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Topic: A list of android remote problems... - Page: 1

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I bought the iRULU eXpro X1 tablet (Android 4.4, Quad Core 1.5 GHz CPU, 8 GB RAM) and the Virtual DJ remote app. I am connecting the remote with the PC (which has a WIFI PCI card) through a WIFI tethering (Ad Hoc) network created on the Android tablet. I'm running Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 64 bit on a modern, high-end desktop computer.

1. When I push the refresh button (with the two little entangled arrows) on the Remote settings page (in Virtual DJ, on my PC) the whole program freezes for a moment. Is this normal?

2. When I use the default remote skin, everything that moves (songpos and rhythm waves) is laggy. Is this normal or is my tablet not up to the job?

3. When I use my custom skin, everything works fine, no lag, except for the (volume and EQ) sliders. As soon as I use those, the app crashes. This is my code for the sliders:

<slider action="level" orientation="vertical" direction="up">
<size width="75" height="400"/>
<pos x="415" y="38"/>
<up x="415" y="38"/>
<selected x="415" y="638"/>
<down x="415" y="638"/>


<slider action="eq_low" orientation="vertical" direction="up">
<pos x="291" y="159"/>
<up x="291" y="159"/>
<size width="75" height="152"/>
<down x="291" y="759"/>
<selected x="291" y="759"/>

<slider action="eq_mid" orientation="vertical" direction="up">
<pos x="165" y="159"/>
<up x="165" y="159"/>
<size width="75" height="152"/>
<down x="165" y="759"/>
<selected x="165" y="759"/>

<slider action="eq_high" orientation="vertical" direction="up">
<pos x="39" y="159"/>
<up x="39" y="159"/>
<size width="75" height="152"/>
<down x="39" y="759"/>
<selected x="39" y="759"/>

Anyone any ideas as to why the app would crash with this code?

Note: I have no video screens on my app skin. Just the mere minimal...

AUTO = auto pilot (= automix). I use the remote only for a moment at the beginning of the night, to stop the ambient music (audio only automix), and the video overlay (theme night logo), and to start the intro video clip for the theme night...

geposted Tue 21 Jun 16 @ 9:45 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
The lag on the default skin with the waveforms may well be down to your device, most likely GPU related.

Probably easiest to share your custom skin regarding the crashing so it can be tested.

geposted Tue 21 Jun 16 @ 10:46 pm
Cheers Scott!
PM-ed ya.

geposted Wed 22 Jun 16 @ 10:37 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
OK, think I've found the issue - try defining a fader for the sliders, even if it's just that you don't want one using <fader/>.

So, for example:

<slider action="level" orientation="vertical" direction="up">
<size width="75" height="400"/>
<pos x="415" y="38"/>
<up x="415" y="38"/>
<selected x="415" y="638"/>
<down x="415" y="638"/>


<slider action="level" orientation="vertical" direction="up">
<size width="75" height="400"/>
<pos x="415" y="38"/>
<up x="415" y="38"/>
<selected x="415" y="638"/>
<down x="415" y="638"/>

geposted Wed 22 Jun 16 @ 11:01 pm
That did the trick for the volume sliders! Thank you very much, Scott!

The EQ sliders keep crashing the app, though...

<slider action="eq_low" orientation="vertical" direction="up">
<pos x="291" y="159"/>
<up x="291" y="159"/>
<size width="75" height="152"/>
<down x="291" y="759"/>
<selected x="291" y="759"/>

Any ideas?

geposted Thu 23 Jun 16 @ 1:35 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
<slider action="eq_low" orientation="vertical" direction="up">
<pos x="291" y="159"/>
<up x="291" y="159"/>
<size width="75" height="152"/>
<down x="291" y="759"/>
<selected x="291" y="759"/>

That is working fine here.

geposted Thu 23 Jun 16 @ 1:55 pm
Mea Culpa...

I had wrong (old) height values for the EQ sliders. After correcting that, everything runs smoothly now. THANK YOU SCOTT!

(Strange that with you my skin did work even with the wrong values...)

Okay, done some checking and everything works really great, except for one thing (maybe you can also give me a hint there): when I distance myself too much and the ad hoc wifi connection is lost, the tablet won't reconnect automatically to VDJ once it is in range again. I have to do that from the PC, which is not desired due to the use I'll be giving the remote (= before appearing on stage). Is there anything you can think of to remedy this?

geposted Thu 23 Jun 16 @ 2:41 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
I noticed the height was incorrect but was just worrying about the crash ;)

I actually did just PM you a version with all working sliders though lol

Does the wifi on the computer auto-reconnect OK, and it's just the remote that doesn't reconnect with VDJ? I'm assuming you ticked 'connect automatically' ?

geposted Thu 23 Jun 16 @ 2:44 pm
Didn't see those yet, lol. Thanks anyway!
Okay, did some testing:
The ad hoc wifi network is created on the tablet and stays active, even after losing contact with the PC. The PC connects automatically to the ad hoc wifi network as soon as it is turned on, but does not reconnect automatically after losing contact. The PC is set to automatically connect to the ad hoc wifi network when in range, but seems to only do so if I turn the network on when in range...

geposted Thu 23 Jun 16 @ 2:58 pm
What do use El Cap users do since theres no more Adhoc and for some reason when I try to connect VDJ just goes into a freeze??

geposted Thu 23 Jun 16 @ 3:03 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
What do use El Cap users do since theres no more Adhoc


Or if your OS can't create an adhoc network and your device can't tether then you'll have to bring an access point.

geposted Thu 23 Jun 16 @ 3:07 pm
Took a look at your corrections to my skin, teach ;)
So it's on and off instead of down and up now? And no more selected. All makes sense. Logic... I like :)

geposted Thu 23 Jun 16 @ 3:11 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
Deejay Corny wrote :
but does not reconnect automatically after losing contact

Strange, I'm not sure what would cause that I'm afraid, but if windows doesn't auto-reconnect then you'll need to fix that :(

geposted Thu 23 Jun 16 @ 3:15 pm
Has anything changed because alot of us can't connect or wont reconnect or for me it just freezes my Macbok.....

geposted Thu 23 Jun 16 @ 3:17 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
Deejay Corny wrote :
So it's on and off instead of down and up now?

I personally prefer using on/off. off and up are directly interchangeable. on can be switched with down or selected depending on the skin object.

geposted Thu 23 Jun 16 @ 3:18 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
Has anything changed because alot of us can't connect or wont reconnect or for me it just freezes my Macbok.....

Not that I know of. When you say 'a lot' is there a thread running on this, because I'm not aware of it being an issue. I'll boot up a Mac in a minute and test connecting.

geposted Thu 23 Jun 16 @ 3:19 pm
I'll look into that Windows reconnecting problem. Appreciate the time you've given me :)

geposted Thu 23 Jun 16 @ 3:20 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
No problem.

Just tested on El Capitan, android remote (S6 Edge in my case) connected and worked no problem at all.


geposted Thu 23 Jun 16 @ 3:26 pm
Maybe i was a little too hasty with my conclusions: I did some more testing, and I cannot reproduce the "Windows not reconnecting" error. My PC will reconnect both when I turn of the ad hoc wifi network on my tablet, or when I take my tablet out of range. So the problem lies not with Windows. I tested the VDJ software connection with the remote app, and it turns out that when I get out of range, VDJ (on my PC) will say it has lost the connection with the device, but will not show any connect or reconnect button. The only way to establish a reconnection is to close the app on the tablet, and then start the app again. VDJ will then automatically reconnect to the device...

So, best practice for me would be to just turn off the tablet until needed, then turn it on, turn on the ad hoc network and start the remote app, in that order. My PC should then connect automatcally to the ad hoc wifi network, and VDJ should detect and connect automatically to the remote app...

geposted Thu 23 Jun 16 @ 3:57 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
I've just tested here:

* Connected phone to VDJ, all OK
* Went out of wifi range, remote obviously disconnected
* Walked back into wifi range, wifi reconnected and remote reconnected automatically

Not sure why you're seeing what you are unfortunately.

geposted Thu 23 Jun 16 @ 4:08 pm