I there!
Maybe someone can help...
I set up a custom button with that script:
As you can see, I want to fire up an os2l command on every first beat of the song. But there is no signal send.
OS2L is connected with QLC+ and generally working fine. E.g. pressing a custom button with
I tested the script like that:
And let me shown the var "test" on another button. And it works as excepted, showing 1 on the first beat otherwise 0. So the script seems to be correct.
Any hints for me?
Maybe someone can help...
I set up a custom button with that script:
deck master repeat_start 'beat' ? on & deck master repeat_stop 'beat' : deck master repeat_start 'beat' 0.5bt &
( deck master get_beat_num 1 4 ? os2l_button 'Flash' : nothing )
As you can see, I want to fire up an os2l command on every first beat of the song. But there is no signal send.
OS2L is connected with QLC+ and generally working fine. E.g. pressing a custom button with
os2l_button 'Flash'works great.
I tested the script like that:
deck master repeat_start 'beat' ? on & deck master repeat_stop 'beat' : deck master repeat_start 'beat' 0.5bt &
( deck master get_beat_num 1 4 ? set_var "test" 1 : set_var "test" 0 )
And let me shown the var "test" on another button. And it works as excepted, showing 1 on the first beat otherwise 0. So the script seems to be correct.
Any hints for me?
geposted Thu 09 Feb 23 @ 4:28 pm
I think the problem is that repeat interval is only calculated when you start the repeat script. Therefore, as soon as the BPM of the "master" deck drifts away from the value it was when you started the script, it will not follow, and therefore it will not "check" the value of get_beat_num on the correct timing to return true.
Also keep in mind that os2l_button 'Flash' is a toggle.
Therefore I would try to change the whole thing to:
Also keep in mind that os2l_button 'Flash' is a toggle.
Therefore I would try to change the whole thing to:
deck master repeat_start 'beat' ? on & deck master repeat_stop 'beat' : deck master repeat_start 'beat' 25ms & deck master get_beat_num 1 4 ? os2l_button 'Flash' on : os2l_button 'Flash' off
geposted Thu 09 Feb 23 @ 5:27 pm
Works great! Thanks a lot. That gave me the possibility to control my lights by the intensity of the current beat:
deck master repeat_start 'beat_intens' ? on & deck master repeat_stop 'beat_intens' : deck master repeat_start 'beat_intens' 25ms & deck master get_beat & param_bigger 0.5 ? os2l_button 'Flash' on : os2l_button 'Flash' off
geposted Fri 10 Feb 23 @ 9:31 am