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Topic: No Input with Pioneer DJM-900NXS2[SOLVED]

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I discovered that the Pioneer DJM-900NXS2 'closes' the input-channels if rekordbox is not running.
It may have especially something to do with the Rekordbox DVS License (I dont know it yet because I did not test it with the license turned off).
What I can say for sure is that if rekordbox is not running the input-signals (to be exact: the timecode-inputs) will disappear inside Virtual Dj and remain as that.
Restarting VDJ (without Rekordbox besides) let's the inputs run again for 10 seconds, then they turn off.
As soon as Rekordbox is opened the inputs work fine.
Closing Rekordbox will shut them down again... and so on.

Is there a way on the 'developers level' to get it working without running rekordbox all the time?
Maybe some kind of 'connection' to the rekordbox-database to check for a valid license or something like that. Or if possible something deeper things directly to the driver... I dont know about the dimensions of the possibilities, buuuut would someone have a look on this?

I have the possibilities to test it on several mixers and different laptops. All were the same.
The only difference was between Mac and Windows.
Mac seems to work with no problems at all...
This problem appeared only on Windows.
I even have a laptop where both OS are installed (macbook with bootcamp), and on this 'one-and-the-same'-device the problem is as described.
(The only thing I haven't tested is Mac with Windows over Virtual Machine)

Would be nice to hear about some solution.

geposted Sat 11 May 19 @ 9:19 pm
Hard to believe that Inputs can be "closed"/disabled. It would be the first time for a DJM . Are you sure the inputs are not available ? What do you see when you open the Pioneer DJM-900NSX Utility (ASIO) panel ? Any chance RB changes the type of inputs to something else (like Post Fader, Record etc) ?

Another thing you could try, make sure the DJM-900 is not the default playback/recording device for Windows


You won't believe, but for me it was hard too as I discovered that.
The first thing I've done is to Google a little bit...
This is what I found so far (on pioneers own site!):


I made sure that the mixer is not the main soundcard in windows... but I had this already to avoid windows playing sounds over the mixer.

As far as I saw: there is NOTHING changing in Virtual DJ...
So I mean the inputs are all available and no notification pops up... Just running the timecode, and after 10 seconds the timecode-circles disappear and the tracks on the deck don't move when timecode is turned on. On internal mode everything is playing normally. Restarting the program does the same from the start.

To rekordbox:
I don't think that rekordbox sets channels or inputs to another state or pre/post position...
And I think like this because rekordbox does not has to have the DJM selected as soundcard to make the inputs work in Virtual DJ...
So I opened rekordbox and first I selected the DJM as soundcard... but then I tried the same with the laptops own onboard soundcard, and the results inside Virtual DJ are the same... so it literally seems that rekordbox just has to be opened besides to let the mixers inputs work.

I'm playing in this 'doubled-setup' right now. So I can't try some other things at the moment... but I can provide a video tomorrow (or monday).
But it would be great if you could try to reproduce this on your own to have a better picture of the situation.
Skype or TeamViewer would be possible, too. (To check it on my setup and with my licenses or so)

So I tried this whole thing again and I didn't found any way to get this working, except running Rekordbox besides.

I made a video that shows what happens and how all that behaves.
The video is available in 1080p 60fps.

I didn't touch the mixer or the CD-Players during the recording of the video.

The bottom line is:
Rekordbox ON = Inputs ON
Rekordbox OFF = Inputs OFF

Video is unavailable, at least here.

djdad wrote :
Video is unavailable, at least here.

Hope I fixed it. Try again please.

Ok i see. Indeed RB seems to lock inputs on exit. Will pm you details about next steps

djdad wrote :
Ok i see. Indeed RB seems to lock inputs on exit. Will pm you details about next steps

Great! Thank you very much!

Hopefully the video also helps others who may had this problem, too.
I'm curious to see if there is an 'official' solution.

It turned out that OP was using an empty Custom mapping without a crucial action for the hidden features to be kept alive. So nothing to correct, issue solved.

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