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Topic: Serial Number

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wellfmHome userMember since 2005
How Do I find my serial number after I have paid for and downloaded the program?

geposted Fri 09 Sep 05 @ 3:52 am
Via the e-mail that you receive.


geposted Fri 09 Sep 05 @ 3:56 am
wellfmHome userMember since 2005
The only "email I recieved" was an Order Confirmation containing an Order Number, a VAT Number and a Part Number.

So where on earth is this mysterious Serial Number that many on the VDJ Board can't seem to find either?

I am not looking to pirate anyone's software. I just to want to mix some tunes at home. I thought the demo was pretty good so I sprung $89 for the actual software.

But since I can't open it without a Serial Number, I guess I'm outta luck, huh?

geposted Fri 09 Sep 05 @ 5:01 am
acw_djPRO InfinitySenior staffMember since 2005
Check your mail, and check the atomatically erased mail too, maybe your serial is there!

geposted Fri 09 Sep 05 @ 5:20 am
wellfmHome userMember since 2005
Nowhere to be found. All e-mail from date of purchase says is:

"Please login on our web site, update your profile and change your password. If you bought AtomixMP3 please enter your serial number in the required field."

I never entered any serial number anywhere. I used the program for a week. Only tonight when I first wanted to "register" and read the Forums, did I encounter requests for this "serial number." Why don't they just send it to me? They've got my money.

geposted Fri 09 Sep 05 @ 5:51 am
wellfmHome userMember since 2005
So why, after just a few posts, do I have a very bad feeling about this software? The bad feeling I should have had BEFORE I plunked my money down.

I have used fine products from Blaze Audio for years and occasionally, on changing PCs or having to perform a non-destructive restoration, I'd "lose" a registration key of some kind which they'd gladly replace. Apparently, they keep accurate records. And unlike you guys, they trust me and want my return business which they got lots of.

I don't want to spend days and weeks on this forum sparring with your various levels of "expert" and "VIP" DJs. So if I don't get a "registration key" replacement within 24 hours, I will officially dispute with VISA all charges for this software.

Thank you.

geposted Fri 09 Sep 05 @ 6:41 am
acw_djPRO InfinitySenior staffMember since 2005
Don't worry... if you miss your serial you are already in customers database. You can contact e-service and they will responde... have to wait after that... sorry, but for all of us the serial came quickly after the mail you receive.

geposted Fri 09 Sep 05 @ 6:52 am

geposted Fri 09 Sep 05 @ 7:17 pm

Moderated by Lady Cameron
Sorry PEPEPAPITO no email address is allowed from a demo user

geposted Fri 28 Oct 05 @ 4:51 pm
krisz16Home userMember since 2005
Ejay DJ Mixstation 2 Serial : (moderated)

Don't give serial number here, you could be banned. I recommend you to buy a legal copy of Atomix Products.
Moderated by ACW.

geposted Wed 02 Nov 05 @ 11:54 pm
Don't know if the last post was a joke or not. If it wasn't...Moderators please delete.


geposted Thu 03 Nov 05 @ 12:17 am

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