I thought I'd have a go at creating a definition file for an Ableton Push 2, but am struggling to have my definition file recognised. This makes me think I've done something wrong in the header? Or put it in the wrong place? I've tried to follow the instructions carefully and have read various posts from others trying to write definition files but still nothing...
Here's what I have (just trying to get one button working to begin with, and have tried to take it down to the bare minimum I need to get it working):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<device name=“Ableton Push 2” author=“Avi” type="MIDI" decks=“1” vid=“0x2982” pid=“0x1967”>
<button note=“0x3C” name=“Button1” />
I've saved it here (am on a Mac).
"/Users/[my user name]/Library/Application Support/VirtualDJ/Devices/Ableton Push 2.xml"
This folder seemed to already exist so seemed a good choice, though the wiki suggests "/users/[my user name]/Documents/VirtualDJ/Devices", which I also tried (I had to make the VirtualDJ and Devices folder). This didn't work either.
Virtual DJ seems to recognise the Ableton Push 2, but it does this without my definition file and seems to accept inputs from all the buttons and encoders. I would have thought that it should only accept inputs from the one button I have defined if my definition was working? Can anyone suggest where I may have gone wrong?
I thought I'd have a go at creating a definition file for an Ableton Push 2, but am struggling to have my definition file recognised. This makes me think I've done something wrong in the header? Or put it in the wrong place? I've tried to follow the instructions carefully and have read various posts from others trying to write definition files but still nothing...
Here's what I have (just trying to get one button working to begin with, and have tried to take it down to the bare minimum I need to get it working):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<device name=“Ableton Push 2” author=“Avi” type="MIDI" decks=“1” vid=“0x2982” pid=“0x1967”>
<button note=“0x3C” name=“Button1” />
I've saved it here (am on a Mac).
"/Users/[my user name]/Library/Application Support/VirtualDJ/Devices/Ableton Push 2.xml"
This folder seemed to already exist so seemed a good choice, though the wiki suggests "/users/[my user name]/Documents/VirtualDJ/Devices", which I also tried (I had to make the VirtualDJ and Devices folder). This didn't work either.
Virtual DJ seems to recognise the Ableton Push 2, but it does this without my definition file and seems to accept inputs from all the buttons and encoders. I would have thought that it should only accept inputs from the one button I have defined if my definition was working? Can anyone suggest where I may have gone wrong?
geposted Mon 11 Sep 23 @ 9:51 pm
first thing I see your button doesn't have a midi channel
geposted Mon 11 Sep 23 @ 9:53 pm
I was under the impression the channel was optional, but can't remember where I read that (and don't really know what I'm doing with this). Just tried the following as a different button and still nothing:
<button note=“0x3C” name=“Button1” channel=“0” />
It could be that I don't know what to expect this to look like. If my definition has worked, should this button be the only one recognised by Virtual DJ?
<button note=“0x3C” name=“Button1” channel=“0” />
It could be that I don't know what to expect this to look like. If my definition has worked, should this button be the only one recognised by Virtual DJ?
geposted Mon 11 Sep 23 @ 10:05 pm
channel is necessary and it has to be the right number for the button
midiox should tell you the channel [I can't remember if midiox gives 1-16 or 0-15]
midiox should tell you the channel [I can't remember if midiox gives 1-16 or 0-15]
geposted Mon 11 Sep 23 @ 10:08 pm
I've the push 2 midi documentation open here, so you're trying to map the mute button?
geposted Mon 11 Sep 23 @ 10:15 pm
Good to know about the channel! I've been using MidiView, which does give me the channel as "1" (though I'm still a little unclear whether this means 0 or 1). Tried 4 permutations of the button above with the following 4 channel numbers: "0", "1", "00", "01" - none of them seemed to work.
With note=0xC3 I was going for the pad on the first column and 4th row up. But just tried pressing the mute button and MidiView also says it's a "C3", but a "Controller" rather than a note.
Does the bit above the button seem OK to you? I'm just not convinced Virtual DJ is picking up my definition as it behaves in exactly the same way whether my definition is in the devices folder or not.
With note=0xC3 I was going for the pad on the first column and 4th row up. But just tried pressing the mute button and MidiView also says it's a "C3", but a "Controller" rather than a note.
Does the bit above the button seem OK to you? I'm just not convinced Virtual DJ is picking up my definition as it behaves in exactly the same way whether my definition is in the devices folder or not.
geposted Mon 11 Sep 23 @ 10:20 pm
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<device name=“Ableton Push 2” author=“Avi” type="MIDI" decks=“1” vid=“0x2982” pid=“0x1967”>
<button cc="0x3C" value="0x7F" off="0x00" name="Button1" deck="1" channel="1" />
for cc buttons you need the on & off values
<device name=“Ableton Push 2” author=“Avi” type="MIDI" decks=“1” vid=“0x2982” pid=“0x1967”>
<button cc="0x3C" value="0x7F" off="0x00" name="Button1" deck="1" channel="1" />
for cc buttons you need the on & off values
geposted Mon 11 Sep 23 @ 10:43 pm
Dont think the missing channel makes any difference.
Things i would try..
1. Missing default Mapping. Create a simple mapping xml file, put it in /Devices folder. Could have just one key like...
2. Your definition may require some description so that VDJ can create custom mapping with a specific name... so add description="Some name" to <device> line in your definition.
3. If still not detected, you can enable CreateMidiLog from OPTIONS, then restart VDJ and see in Home Folder of VirtualDJ the content of Log Report.txt how your device is or not detected. Post its content here if not sure what you read.
Things i would try..
1. Missing default Mapping. Create a simple mapping xml file, put it in /Devices folder. Could have just one key like...
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mapper device="Ableton Push 2" version="850" date="2023-09-10">
<map value="Button1" action="play_button" />
2. Your definition may require some description so that VDJ can create custom mapping with a specific name... so add description="Some name" to <device> line in your definition.
3. If still not detected, you can enable CreateMidiLog from OPTIONS, then restart VDJ and see in Home Folder of VirtualDJ the content of Log Report.txt how your device is or not detected. Post its content here if not sure what you read.
geposted Tue 12 Sep 23 @ 12:02 pm
Thanks for your thoughts both of you. I put in another session today and finally figured it out. Turns out my use of TextEdit on the Mac was putting a whole load of formatting things in that I couldn't see. I rewrote the definition using an IDE and it was recognised! Proper novice move eh...
geposted Fri 15 Sep 23 @ 8:13 pm