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Will VDJ also do not support synchronous NS7III

geposted Fri 18 Sep 15 @ 10:23 am
NS7III will be supported as soon as we get a unit in our hands. But as far as i know, the unit is not yet released, actually it has been announced by Numark several months ago, but no update since then.

Thank you for your reply

Well, the NS7III has been released! Any updates yet? (and the NS7II Display is out there too for those of you who want to update your 2 to a 3)

Okay? Great. Then how can I do?

homeworld wrote :
Well, the NS7III has been released! Any updates yet? (and the NS7II Display is out there too for those of you who want to update your 2 to a 3)

It normally depends on how fast the maker of the controller sends Atomix a unit so they can make a mapping and support the unit
For instance the Denon MC4000 was supported in VDJ before the unit was available in the stores
But maybe Numark hasn't come around to sending Atomix a NS7III yet...

Another thing with the NS7III is the screens. Those are not standard midi, so they can't simply be mapped. They are designed to only work with Serato
But Atomix were able to reverse engineer the screens on the Numark NV, so fingers crossed they can do that again

I want to try

Any update on mapping for ns7iii?

any update for ns7iii?

When will the mapping be finished for the NS7III? It's been out for quite some time now. Been patiently waiting!

Any news on the mapping for Numark S7III yet??

When will the mapping be ready for the NS7III. It's been a while since the machine came out. PLEASE vdj. Make it happen. I hate serato

I see vdj has a beta for the NS7III. Any news on when the official mapping for this controller will happen. I need my vdj8 with my NS7III. Hate serato.

Is the beta for the NS7III stable for an event

I'm confused on how the beta mapping works? i can't get Virtual to recognize that the ns7iii is hooked up... am i missing something?

dj-4-u wrote :
I'm confused on how the beta mapping works? i can't get Virtual to recognize that the ns7iii is hooked up... am i missing something?

Going to need allot more detail than that to help my friend. Worked right away for me. I run Win 7 64 bit and VDJ 8 b 2857. I installed the drivers, then installed the Map file for Windows.

Get your drivers here: http://www.numark.com/product/ns7iii
a quick note here is I do not see any Mac drivers.

VDJ map WIndows: http://www.virtualdj.com/plugins/download.php?addonid=80361&platform=pc
VDJ map Mac: http://www.virtualdj.com/plugins/download.php?addonid=80361&platform=mac

Once all that is installed, I connected my controller. ***NOTE*** If you have the NS7 iii routed through the Dashboard screens, the screens have to be powered on (I made this mistake once). Once the drivers complete installing (because you just connected your hardware) you are ready to start VDJ. For me VDJ automatically found and set up the NS7 iii and I was ready to go automatically.

I have found a few bugs in the map, but over all very usable at the moment. I actually went live with it yesterday. Issues I have noticed at the moment:

1. Beat Enc (knob) - Left encoder is mapped backwards from the right. I think the Left Enc knob started with "param smaller ?..." and the Right is "param greater ?..."
2. For some reason the Scroll knob operates backwards from the NS7. Clockwise has always been down for me on the NS7. Now counter clockwise is down on the NS7 iii

Beyond that, I have tried to make some customizations to the map and I noticed allot of advanced scripting that does not seem to be functioning yet. Take the scroll knob for instance, I tried to see if I could fix the direction but there is ALLOT going on in that script. I wiped all that out (backing it up of course) and tried "browser_scroll" and other variations with no luck. But it did not behave any differently from the in default script which just browser scrolls, despite the fact that Prelisten position is in there too. I am thinking I need a "param_greater 0 ? browser_scroll -1 : browser_scroll +1" or something like it to reverse the direction. I just have not found a way to build that into the default scroll knob.

That being said, basic 2 deck mixing, I have yet to see any game stopping problems in the NS7 iii map. So it is a very solid map so far.

Another side note, playback is smooth and no drops during activity. But the first time I use the Sync button with the NS7 iii, I get a pretty significant audio drop (about half a second) that I do not ever hear it again during that set. I have tried adjusting latency higher, but I have to close VDJ and restart Windows to emulate a new set before it will ever drop. I have also tried separating the USB cables. So I run the NS7 directly to my laptop and have a separate cable for the dashboard running to my laptop. Either I have not put them on separate buses yet or this doe not make a difference.I am still working on it.

I totally forgot to add that VDJ will not save mapping customizations to the Numark Dashboard screens. I set the Key for each deck to "get_comment" because Mixed in Key writes keys there. When I restart VDJ the key is back to letters (default) despite the fact that my "customized" map is selected in the controllers screen.

I edited that value outside of VDJ using Notepad and it has been working. So VDJ is not saving changes to the Numark Dashboard map.

DHoude wrote :

1. Beat Enc (knob) - Left encoder is mapped backwards from the right. I think the Left Enc knob started with "param smaller ?..." and the Right is "param greater ?..."

Just a cosmetic. Both lines provide the same functionality/result, correct ? Will be fixed in next update.

DHoude wrote :

2. For some reason the Scroll knob operates backwards from the NS7. Clockwise has always been down for me on the NS7. Now counter clockwise is down on the NS7 iii

Can you please do the following ...

  • Open Miditrace http://www.virtualdj.com/download/miditrace.exe
  • Select the NS7III main unit (not the screens) from both the top-right and bottom-right sides of the Miditrace app.
  • Move the SCROLL knob clockwise
    Do you get B0 03 01 values in the main window, or different ?
  • Move the SCROLL knob anti-clockwise
    Do you get B0 03 7F values in the main window , or different ?

DHoude wrote :
I totally forgot to add that VDJ will not save mapping customizations to the Numark Dashboard screens. .

So if the "factory default" mapping is selected from Settings->CONTROLLERS tab for Left/Right Screens, and edit any Key, you dont get a "custom mapping" and a Numark NS7III Display Left/Right custom mapping.xml file in Mappers folder ?
Do you only have the zip file in /Devices folder, or have you unzipped that but the zip is there as well ?


I will do the Midi trace as soon as I get home (possibly late Wednesday night). I am away from my system for my full time job.

djdad wrote :

So if the "factory default" mapping is selected from Settings->CONTROLLERS tab for Left/Right Screens, and edit any Key, you dont get a "custom mapping" and a Numark NS7III Display Left/Right custom mapping.xml file in Mappers folder ?

Once changes are made, I do get a new map that says "custom mapping". But the changes that I made are lost after restarting VDJ. VDJ makes the custom map file based off default, but did not save the changes to the XML.

I can manually make changes manually to that file in Notepad. Restart VDJ and it works as it should. VDJ just did not save the changes that made it custom.

djdad wrote :

Do you only have the zip file in /Devices folder, or have you unzipped that but the zip is there as well ?

I did not have anything zipped. I downloaded the map exe from http://www.virtualdj.com/plugins/download.php?addonid=80361&platform=pc and ran it. Which put those files into VDJ. Nothing is zipped in my map folder either though. When I make changes to the default map, VDJ puts the custom one in the \My Doc\VDJ\map folder.

I do rename my custom map file with changes (for example "MIK keys") so that I know what mods are in each one. But I noticed the issue before I changed the name of those maps from "custom mapping".

djdad wrote :

  • Move the SCROLL knob clockwise
    Do you get B0 03 01 values in the main window, or different ?
  • [*]Move the SCROLL knob anti-clockwise
    Do you get B0 03 7F values in the main window , or different ?

    These are definitely backwards. Midi trace shows:

    SCROLL knob clockwise = B0 03 7F
    SCROLL knob anti-clockwise = B0 03 01
