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Topic: Offline use of Tidal on VDJ
Hello, can anyone explain how the offline features are going to work with Tidal moving forward? I was sent an email today notifying me that Tidal will be giving its HighFi Plus users early access to its offline feature, which they say will allow you to use downloaded songs on VDJ. However, I updated my Tidal subscription to be able to use the offline mode, but, when I turned my wifi off and used VDJ, I could not play any of the Tidal music I downloaded. Has anyone else played with the offline settings yet?

geposted Tue 17 Oct 23 @ 12:22 am
Just tested the off-line mode in Tidal Music. I tested 3 tracks and they all played fine for me.

geposted Tue 17 Oct 23 @ 1:53 am
Yes now with the Tidal HiFi Plus plan, one can download all/any Tidal track, for offline usage.

Just R-click an track or group of Tidal tracks and choose "Download to Cache"

The Tidal offline tracks will also appear in the Tidal > Online Cache folder.

the Tidal offline, cached, tracks, have a vdjcache, extension, and can be renamed, moved, deleted, copied, like any other file.

see this thread also:

make sure you are using one of the updated builds of VDJ since this is all new.

geposted Tue 17 Oct 23 @ 1:53 am
It didn't work for me either, even after subscribing to hifiplus and saving the cache offline, when I turn off the internet the music doesn't play.

geposted Fri 27 Oct 23 @ 4:22 pm
user26061728 wrote :
It didn't work for me either, even after subscribing to hifiplus and saving the cache offline, when I turn off the internet the music doesn't play.

I got it, I was trying with video. In offline mode it only plays without videos

geposted Wed 08 Nov 23 @ 8:27 pm
Do you know know I go back to the online source after I downloaded the song to cache? When I delete the xxx.vdjcache, virtuaj DJ still thinks the songs is offline and doesn't play it because the offline .vdjcache file is already deleted.

geposted Sat 18 Nov 23 @ 3:56 pm
Guess that's a database issue. When you load a streamed track, it gets added to the database. Presumably when you cache it, that initial location gets updated (because VDJ assumes you want to load the cached version).

If you delete that file (I guess you didn't delete from within VDJ) then the database doesn't know what you did, and is not updated.

geposted Sat 18 Nov 23 @ 4:00 pm
Hello, I have just install the software update on my mac pro and I notice that the download option on tidal section when I click the right button is no longer available. Do you have any idea how to fi it?

geposted Mon 11 Dec 23 @ 8:30 pm
user25672010 wrote :
Do you know know I go back to the online source after I downloaded the song to cache? When I delete the xxx.vdjcache, virtuaj DJ still thinks the songs is offline and doesn't play it because the offline .vdjcache file is already deleted.

I also ran into this.

At first I also had trouble removing some playlists from cache. But then I found out that the special “Offline Cache” folder lists all offlined tracks, and that the tracks in this folder offer delete operation under file operations right click menu. When you delete from this list the tracks are no longer cached.

But typically you would want to download a playlist to cache, and later maybe remove it from cache again. So it would be nice with cache related right click menu items on TIDAL playlists, to “Download to cache” and “Remove from cache”.

As it is now, all cached tracks are shown in a flat list in the “Offline Cache” folder, making it difficult to remove a single playlist from cache.

geposted Fri 08 Mar 24 @ 7:52 am
I agree.. but when you have a Tidal track cached .. it becomes like a local file.. in all ways
(except its DRM needs refreshing).

And in that same way of thinking.. one would not go and delete tracks from ones local drive, just because one does not wish them to be in play list..

And of course one can delete tracks from your collection anytime .. but is a totally different operation from deleting a playlist, or virtual folder.

And there would need to be checks, if a deleted track was in other playlists, or virtual folders.

The Tidal cache is Unlimited, so seems no urgent reason to delete cached tracks. (in similar way one does not delete purchased tracks).


geposted Fri 08 Mar 24 @ 9:01 am
For me, the main reason to cache tracks locally is to be able to take them with you to a place without internet connection.

Sure, if you have lots of disk space you can just cache everything and leave it there. But maybe you’re short on disk space, and maybe some of the tracks you cached are not going to be played anytime soon or only in places with internet connection, thus wasting disk space.

So, there are plenty of reasons to un-cache tracks again. And I am simply suggesting an easier way of doing so — at playlist granularity in addition to track by track. Just like in the native Tidal apps, you can cache and uncache an entire playlist. Un-caching a playlist does not remove the tracks from the collection, it just removes the cached data for the tracks of that playlist. In VDJ the tracks would remain in whatever virtual folders etc. they are part of.

geposted Sun 10 Mar 24 @ 9:35 am
Understand your concern if disc space is very limited. (even though disc storage if so inexpensive)
And seems you are only interested in having the cached Tidal tracks, for that one time use, when there is NO net at the site.

Until the suggestion is implemented, one could use the "Last Play" sorting in 2 ways.. to help.

1) If just after your gig and wish to remove all Tidal cached tracks from the gigs playlist .. sort the Tidal cache by "Last Play", and remove all tracks with a "Last Play" of that day or the last last 4 hours etc.

2) Or keep those that you recently play.. and remove all those w a Last Play of over a month, (or 3 months) etc.

(both removals, can of course be done quickly with a multiple select, then R-click > File Operations > Delete)

Note: there is also no "playlist style", removal of cached Beatport tracks, also at the moment.
(needs to be done in the Beatport "Offline Tracks" folder, and w Beatport one is indeed limited to 1000 tracks, not a disc space issue.)
(Beatport also suffers from slower download speeds and at times incomplete downloads, both aborting the stems calculation, making the cache more useful)

Method 2 is currently used periodically, to review the Beatport Offline caching
(because of the 1000 track limit).

Note 2: one can move the Tidal cached tracks to another external HD, (moving with VDJ).
(guess not really that useful, since Tidal is so lightning fast at downloads if, one needs the track with an net connection, mentioning for completeness, of all options)


geposted Sun 10 Mar 24 @ 11:57 am
Understand your concern if disc space is very limited. (even though disc storage if so inexpensive)

Internal disk space in Macs is very expensive. 😳 And I prefer to not juggle external drives.

Thanks for taking time to suggest workarounds, they will come in handy!

geposted Sun 10 Mar 24 @ 8:05 pm