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Forum: VirtualDJ Skins

Topic: [NEW v8] Focus - Page: 1

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Here is Focus. A dedicated Video skin (2 decks)

Every control is displayed on Screen with semi-transparent elements. A menu is offered to choose which elements you wish to see and which not.
The menu hides/shows from the top-right "eye" button.
Some custom buttons available at the center as well.

Download link : http://www.virtualdj.com/plugins/index.html?addonid=80060

Some useful actions/variables (e.g. if you want to map your F keys or create some custom setups with combinations)
toggle '@$options' (hide/shows the menus)
set '@$hc' 1 (shows HotCue points on screen)
set '@$hc' 2 (shows HotCue Info on screen)
set '@$hc' 0 (hides all HotCue Info from screen)
toggle '@$loopi' (shows/hides Loop Controls)
toggle '@$fxi' (shows/hides FX Controls)
toggle '@$fxsli' (shows/hides FX Sliders Controls)
toggle '@$pitchi' (shows/hides Pitch Control)
toggle '@$pitchinfo' (shows/hides Pitch Info)
toggle '@$bpmi' (shows/hides BPM Info)
toggle '@$controli' (shows/hides Deck Transport Controls)
toggle '@$decki' (shows/hides Times)
toggle '@$texti' (shows/hides Artist-Title)

toggle '@$vui' (shows/hides VU meters)
toggle '@$voli' (shows/hides Volume Sliders)
toggle '@$gi' (shows/hides Gain knobs)
toggle '@$filteri' (shows/hides Filter knobs)
toggle '@$eqi' (shows/hides EQ knobs)
toggle '@$cri' (shows/hides Audio Crossfader)
toggle '@$vcri' (shows/hides Video Crossfader)
toggle '@$vfxi' (shows/hides Video Effect)
toggle '@$vfxsli' (shows/hides Video Effect Sliders)
toggle '@$vtri' (shows/hides Video Transition)
toggle '@$vtrsli' (shows/hides Video Transition Sliders)

Thanks to Jason for his original idea.

PS. A nice surprise is waiting for those who dare to load an audio file :P


geposted Fri 05 Sep 14 @ 5:14 am
Looks superb. Shame I'm at work and can't try it :(

I've seen the surprise, dude.

Come on then..... spill the beans.......

No, that would spoil the surprise!


@djdad the pre-load message on each deck says "Drag n drop here a video file".

The correct English is "Drag n drop a video file here".


Will report to the Dev Team lol... kidding will fix. Thanks

Very nice! There are features in this skin I have been wanting for a while...
I'm really liking the overlaid controls; excellent skills sir!

How did you get 'fullscreen' video on the master? I can only get 4:3 displays even with a 16:9 window and video. There is always unused black bars on each side even with widescreen video. It needs to be zoomed in somehow..... I'm stumped :-/

RobGmixes wrote :
How did you get 'fullscreen' video on the master? I can only get 4:3 displays even with a 16:9 window and video.
It needs to be zoomed in somehow.....

try adding this to a custom button... call it aspect

setting 'letterBoxing' 'zoom' ? setting 'letterBoxing' 'crop' : setting 'letterBoxing' 'crop' ? setting 'letterBoxing' 'bars' : setting 'letterBoxing' 'zoom'

Excellent, fantastic .... five stars

Is there a way of having an unload button for each deck?

Assign 'unload' to a custom button perhaps. :-)

@djdad the tooltip for custom buttons has a spelling error - butoon.

A couple of missing features.. (though can reproduce in a custom button)

Video transition left/right decks, can do with custom button...

Pitch lock, again can do with custom button

Think the video transition left/right is more important to incorporate..
and could we have slightly bigger (hideable) buttons please??

and Artist/title on separate lines perhaps too???

As i wrote in the other Addon thread, the skin is not made for touchscreens in mind. I didnt add more "buttons" on the Video preview as i didnt want to clutter this with functions that not all use. I may add an additional line below the menus with more custom buttons in next update, but not anything else on those screens... i think they have already the necessary info to mix properly.

the skin is made having controllers in mind and users who need large video previews.

@Groovin, thanks, will fix that too. ty.

Focus Version 2 is available


- Added option to show/hide Hotcue numbers on the Song Position progress bar
- Added option to show small video preview (with spinner and album cover) on decks
- Added option to show small video preview in Master (right-click to show/hide preview)
- Added option to show vertical scratchwaves
- Added option to choose Waveforms color (in VIEW)
- Larger clock
- Added 4 more custom buttons
- dual Zoom slider (with Lock to control both)
- Times aligned left (known Mac issue)
- Added stacked waveform view
- Fixed typos in Tooltip and load msg
- Fixed inverted pitch slider

Nice one. Will definitely try it.

I think there is a bug in this skin.

If all the volume sliders are down, the master is down and even the crossfader is on the opposite deck,
the volume level of the deck still shows output.
It doesn't increase or decrease of I change the volume sliders on the SX.

Here is a screenshot with all volume and master down. Even booth and headphone is down, but the Skin still shows the level.


Will depend on what type of Vu it uses.

If you right click can you change them on this skin?
