the default bpm (ie 0 point) of a song can be attained by clicking that 'thing' at the middle of the bpm slider using the mouse. (why not add a shortcut to do the same thing anyway).
This feature would be helpful on the deck volume too.
that way one can create and echo effect with muting the back scratch. there by freeing a plug-in.
so one could just click on a lil thingie at the bottom of the volume slide and the volume gradually lowers like how the 0 point bpm can be attained by using the mouse.
it'd be even more helpful if the lowering (or adding) interval can be edited to what the user wants it to be. be it in steps or time.
This feature would be helpful on the deck volume too.
that way one can create and echo effect with muting the back scratch. there by freeing a plug-in.
so one could just click on a lil thingie at the bottom of the volume slide and the volume gradually lowers like how the 0 point bpm can be attained by using the mouse.
it'd be even more helpful if the lowering (or adding) interval can be edited to what the user wants it to be. be it in steps or time.
geposted Sun 05 Mar 06 @ 10:41 pm