
Forum: General Discussion

Topic: Script School - Page: 20.65

Dieser Teil des Themas ist veraltet und kann veraltete oder falsche Informationen enthalten

Independent on focus : NO
with focus out of Recordings and Sequencer8 : Yes, with the help of a filter but focus will move too

try a filter folder in the style of
File Path ends with \Sampler\Recordings\ and (Title is Sequencer8 or File Name starts with Sequencer8)

and name it " Sequencer8 "

then in script
browser_gotofolder 'filters://Sequencer8.vdjfolder' & repeat_start rswt 100ms -1 & get_text "`get_status`" & param_contains 'Searching' ? : repeat_stop rswt & file_count & param_cast & debug & param_equal 0 ? goto_last_folder & get_text Ready : goto_last_folder & get_text Full

Sorry i didn’t quite understand how this script work :( but it could be easer if in browser_folder ‘Recordings’ if i have 8 file with title contains ‘Sequencer’ take me a variable = 1 (and with this variable = 1 i write full) or i have variable = 0 (and with variable = 0 i write Ready)

Yes It's a little bit complicated:

1) You need to create a filterfolder which displays only files with title "Sequencer8" stored in "Sampler\Recordings\" folder and name it Sequencer8 :

// only in Recordings with title being Sequencer8
File Path ends with \Sampler\Recordings\ and Title is Sequencer8

- previous filter was more complex taking care of filename too -

2) then the script :
It will call the peviously created filterfolder and see whenever there is a file or not :

// change focus to result of filter
browser_gotofolder 'filters://Sequencer8.vdjfolder' &
// wait for filter ends its search action
repeat_start rswt 100ms -1 & get_text "`get_status`" & param_contains 'Searching' ? : repeat_stop rswt &
// get the number of files
file_count & param_cast &
// debug can be remove, just to see if everything went ok
debug &
// depending on result
param_equal 0
// restore initial focus and do action when READY
? goto_last_folder & ACTIONS WHEN READY
// restore initial focus and do action when FULL
: goto_last_folder & ACTIONS WHEN FULL

now i have understand and it work, thanks!
what is wrong in this script:
button: get_browsed_folder & param_contains ‘Recordings’ ? browser_scroll ‘top’ & repeat_start ‘scorri’ 100ms & browser_scroll +1 & browser_scroll ‘bottom’ ? repeat_stop ‘scorri’ : nothing : browser_gotofolder ‘Sampler\Recordings’ & browser_window ‘songs’ & browser_scroll ‘top’
doesn’t work correctly, i would that if i’m already in folder ‘Recordings’, focus scroll down all files; i’m not in folder ‘Recordings’….focus goes to folder ‘Recordings’ and scroll down all files in this folder, can you help me correct script? thanks a lot


In fact you just wanna iterate all files in Recordings whatever the focus can be

(sort of scan the folder)

1) the folder name is internal 'Sampler://Recordings'
2) browsing functions are not instant, you may want them to end before you can use folder content
3) the number of iterations is well known, bottom-top = file_count

focus the content can be either browser_window ‘songs’ or browser_enter

repeat_stop scorri & browser_gotofolder 'sampler://recordings' & repeat_start scorri 100ms -1 & get_text "`get_status`" & param_contains 'Browsing' ? : repeat_stop scorri & browser_enter & browser_scroll top & file_count & param_cast & repeat_start scorri 100ms & browser_scroll +1
I added a security loop stop at start as long list can take time and multiple press would do strange things restarting the same loop multiple time

yeah work! but there isn’t a ‘nothing’ after ‘Browsing’ ?

yes, nothing or "nothing" keyword both does nothing, equivalent in 99% of the situations

side effects can appear using the keyword in rare case or may be needed in some other
because nothing keyword does not actually do nothing it alters the status of parameter

in this script

repeat_stop scorri & browser_gotofolder 'sampler://recordings' & repeat_start scorri 100ms -1 & get_text "`get_status`" & param_contains 'Browsing' ? : repeat_stop scorri & browser_enter & browser_scroll top & file_count & param_cast & repeat_start scorri 100ms & browser_scroll +1

where i can add a var ‘sequencerfull’ = 1 if in browser_window ‘songs’ (files scroll) there is a file with title ‘Sequencer8’???
i have tryed that get_browsed_song and param_equal ‘Sequencer8’ is correct script to test file name but i don’t understand where i can add this script fod set var ‘Sequencer8’ = 1
can you help me?

repeat_stop scorri & browser_gotofolder 'sampler://recordings' & repeat_start scorri 100ms -1 & get_text "`get_status`" & param_contains 'Browsing' ? : repeat_stop scorri & browser_enter & browser_scroll top & set sequencerfull 0 & file_count & param_cast & repeat_start scorri 100ms & set sequencerfull `get_browsed_song title & param_equal Sequencer8 ? true : get_var sequencerfull` & browser_scroll +1

better use global var $sequencerfull though in case deck change

you’re the top!! it’s work! is there a script to make a button to change the ‘filename’ about a sampler in browser_window ‘songs’ (samples that are in ‘Sampler://Recordings’ folder)?? because browser_songs ‘title’ ‘newname’ changes only the sample title, but not the filename..and browsed_file_rename ‘newname’ doesn’t change directly ‘filename’ but open a ‘change name window’…i would change filename directly with a controller button…can you help me? thanks!!

moderator: Please don't quote entire posts when that post is directly above yours, It just makes a thread a chore to read.

No there is no way to do anything with filenames
VDJ does not allow direct folder or file manipulation by script. (create, delete, rename can't be done by script)
Even recording (only place you can specify a recordFile) need accept by button to be pressed

can you help me with this script about Pioneer DDj-Rzx release fx lever; this lever have 3 position: 0%, 43% and 100% (this is the numbers that i see in mapping section (see in photo)….

fx lever: param_bigger 40% ? param_smaller 50% ? effect_select 1 ‘beat grid’ & effect_select 2 ‘rmx-echo’ & effect_slider 1 1 50% & effect_slider 2 1 30% & effect_select 3 ‘cut’ & effect_active 3 off & effect_active 1 on & effect_active 2 on : effect_select 3 ‘cut’ & effect_slider 3 1 40% & effect_active 3 on & repeat_start_instant ‘wait’ 4000ms & effect_disable all : repeat_stop ‘wait’ & effect_select 1 ‘mobius’ & effect_select 2 ‘reverb’ & effect_select 3 ‘phaser’

i would that in 0% position reset at my 3 favourite effect (mobius, reverb, phaser); in 43% lever position effects active are beat grid and rmx-echo and in 100% lever position add cut effect, but if i’m in 43% lever position and beat grid effect finish…rmx-echo stops…and if i’m in 100% lever position and beat grid effect finish, rmx-echo and cut effects stops too…i have set repeat_start_instant 4009ms because i have seen that beat grid effect during (lasts) 4 sec; but in this mode only in 43% lever position work 100% lever position i haven’t any effect :

hi at all: is there color fx for sampler or mic input? i have tryed filter_activate ‘echo’ ‘sampler’ but don’t work….deck master filter_activate ‘echo’ work

just the single sampler fx slot for the sampler, unless you route it thru a deck.

locodog wrote :
just the single sampler fx slot for the sampler, unless you route it thru a deck.

for mic input i can use linein ‘mic’ for route a mic into a deck and use deck color fx, right?

but mic is a deck and can use all effects directly (only need to map a custom slider to handle first slider as a color slider)

colorfx_sampler is an existing slot for samples
as well need to specifically map a slider to control it, default deck does not expose this

another little question: filter_resonance change value only for filter color fx, right? for other color fx i can’t listen any difference….

yes resonance is a second slider specific to filter effect
as an example: moebius exposes 2 extra sliders as well : length and echo
but only slider 1 is controlled as a color button - full left-off-full right

when used as normal effect, slider 1 is controlled normally or ping-pong inverse have to be specified in a way to mimix color slider

Nicotux wrote :
but mic is a deck and can use all effects directly (only need to map a custom slider to handle first slider as a color slider)

colorfx_sampler is an existing slot for samples
as well need to specifically map a slider to control it, default deck does not expose this

sorry colorfx_sampler script doesn’t work, is possible it’s effect_colorfx ‘sampler’???


as a "slot" use
effect_select colorfx_sampler
effect_slider colorfx_slider
