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Topic: Two identical devices connected to the same computer
Hello everyone,
I connected two PIoneer XP1 to the same macbook with Virtual DJ.

I noticed that in the Virtual DJ devices menu the two units are separate and each of them can be assigned a different mapping, instead when you press any key / pad page the two XP1 behave as if they were a single device, the one to come pressed in one will also be transferred to the other. This could be fine for any control button (loop, mute, load etc etc) but it makes it impossible, for example, to have the first XP1 pads placed on the sampler and the second XP1 pads placed on hocues. In fact, only one XP1 is displayed in the pad editing menu.

Would it be possible somehow to make the two units work independently at least in the selection of the pad pages?

Thank you

geposted Tue 25 Oct 22 @ 5:18 pm
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
You can't do that at the moment, unless you change several things in Mapping for the extra device, and actually follow the mapping style before the era of Pad pages.
So instead of using pad 1, pad 2 etc for all the Pads, use something like sampler_pad 1, sampler_pad 2 etc (for the PAD_ keys of Sampler mode), or hotcue 1, hotcue 2 etc for PAD_ keys of Hotcues mode (or any other action u want).
And for the Mode buttons, you still need to use something like set 'padmode' 0 to .. set 'padmode' 3 instead of pad_page 1 to 4.

It will take you a while to map all these and definitely not easy after that, if u change your mind about the modes u want for the extra device, but no other way for now as far as i can see.

geposted Thu 27 Oct 22 @ 10:21 pm
djdad wrote :
You can't do that at the moment, unless you change several things in Mapping for the extra device, and actually follow the mapping style before the era of Pad pages.
So instead of using pad 1, pad 2 etc for all the Pads, use something like sampler_pad 1, sampler_pad 2 etc (for the PAD_ keys of Sampler mode), or hotcue 1, hotcue 2 etc for PAD_ keys of Hotcues mode (or any other action u want).
And for the Mode buttons, you still need to use something like set 'padmode' 0 to .. set 'padmode' 3 instead of pad_page 1 to 4.

It will take you a while to map all these and definitely not easy after that, if u change your mind about the modes u want for the extra device, but no other way for now as far as i can see.

Thanks for your reply, I figured there was no way to fix right now.
I remember, however, that before updating Virtual DJ with the new pad page assignment menu, it was possible by clicking with the right mouse button, to assign each connected device in the "independent pads" list, then this possibility has disappeared, who knows if this would have could help.


geposted Fri 28 Oct 22 @ 12:08 am
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
If the setting PadsSkinIndependant is enabled in Options, the pages/modes in the skin will not follow the ones from the controller (helping you to have different pages in controller and skin)
But if enabled, you dont get the option to assign a different page to the controller as per the manual .. https://www.virtualdj.com/manuals/virtualdj/interface/decks/decksadvanced/pads.html#controller

TBH, i never had the chance to try 2 identical controllers with Pads, so not sure if this menu shows one or 2 controllers.

geposted Fri 28 Oct 22 @ 12:30 am
djdad wrote :
If the setting PadsSkinIndependant is enabled in Options, the pages/modes in the skin will not follow the ones from the controller (helping you to have different pages in controller and skin)
But if enabled, you dont get the option to assign a different page to the controller as per the manual .. https://www.virtualdj.com/manuals/virtualdj/interface/decks/decksadvanced/pads.html#controller

TBH, i never had the chance to try 2 identical controllers with Pads, so not sure if this menu shows one or 2 controllers.

The new menu you are talking about shows only one XP1, if both were detected the problem could be solved but, before this update, I remember that there was the possibility of assigning the function " independent pads "by clicking with the right mouse button. When this new menu was added, that function was no longer available. Maybe in the future there will be a possibility that if you connect two identical devices like XP1, XP2 but I also think about the supported Launchpads, they may appear as different units in the pads menu.

Thanks for your time and your answers


geposted Fri 28 Oct 22 @ 12:52 am