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Topic: **Unable to mix a particular song**

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FjorkoPRO InfinityMember since 2006
Hi All

I seem to be unable to mix the following song with NONE of my other songs that are in the same BPM range...

It's :

Mistral - Everytime ( Nalin & Kane Mix )

VDJ and mixmeister calculates the BPM of this song at around 132.x BPM if I recall correctly....but no matter what song I try to mix with it, this song KEEPS going out of sync, and it's weird coz it has quite a steady beat to it so it's mind boggling.

Any ideas ?


PS. Oh yeah - I'm a new "Bedroom DJ" - I just bought the software for my own amusement to play around with, and see what mixes I can come up with - doubt that I will use it in public but anyway !...


geposted Thu 16 Feb 06 @ 6:33 pm
Is the song coming from a mixed cd? In most of the cases songs in a mixed cd speed up during the song. For example at the start it is 130 bpm. In the end it is pitched up to 132. VDJ has only 1 bpm, this could cause the drift.
In case of drift the real dj should come out and you have to mix and correct by ear (or eye in case of vdj)

geposted Thu 16 Feb 06 @ 8:13 pm
Bren FPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Try downloading Auto BPM or AR BPM, these FREE mini apps tell you the live BPM rather than the average BPM

Once again this confirms that beat mixing and syncing by ear is the only sure way to stay on beat. Visual mixing is very good most of the time, but I recommend the best of both, mix visually and by ear together :).

geposted Thu 16 Feb 06 @ 8:29 pm
FjorkoPRO InfinityMember since 2006
Thanks guys.....

That song was not part of a mixed CD unfortuantely.....

When you say I have to manually keep it in sync, will that mean nudging it alot ? and will that not mean that you get a constant "bending/slipping" sound in the track that is actually being played or how can that be minimised ?

This song is sometimes WAY out, so nudging it just a bit with SHIFT-LEFT/RIGHT makes no difference.

I will try those BPM tools.......thanks

Another Question - after you manually enter the BPM in VDJ ( after computing it with one of those tools ), will it stay with that song even after you close and open VDJ or even re-analyse all the songs ?

Cheers !

geposted Thu 16 Feb 06 @ 11:56 pm
FjorkoPRO InfinityMember since 2006
Sorry, The song in question here is not of the artist Mistral but Lustral - LOL ! :-)

geposted Fri 17 Feb 06 @ 12:31 am
Bren FPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Yes providing you do edit the BPM.

What we were talking about was when you mix the traditional way, pre-listening to both songs together in the headphones, matching the tempo (pitch) and beats (sync) and then fading over when the work has been done, rather than doing this live, but if there is any drift it should be little and easiliy corrected.

The purpose of linking you to those BPM apps is because they are "live" counters and by looking at the display you'll see if the songs BPM varies.

geposted Fri 17 Feb 06 @ 12:31 am
FjorkoPRO InfinityMember since 2006

AutoBPM 1.1 ( when running in the background ) doesn't seem to change in value if I select the range 100-200, it stays on 136 for a long time and I know this song's BPM is not 136...

Am I doing something wrong ? It is suppose to just run in the background while the song is playing in VDJ right ?


geposted Fri 17 Feb 06 @ 1:16 am
Sometimes music is just out of key. Many tracks are edited nowadays. If you buy compilation CD's many songs are "cut" and "edited". Sometimes the cutter/editor makes mistakes and does it incorrectly. There is nothing to do about it. What also happens alot is that tracks start incorrectly due to faulty cuts. Also, lots of electro music is wrongly synced. It hears okay, but when you technically look at it, the song is complety wrong structured. And last, but not least, illegal MP3's tend to be ripped and ripped and compressed and compressed over and over again, this also gives problems.

Try to get the track original, or do a re-rip of your CD and see what it gives.


geposted Fri 17 Feb 06 @ 9:24 pm
Dj XeoPRO InfinityMember since 2005
if the song changes that dramaticly when synced make sure the BPM is the same all the way through and is not changing to a slower chorus in the middle, allot of songs have a change in speed for a break and then come back to the same BPM (but out of sync with the CBG markers). this may sound obvious to manny but if your a begginer it may be your problem.

The main thing to check is are the beats directly above the beat markers?

geposted Sat 18 Feb 06 @ 12:29 am

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