it would be nice if there was a "keyboard mode" option..let me explain>while using a controller, there a shortcut can be set to enter into the search, but when u press it again, it would be nice if it would exit out of the search mode...reason being is that i have shortcuts set up for effects etc..and sometimes while playing i enter into the search,but jus leave the cursor there blinking and then suddenly i have to use a shortcut and boom,when i press it..i remember the focus is on the search and the effect doesnt activate...i know some mite say jus click on the decks to change the focus but i have a more reliable there were a keyboard mode using the caps lock function as an indicator...while caps lock is on...the keyboard is in "shortcuts mode" and while caps lock is off...its in the search bar mode ready for all keyboards have a light indicator on the caps lock knob...this wud be a nice indicator as to what mode it is in....another solution is to have the user input a shortcut mapped to an unused switch on the controller to change the modes indicated above,,the ideal situation would be where when i press a knob on the controller,search is activated,and when i press it back,it exits out of search allowing keyboard shortcuts to be used...tell me what u guys think
geposted Thu 04 Feb 16 @ 2:41 am
When search is highlighted, you can press escape to remove focus from the search, and your keyboard shortcuts to work again.
geposted Thu 04 Feb 16 @ 8:05 am
tanks adion...i tink i can live with that!
geposted Fri 12 Feb 16 @ 11:37 pm
I am still using VD 7 because I really had trouble moving my keyboard settings from VD7 to VD 8, anyone have advise on this?
geposted Sat 19 Mar 16 @ 1:21 pm