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Topic: Script School - Page: 39.35
level, not gain. Gain is an amplification. The up faders / level faders, [some call them gate faders] are how much of that amplified signal you let through.

It's common for new djs to use them as synonyms.


@bjk6njhc9s, I sent you a pm with a couple of fx I think you'll like.

auto_bpm_transition page updated with early access additions.

locodog wrote :
level, not gain. Gain is an amplification. The up faders / level faders, [some call them gate faders] are how much of that amplified signal you let through.

It's common for new djs to use them as synonyms.

Understood! Thanks!


Hi, is it possible to write a script to change the pitch tempo to a specific literal value rather than as a percentage, e.g 100 or 120 bpm by script?

pitch 120 bpm

what is the BPM range that the songs need to be inside in order for one of the songs not to accidentally double or half the speed?

im trying to go from 90-124 here, but track B its shooting up to 180 and then slowing it back to 124 instead of shooting down to 90 and speeding up to 124, even though 90 is a lot closer to 124 than 180 is

if im using the regular sync button it doesnt seem to have this issue

That's a good question.

since the 56 BPM needed to raise the 124 BPM track to 180 is about a +45% change..
the 34 BPM decrease needed to lower the 124 BPM to 90 BPM .. about a -27% change.

so would seem the latter, would be preferable.

and on the other hand.. a track sounds much better pitched up (lively, higher energy), then pitched down (dragging)


not that I understand this reasoning, but if one used the 180 and 90 to calculate the percentage differences (instead of the 124 BPM)
then going to 180 would be a +31% pitch change (56/180)
and going to 90 would be a -37% change (34/90)..
so by this reasoning the math, chooses going to 180 ?

its all good in the end

That's a good question.

since the 56 BPM needed to raise the 124 BPM track to 180 is about a +45% change..
the 34 BPM decrease needed to lower the 124 BPM to 90 BPM .. about a -27% change.

so would seem the latter, would be preferable.

and on the other hand.. a track sounds much better pitched up (lively, higher energy), then pitched down (dragging)


not that I understand this reasoning, but if one used the 180 and 90 to calculate the percentage differences (instead of the 124 BPM)
then going to 180 would be a +31% pitch change (56/180)
and going to 90 would be a -37% change (34/90)..
so by this reasoning the math, chooses going to 180 ?

its all good in the end

i seem to always find a way to break things...
but this is the very first transition i tried with this effect.

i think there would want to be some built in safe guard to prevent doubling/halfing, although im not sure exactly what that would consist of.

That's a good question.

OK I think i figured it out.
track A was 93bpm, track B was 124
i think the effect is designed to take the shortest route which in this case was actually 93-62 bpm (31bpm vs 32bpm difference between 93 and 124)

so by just pitching track A up to 96bpm, then 96-124 for example, becomes the shortest route (28bpm)

i dont know though, if there could be some measure in place to avoid this, there may be some situations where you might want this? but you dont want it happening by accident either, perhaps a preview of what direction its planning to go? its a strange one.


Another problem with auto double/half the BPM is when you use Automix and prepared all mix points eight bars before vocals for example and now the eight bars become sixteen bars instead. This should be possible to fix by temporarily automatically moving the mix points the required amount bars forward or backward. Or if that isn't possible, I would like to disable this function per song.

Hello, is there any reason why in the mapping for the XDJ-1000MK2 during the SHORTCUT event (press BROWSE-SEARCH on the lcd) during the script
controllervar '#shortcut'

is #shortcut still 0?

Hi seeing as you can't auto backup in increments of less than one day, is there a way to trigger the tidy auto zip backup via script ( or on demand?). Thanks, is a great feature.

You know about the database backup from the "Browser Options" menu dot ?
(can create a backup as often as one wishes, there)

@Mr T a l 0
automatically looks like it's just called on startup and if today's date exists it doesn't make a back up, despite making the setting 0.00000001 days

currently as IIDEEJAYII says, manually is the only way.
probably for the best.

Thanks both. Manual it is then.

Another challenge. Let's assume you have several tracks playing. If you want to manual increase the tempo of the currently selected track, how can you speed up the other tracks at the same rate to match the tempo change.


deck all pitch XX%

what you are wanting to do with the script?

pitch_lock on

move slider, deck whatever pitch +/- %

pitch_lock off

or that way IDJ said

Thanks both, "deck all pitch +1%" looked like what I wanted but it appears to increase the track by the percentage of the tracks analysed root BPM, rather than the currently playing tempo e.g 110 BPM. If one track is originally 98bpm, another 100 and another 110 then the increase in tempo is less than the others when pushed to 120bpm. Perhaps this can't be done via script?
