9:07 am
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
SHIFT+SYNC was mapped as masterdeck, so there might be a chance that you have pressed that combination and turned masterdeck operation into manual mode, which means that you would only have to press that once more on the deck that the SYNC was not working.
Anyways, since the RMX2 is basically a 2 deck controller, and doesnt make much sense to have such an action , we have changed so that SHIFT+SYNC is now beat_tap.
The change has been applied a few controller versions back, so just make sure you run the latest one (builds ending at .752 or higher) and the "factory default" mapping is selected.

FYI, the masterdeck action didnt actually work with 2 deck skins in version 7, (so that is probably why you never had this issue with ver 7) but it works in version 8, as the skin doesnt actually limit the available decks (you can have a 2 deck skin with a 4 deck controller and still be able to use all 4 of them)

geposted Sat 02 Aug 14 @ 9:57 am
groovindj wrote :
The use of bold, underlining or italics should only be used to emphasise certain words or phrases, as you would do in normal speech.

However, if it's done at random every few words, then it leaves a negative impression.

Thanks for the Tip & the advice, I'll apply them next time I write (Post) something in the Forum :-)


geposted Sat 02 Aug 14 @ 11:13 am
djdad wrote :
SHIFT+SYNC was mapped as masterdeck, so there might be a chance that you have pressed that combination and turned masterdeck operation into manual mode, which means that you would only have to press that once more on the deck that the SYNC was not working.
Anyways, since the RMX2 is basically a 2 deck controller, and doesnt make much sense to have such an action , we have changed so that SHIFT+SYNC is now beat_tap.
The change has been applied a few controller versions back, so just make sure you run the latest one (builds ending at .752 or higher) and the "factory default" mapping is selected.

FYI, the masterdeck action didnt actually work with 2 deck skins in version 7, (so that is probably why you never had this issue with ver 7) but it works in version 8, as the skin doesnt actually limit the available decks (you can have a 2 deck skin with a 4 deck controller and still be able to use all 4 of them)

OK Thanks, I'll still continue to use VDJ8 on my next Gigs, I hope that the problem was caused from accidentally pressing a combination of buttons & nothing else, will find that out soon ...

Σε ευχαριστώ για την βοήθεια :-)

geposted Sat 02 Aug 14 @ 11:19 am
js74mzControlleristMember since 2016
My sync button works but can't get it to unsync after I've beat match and want to get to da track to it's original bpm... I've tried shift sync but nothing happens ... I'm an amateur with a pioneer wego3 and virtual dj8... Please any suggestions on correcting this?

geposted Sun 27 Mar 16 @ 8:05 am
There is no "unsync". The sync button is not an on/off switch.

If you need to reset the pitch, use the pitch reset option.

P.S. please do not dig up old threads. Also, please do not repost something which you posted elsewhere five days ago (and got a reply).

geposted Sun 27 Mar 16 @ 9:48 am

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