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Topic: See this baby.. - Page: 1

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geposted Mon 15 Aug 05 @ 10:05 pm
I love the Dennon Cd players, and this latest product looks awsome.

It's a very good product. Awsome!



I love it !

I think that will be nice to scratch on too..

I actually like the Technics SL-DZ 1200 very much.. the mistake people make is trying to use it as a CD player like the Pioneer while it is in fact more like the sl1200 for CDs ('oldskool' vinyl jocks should understand what I mean)..

IMO the only thing that has caused it to more or less fail is it's very long loading time.. But as far as handling goes it's awesome IMO..

Hey there paulheu
watch how you use that "oldskool vinyl jock" phrase huh?
I was around BEFORE the pioneer 1200s.
I forget the name of the table but they were direct drive and made of cast iron. Man were they heavy, but you sure as heck never got a skip off them either from a soft dance floor.......lol....

Things are so much lighter today and MUCH more fun to use and play with.

i got to try out the cdx, its so nice, the feel is awseome

At those prices, I wouldn't get any of these today, as they're not "evolutive" enough. Having such great technology and being stuck at the CD-R level for ever would be so frustrating.

A good idea for any of those makers would be to provide a USB 2.0 or Firewire port on those units, and even if they're not usable right away they could always deliver new firmware later on to unleash their power...

now you just burn the firmware on the cd=rom and player will update...

many manufacturers have it this way.

Sorry, I was not clear: what I meant is they should have a USB/Firewire port on the device so that you could hook a USB/Firewire harddrive (full of your mp3s) directly onto the unit later on, instead of having to deal with your mp3s on CD-R

They could already have the port in there and have it inactive, then activate it via firmware upgrade later on. Kind of like how game box manufacturer ensure that their new console are evolutive: they make sure the expansion ports are on the base unit before initial sale, and they develop&sell add-ons later on...

Maybe some CDplayers are using plain IDE cd-inside (as one dvdplayer I have at home)
so theoretically you can upgrade your player firmware, and after this you will change your CD-rom for the IDE harddrive that you prepared on the PC :-).


CD players today are very attractive pieces of equipment, but I wouldn't say their is a best..

Their are many likeable players, and their all so tempting on the wallet, but it's true, unless the TCCD improves with VDJ or even better you can plug it straight into your computer and control the software, I would say it's not really worth it at the moment (I agree with Bambi)..

Because they are released very quickly and getting closer and closer to the mp3, it's gotta be soon we se some direct linkage to the computer, that then will be final, and the first to do it could become the industry standard for our market, I think most of us are all useing "temporay" solutions until we can find something more serious..

So again I preach pateince :).

What i'm waiting to see in the future, is that cd-players or whatever(dj)-players to act as "open" controllers too, meaning that -along with their internal functionality- they will output all their functions/keys/jogs etc as midi messages via midi or usb/fw ports.
This will close the "gap" between traditional and software based dj'ing.. and add the desired compatibility.
An "intermediate" solution i thing is the CD TC, wich has its problems more or less.

This idea is not hard to implement right now, and i don't think that i'm the only one in this word i think about that, btw... i was thinking about saving the cue points in cd players to external disk years before pioneer do it for the cdj1000's...

"Big" -hardware- companies should listen to the customers more, like software companies like
Atomix do...

good idea dj bambi, and i aslo think they should have cd, turntables options, like the cdx, they could stick a tone arm on there or something and give you the advantage to play vynil or cd's, i think that would be pretty awseome, and it would be even cooler t have a little sd card slot or something in it :)

I won't bet on the Numark cdx. It looks great and they work ok. The feel is like real vinyl. But there are a lot problems with the reliability of the decks. Lots of users are complaining in several forums

the Denon players are already firmware updatable. You could dowload a patch, burn it on a cd and flash it into your players. I've done it several times already with my Denon DN1000s.
On the Denon forum the idea of an Usb port was already made. This port could then be used for usb memory sticks to store cue points etc and to connect an external harddrive

This DN3500 is replacing the DN3000, there will probably a DN5500 replacing the DN5000 later this year.

There is also a DVD menu on the Denon DJ site. Will they introduce a player similiar to the DVJ from Pioneer

I think Bambi is already aware about firmware updates via cd that you create of manufacturers website...just that he would like to see them put in more features before release that could be developped after initial sale...to extend the life-time of the product.

I think you understood that too though, but just so we're all clear.

Hey man this is very simmilar to an idea I was thinking of years ago too.
Hardware should be developped to evolve, kind of like Cable TV boxes, they put in extra ports that don't initially have a use but may in the future.
Your "Open Controllers" idea is so simmilar to something I wanted to see developped years ago but especially when CDJ1000 came out! How amazing would it be if they had put in MIDI or even USB and supplied host app that could pass the players control instructions to your PC. The host app could then control VDJ for example. With MIDI you could easily map everybutton on 2 1000's.
They could have added a button on the hardware player to switch between Hardware/External Software Mode. The results of this would really be miraculous.
You could be spinning away in VDJ using a pair of 1000's as control, let's say VDJ crashed just hit the control mode button and you could be back to playing the CD thats already loaded in, you now have an instant backup, whats more the CD could continue playing even when in software mode...all you need to do now is flick the fader.

Once I thought about buying a cheap Dual-Transport deck to experiment wit the controller, develop a dongle that could recored the button presses and be mapped to VDJ. Finally I would have liked to add in some button on my rack that would allow me to switch between using it for VDJ or CD Decks...There were numerous problems with the idea but could easily have worked...I just didnt have the financial resources or coding knowledge available to do it.

If anyone fancied working on the project with me that would be cool too.

But summing up: All hardware players should be developped with an external control port, be able to give each device a CCID (Control Channel ID) thats my own terminology for it, I would say up to 16 channels would be more than enough, I don't know any DJ's who use more than 4 Decks although you should always plan for expansion. All hardware could be compatible with all software as a controller, think of the flexibility.
And you'd only have to familliarise yourself with one interface.


There's no standard interface between software and the hardware. USB is only a way to communicate but the relation with the buttons and options in the hardware and the software is the real problem.

In the future is going to have a standard for sure (like in computers), but the DJ hardware isn't evolutioning like the software is doing.
