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Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

Topic: Changing out External Drives

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Dear Group - I hope there is a fast and quick answer for this:

I have an Itunes library on an External Drive and when I bough VDJ - it recognized my drive, the library and life was perfect. A few weeks ago - I was at an event and everytime someone walked across the stage - the song started to skip - like a CD - and I lost it. I was told to buy and SSD External drive and I did. I put the Itunes library on it and I'm not trying to get VDJ to see it - but its not.....What do I do?!

I'm desperate...

geposted Fri 14 Sep 18 @ 2:47 am
You also need to transfer the VDJ database from the previous drive. I would also name the new drive the same letter as the previous drive. Transfer the database first, and make sure VDJ sees this drive, make it a favorite, and add to search database.

I also use 4 externals, and the booth is on top of a double 18 folded sub. I don't have this issue, and I need an anti-vibration pad under my trackball. The 4 drives are to the right of the laptop, on the shelf, with the rubber band around them

It may have been a cable or either the connection on the drive or computer. Hopefully you checked these before getting the SSD, but you can't go wrong with your new drive.

geposted Mon 17 Sep 18 @ 12:45 am
Thanks for the information and sharing. I use to feel Computer literate and now a days - I feel stupid.
I like to have thing spelled out a bit more and the new VDJ does not seem as friend as the last version. I at least knew where the config was and how to maneuver a bit around. Now I just want it in place and make it work.

I wish there was a class that went over the specifics.

I believe VDJ found the new Itunes account - then I removed it - due to the fact it looked like it was duplicating things and maybe that was a part of it.

geposted Wed 19 Sep 18 @ 12:52 am
There are so many videos on YouTube, some of the most informative by one of members Klaus, you can fine them here. Another way I fine out things is to just do them. I play a lot, but practice even more. If you get stuck, you can always come here, most members are eager to help.

geposted Wed 19 Sep 18 @ 9:29 pm

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