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Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

Topic: setTagsAuto swaps with
Use the tag option, "setTagsAuto", to write tags when analyzed using VDJ (V8.5-64 B6747) the Title and Artist are swapped in the tag and appears in VDJ swapped too. This issue has confused me for many months. I saw the same issue when using FLAC files, I'd create a new FLAC file write the tag using other software. Then I analyze the file using VDJ and the Title and Artist are swapped.

VDJ replaced the Genre field with null, although the field was set to "Hiphop". VDJ nulled the Year tag which was set to "2020". I confirmed the Tags with 2 Tag editors, MediaMonkey and Kid3.

All of my music files are "<Title> - <Artist>" in a folder of the same naming format. I DJ heavily from my tags, all my tags are categorized and organized by my before any DJ software starts overwriting tags.

When VDJ writes a tag, it needs to make all current tag setting persists. I was using VDJ write the BPM but its's destroying tag information. Let me know when there a fix for this issue, appreciated.

I do not auto internet tag search ever.

geposted Sun 02 Jan 22 @ 2:35 am
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
If you modify the tags outside of VDJ, you have to use Batch->Read Tags in VDJ to update the VDJ information, otherwise the next time VDJ writes the tag it will use the values that it knows already to update the tag and possibly overwrite the changes you made in another program.

geposted Sun 02 Jan 22 @ 6:31 am
So from what you say, looks like you must getTagsAuto (Yes) along with setTagsAuto (Yes) for VDJ to read file Tags fields and write new Tag fields. With just setTagsAuto enabled VDJ overwrites the original Tag with empty fields. I'll have to go check my 2 other instances of VDJ and correct the setting.

Thanks for the tip, again this explains why I'd see a flip-flop of <Artist> and <Title> and was baffled as to how and why this happens.

geposted Mon 03 Jan 22 @ 5:29 am
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
getTagsAuto is yes by default, but it only reads the tags the first time it sees the file.
If you go to edit tags outside of VirtualDJ after VirtualDJ has already read the tags, it will not automatically read them again.
You will need to manually select the files you edited outside of VDJ and select Batch->Read Tags to refresh the database with the changes you've made.

geposted Mon 03 Jan 22 @ 5:32 am