When I load a track, it takes a long time, during this time the CPU Performance goes to 100%.
This is only available after the update to v8.5-64 b5922.
When the track is fully loaded, the CPU Performance drops to less than 10%
This is only available after the update to v8.5-64 b5922.
When the track is fully loaded, the CPU Performance drops to less than 10%
geposted Sat 20 Jun 20 @ 12:32 pm
user16668150 wrote :
When I load a track, it takes a long time, during this time the CPU Performance goes to 100%.
This is only available after the update to v8.5-64 b5922.
When the track is fully loaded, the CPU Performance drops to less than 10%
This is only available after the update to v8.5-64 b5922.
When the track is fully loaded, the CPU Performance drops to less than 10%
Yes, that's the new STEMS separation using all the resources it can until it's finished
If you have a recent nVidia graphics card with a GPU on it in the laptop, that will handle the separation, and it'll be much faster and not really affect the CPU
I did a comparison video:
geposted Sat 20 Jun 20 @ 1:31 pm