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Forum: VirtualDJ Skins

Topic: Quality Skins - Page: 1

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Hi at VDJ .. when will we be able to see a high quality Skin for the Software? I Mean and i hate comparations but if you check Serato or Traktor they look like profesional well end interfaces, VDJ looks like kids with very unprofesinal endings.

no need to have them complicated, just 2 or 3 but quality..


geposted Thu 07 May 15 @ 5:04 am
As with anything in this world...
Please define the term "quality"

How about updated skins, not skins that are made and then ignored whilst the designer makes another skin and does the same thing to that one. This is where VDJ is lacking.. Skins, mods, and mappers which are updated continuously and not every ten years after a thousand posts from members asking for such thing.

The default skin gets updated when needed.
The rest skins are up to their author to update / maintain them.

There are already some skins for VirtualDj 8 that get updated frequently by their authors and they also offer a lot of "optional" features by using a modular logic.
Therefore I can't agree with any of the comments I read so far.

BTW: Personally I find the Serato GUI ugly and a space waster (lot's of screen space gets wasted). However I can't talk about it's "quality" Quality is a very difficult term to define and set as reference point. On the other hand "ugly" vs. "pretty" is a relative term. What may be ugly for me may be beautiful for you and vice versa.
At least VirtualDj gives you the freedom of choice. If you don't like the default GUI you can search and use a GUI (skin) that you like better.
Competitor software does not allow you to do that. It's take it or leave it... So if you don't like the GUI you're still stuck with it.


That's why a skin builder is in place. Don't like a certain skin...go make your own. Dont have the knowledge or ability to make your own? Then dont complain if you're at the mercy of a skin builder who doesnt have 40 hours a week to spend on making you the perfect skin. Or if you only like the skin that Serato and Traktor uses...go use them.

I personally don't like the 2-deck default VDJ8 skin, however I love the 4-deck view of it. (I also show the 4-deck version even if I'm not using 3 and 4.)

Phantom's #SilverSleek2 skin is amazing! Make sure you check it out.

PhantomDeejay wrote :
The default skin gets updated when needed.
The rest skins are up to their author to update / maintain them.

There are already some skins for VirtualDj 8 that get updated frequently by their authors and they also offer a lot of "optional" features by using a modular logic.
Therefore I can't agree with any of the comments I read so far.

BTW: Personally I find the Serato GUI ugly and a space waster (lot's of screen space gets wasted). However I can't talk about it's "quality" Quality is a very difficult term to define and set as reference point. On the other hand "ugly" vs. "pretty" is a relative term. What may be ugly for me may be beautiful for you and vice versa.
At least VirtualDj gives you the freedom of choice. If you don't like the default GUI you can search and use a GUI (skin) that you like better.
Competitor software does not allow you to do that. It's take it or leave it... So if you don't like the GUI you're still stuck with it.

I think you're missing the entire point.. But each to their own.

visionz5 wrote :
That's why a skin builder is in place. Don't like a certain skin...go make your own. Dont have the knowledge or ability to make your own? Then dont complain if you're at the mercy of a skin builder who doesnt have 40 hours a week to spend on making you the perfect skin. Or if you only like the skin that Serato and Traktor uses...go use them.

The skin builder is about as buggy as VDJ 8 when it first came out.


NathanPS wrote :
How about updated skins, not skins that are made and then ignored whilst the designer makes another skin and does the same thing to that one. This is where VDJ is lacking.. Skins, mods, and mappers which are updated continuously and not every ten years after a thousand posts from members asking for such thing.

PhantomDeejay wrote :
The default skin gets updated when needed.
The rest skins are up to their author to update / maintain them.

There are already some skins for VirtualDj 8 that get updated frequently by their authors and they also offer a lot of "optional" features by using a modular logic.

NathanPS wrote :

I think you're missing the entire point.. But each to their own.

What was your point then ?

I don't think he realizes most skins are not made by atomix staff and you can't force people to update their work when they don't work for you.

@XtianG it's no good just saying that Serato/Traktor look "quality" or professional, and all VDJ skins look "like kids" without justifying or explaining your comments.

Please explain WHY you think that way, and state what exactly is unprofessional about every single VDJ skin ever made.

BTW maybe you're unaware that skins do exist which emulate the Serato and Traktor GUI (if it's so important for you)?

wickedmix wrote :
I don't think he realizes most skins are not made by atomix staff and you can't force people to update their work when they don't work for you.

Actually I do realise this, but actually most of the skins ARE infact made by the staff, but never updated, instead they are released buggy as hell and then left and another skin made, and this process keeps going on and on.

Could you please point us a couple of buggy skins ?
We always try to ensure that the available skins on the download section are bug free.
So, if you have found bugs on some of the skins please share this info with us, so that we can review and take the appropriate measures.

Finally keep in mind that the creator(s) of most skins that "were made by the Staff" were not "Staff" when they created them...

With all due respect, he has a point. There is a tendency for you guys to get defensive when your consumers ask for a more professional looking interface. I have dealt with all DJ softwares and there is an enviable reality that the graphics of your software are the most amateur.

I understand that you guys are working hard in order to make yourself stand out. One thing I've noticed about business is that serato is the most used not because it is the best (by ANY means), but because they know how to promote their look and make it look the most appealing/professional (for lack of a better word).

We all understand that your situation is quite the opposite. You guys have something to prove, if you know what I mean. So I think first impressions (Hence the skin) is something that you guys should really consider.


Sorry, but the interface for Serato is rubbish. It's like switching on a new PC and Windows 3.1 loading up!

i have to agree with kradcliffe on this....


At the end of the day we are all entitled to our own opinions. All DJs know that VDJ is in its own lane. There are positive and negative aspects to being in one's own lane though. But sometimes, being in your own lane is not enough when trying to appeal to as many people as possible.

The unfortunate truth of DJing is what goes on between 2 DJs and not just between a DJ and his or her crowd. We tend to see what the DJ is using, whether he/she is amazing or not. When deciding what software to use, the DJ takes into account not only the software capabilities, but also its reputation among the DJ world. It is the sad truth.

I know that this software has the capabilities to be accepted on the front line. I am not saying be like serato. But what I am saying is that you guys are a business. With businesses, image is absolutely key. You guys have the product, that is a fact! BUT, what separates a good company from a great company is seeing how the system works, and using it to their advantage. I encourage you guys to blend in to the system a little bit and consider making your graphics more intricate.

As I said on my very first post, the term "quality" is relative and needs to be defined.
On most cases, "quality" on graphics stands for images without artifacts or undesired rendering imperfections.
I doubt that the OP meant that though, and I don't think VirtualDj GUI has "low quality" graphics as described here either.

On the other hand, the GUI design / layout is another thing.
Each one is entitled to it's own opinion which is respected.
The same way you say that you find Serato GUI nice and "Professional" I find it ugly and completely amateur like if a 12 year old kid designed it with MS-Paint.
However this is my PERSONAL point of view - my PERSONAL opinion.
I never tried to force that opinion to anyone, I never tried to convince others that my view is the "correct" one, and more important, I never went to Serato forums to accuse them that their GUI is amateur or ugly.

As for the term "Professional" it also needs to be defined. What's professional and what's not ?
In terms of graphics and layout ?
Criticism is always welcome here, but it needs to be complete and have a point.
For instance: I find the Serato GUI amateur in terms of layout because lot's of screen space get's wasted.
That's a statement that has a point. You don't need to agree with it. But you can understand the point.
That's the kind of criticism we want, and we will always respect.
So, if you come here and you have valid arguments to raise, no-one will blame or flame on you.
However the most common "argument" on 9 out of 10 posts like this is: "VirtualDj has not a Professional GUI"
-Why ? (Our question)
-"Because it doesn't look like Serato" or
-"I don't know. Look at Serato"
That's not a valid point, or valid argument, and we will always defend our choices against that "argument"
However if you can come up with a valid argument like "VirtualDj GUI is not professional in terms of layout because the jogs waste too much space" (just saying) that can be accepted as a point of criticism.

My two penneth, the defaults cater to mouse and keyboard/ new users (which it has to) and does waste some space spelling everything out. (do I really need to have a label telling me that the time counting down is "remain"?)

If it was my decision I'd bundle another skin (as well as default) (tightly packed, not as mouse centric), so that V8 could have a second chance to make a first impression.
All that said if the reason stopping a user switching to VDJ is the skin then they really don't get what VDJ is about, "Custom is king"

locodog wrote :
My two penneth, the defaults cater to mouse and keyboard/ new users (which it has to) and does waste some space spelling everything out. (do I really need to have a label telling me that the time counting down is "remain"?)

That IS a good example of criticism! :)
Personally I don't agree (I feel that labels are required especially since you can toggle times between elapsed/remain/total e.t.c.) but this post has a point!
That's what I was talking about above...

