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Topic: Tent Power

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VDJ RonPRO InfinityMember since 2010
If you had a smallish tent in a music festival and were trying to perform close to other tents containing groups, some extremely well known, how much power would be required?
I'm working in terms of RMS power, not decibels.
I'm thinking @ 3.5kwRMS?

It's karaoke disco for a long, long time with a potential audience of 10,000?, but the tent might only get 150.

What security might be required?
Before Xmas I was overrun at @1.15am doing a karaoke disco for a major UK political party.
My working space was reduced to a few sq. feet and just one bouncer came to my assistance.
Without being prepared I don't want to drift out of my class again.

Locodog might be good at this sort of stuff.

geposted Thu 23 Feb 17 @ 12:15 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
If you're trying to figure out your maximum demand for the big gennys, you need to think KVA's not KW's phase angle/ power factor starts to become important for high loads and especially with gennys,

What's your tent capacity?
What's your peak sound system output?
Light & other visuals?

We use around 10KVA for a night with 4KW of sound and 1KW of visuals there's a bit of extra capacity there, weight is our issue, [some sites we have to carry the 6.9 KVA sound genny over some bad terrain]
If you're providing your own power I'd look at minimum 15KVA [hss], If you're requesting power from the festival organisers work out your KVA and * 1.5

If you want to work out sound required, karaoke is a different beast to my game, I'd say use what you'd use for a similar indoor gig and allow more for compensation of the other rigs

geposted Thu 23 Feb 17 @ 1:29 am
VDJ RonPRO InfinityMember since 2010
I'm not hauling a generator around.
It's a famous place, I'm assuming they can get me any number of 240v, 13amp power points.
Three might do it.

I'd guess 150 people, but it went mad before Xmas, as in sardines.

Hm.. 4kw and yes mostly karaoke.

I've never worked next to really big bands before.

geposted Thu 23 Feb 17 @ 1:33 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
If it's outdoor it's more likely 16A commandos, security, yup, probably 2 licenced and "friends" The festival organiser will have a pretty lengthy specification for safety and security

geposted Thu 23 Feb 17 @ 1:46 am
VDJ RonPRO InfinityMember since 2010
It's a tent on a dock, too much in the line of regulations/paperwork would piss me off. I'm already booked on both the days that I'd be needed for this event. It's two days at 11 hours a day, it's beyond normal for myself. I can juggle work, and would love to do this potential booking.

geposted Thu 23 Feb 17 @ 2:26 am
VDJ RonPRO InfinityMember since 2010
I got offered 16a or 32a single phase, 3 phase appeared to be on offer..whatever. My reply was 2 x 16a single phase, basically one line for each amp. Also I need to provide my vehicle registration number and the number of people (just me).

geposted Tue 18 Apr 17 @ 12:59 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
Check what they are actually supplying, you might get 2 16a commando leads to your tent (then you provide commando to domestic plug sockets) or you may just be provided with two sockets at a nearby distribution box and you need to cable to your tent yourself.

Also get a +1 guest or maybe 2, 11 hours is a long time to go without a bite to eat or a pee break.

geposted Tue 18 Apr 17 @ 1:57 am
No input from me, just...

I love these kinds of posts (even if they are not really about VDJ)
Real DJs out in the field with real problems/concerns, that everybody can learn from
Good stuff!

geposted Tue 18 Apr 17 @ 6:25 am

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