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Topic: PCDJFX vs. VDJ - Page: 2

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vpcdjHome userMember since 2004
lol @bag getting touchy sending subliminal messeges my way. its [almost] fact VDJ is better than PCDJ Red/FX so i dont think there's anything to worry about.
then again ur under "payroll" here so i understand.

there's no website out there that gives ppl a proper review of these dj programs. the german's will twist truths to traktor being the best. the english, visiosonic products etc.

vdj v2 is better than vpcdj red (any release). so I wont even go to v3.
v3 vs. Red or FX are not even in the same class anymore. and i think the visiosonic ppl just gave up. they dont even give promises anymore.

(well let me make Bag nervous again)
Warren G - Take A Look Over Your Shoulder (Reality): djdecks, DJ Pro Advance, ClubDj Pro, Traktor 3, MixVibes, Pioneer SVJDL01

geposted Tue 04 Apr 06 @ 1:54 am
i'm english and i'll say VDJ is best software :p

geposted Tue 04 Apr 06 @ 1:57 am
bagpussPRO InfinityMember since 2003
lool @vpcdj,
Just warning those PCDJ users who might see this thread as a problem to them, or anyone who wants to go OTT, it happens almost everytime (check past SSL and Traktor threads), so best to be fair in the first place :), most of the stuff in this thread is cool so I see no problems..yet hehe.

geposted Tue 04 Apr 06 @ 2:07 am

Agree totally with you...

"vdj v2 is better than vpcdj red (any release). so I wont even go to v3.
v3 vs. Red or FX are not even in the same class anymore. and i think the visiosonic ppl just gave up. they dont even give promises anymore. "

thats exactly like I felt too, and PCDJ was out of question for me. You expressed my EXACT feelings about PCDJ...
PCDJ fell behind, it does not have most of the modern features of DJ software, like timecode etc.

Now, Traktor, Mixvibes are good programs too.. Still feel VDJ is ahead of them :) And VDJ 4 comming out will make VDJ even better, specially for timecode. Lots of new improvements, and brand new KILLER GOOD soundengine.... ;)

Now, DJ software has become really popular and acceptable, so the real known hardware DJ companies are also looking into this.
Pioneer made a software, that is not very good (yet), has an awefull skin.....

And guess you all know that VDJ teamed up with Numark (www.numark.com), so we will see lots of great hardware and software improvements for VDJ in the near future ;)

As of djdecks, DJ Pro Advance, ClubDj Pro and a cpl of others, they are more like open-source or one-man projects, that are far behind...

But I really hope to see you on the side of VDJ soon VPCDJ ;) You been at the forum for about 3 years, written about 400 post... ;) time to get VDJ ? ;) hope so... hehe

(BTW, I dont think Bagpuss meant anything towards you, his post was only as a friendly comment so that this thread would not take off in a bad direction, as other threads have on these subjects. And none of us are on any "payroll" from VDJ, we are all regular users of the software...hehe)

Happy mixing :)


geposted Tue 04 Apr 06 @ 2:08 am
DJ CyderPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2003
Talk about a blast from the past! I love rick's comment "i aint got a vip bone in my body" hehe. Most of us started on red because there wasn't really anything out there at the time. I remember the old red fourms a nice group of people there. Its always good to see them pop up here. Everyone is welcome here always.

Differnt products for sure. Just because something is differnt doesn't mean its better or worse it just means its differnt. That basically sums it up.

bottom line

both have demos try them then decide, don't let someone decide that for you. You have to use it not us :)

geposted Tue 04 Apr 06 @ 4:53 am
Vpcdj: “vdj is (not might be) better than pcdj but u still gotta respect pcdj red.”

True…. If Red (the original version) had master tempo and a few more features, I probably would have continued using it. Red is also rock solid DJ software. PCDJ also gave us the first mp3 controller when it did a joint venture with Numark (even Numark switched to VDJ;). Furthermore, PCDJ was once atop the DJ software market in my opinion. However, as dj-in-norway pointed out, “PCDJ fell behind, it does not have most of the modern features of DJ software….” In fact, $30 software like djdecks offers more “modern features” than FX, which cost ten times as much.


geposted Tue 04 Apr 06 @ 3:57 pm
mp3jrickPRO InfinityHonorary MemberMember since 2003
That VIP comment still holds, post counts and stars don't mean much to me.
When I was asked to help out in support, I requested to keep my normal user status but the forum software wouldn't let that happen.
Sometimes there is too much significance in titles.

Red did have some future potential I have been told, including karaoke.
But the keys left with the author when the meltdown occurred, and that is what forced development of FIX.
This abortion of a program initially was sold as futureware and when if finally was delivered is was toe toe toe toe totally ddddisfunctional, talk about a forum meltdown.

Then we had the infamous thread that went "poof" on ProDJ revealing beta testers who claimed to have the dam thing working perfectly while the rest of us scratched our heads in wonder. The posts revealed that they were all still using Red 5.X in secrecy to cover up the failures blaming everything but the program (can you post your specs please) lol.
You could see the smoke for miles over that one, they were busted big time.
Apparently there were back doors to the forum and someone kicked it in.

So FIX users have a perfect right to be pissed and express themselves imo, particularly because it continues to this day.
I have never heard of such nonsence with software in my life, and why it is tolorated is beyond me.
Maybe it's because were just DJs and are too small of a group for anybody to worry about.

I know I have expressed some mixed feelings on both sides of this issue, but the truth is the truth.
I don't hold a grudge because I got my money back, others took the pipe bigtime and ethically that is just wrong.
The other thing that sort of solved the problem for most of us was the introduction of vdj.
Easy to learn, stable and very affordable compared to the other options like DJ Power and Tractor and even OTS. OTS still finds themselves in the same stew pot as PCDJ, and for some reason their users tolorate it as well. It don't figure, but that is the way it is for them.

So be greatful for what we have here, I know I am.

geposted Tue 04 Apr 06 @ 5:38 pm
i also used pcdj when it first came pcdj it was the first software of (BPM pro) and was sold to the guys in FL,guys remeber BPM was the first dj software.PCDJFX VS VDJ ? do u wanna ride ? think of it

geposted Tue 04 Apr 06 @ 5:39 pm
PCDJ RED is for sure the classic, all respect for that ;)
They made a basic working dj software real early....

Or even Virtual Turntables ;) hehe.. THAT'S a classic! just like Donkey Kong and Pac Man ;)

Got its charm :)

geposted Tue 04 Apr 06 @ 5:43 pm
8 tracks is a classic... I still remember trying to cue those bad boys at a gig....


I started on cassettes then vinyl then CD now digital...

First software solution was Red... loved it because of the Numark DMC-1 controller and stability of Red.

FX came along and I waited like a year after the intial release just to maybe use it with much complaint.

Full of bugs and when you post any problems they tend to forget you are the reason they are in business. I remember posting so much distress over certain problems like extra information written to the MP3 file that cause it to sometimes get corrupt and read times wrong and other garbage like that. They refused to look at the issue and brushed me off. A few months ago when I bought VDJ and compared the two products. I posted a topic on PCDJ's forums complaining that they have never updated or come through with any promises with anything they claim is coming around the corner. No video, no new sound engine, no stability... They kicked me off the forum and deleted my post. No response, no message to me, nothing... just deleted my profile. So I re-signed up so I can still put my 2 cents in every now and then.. Pretty funny if you look at thier forums now.. There is no one on it anymore. There are post that are days old .... that are the most recent posts... I have seen so much activity with the forums here it is insane. I e-mail subscribe to various topics here and my e-mail in box explodes with notifications on new posts... ... All I can say is that I loved PCDJ... used them for a while... then discovered something WAY better and with a better support system. There is NO BS here at all.
--- Group Hug ---

geposted Tue 04 Apr 06 @ 6:04 pm
Group Hug ... ;) LOOOL ...hehe

geposted Tue 04 Apr 06 @ 9:05 pm

Maybe PCDJ red was great and first of it's kind, but the simple fact remains that I and a lot of others like me paid good money for PCDJFX (£190 in UK).

I'd like my money back, but I haven't a hope in Hell of getting it.

Compare this to VDJ and it's a different world. Great community, a program which mostly works great, good updates, loads of skins, loads of effects, loads of loops etc etc. Fantastic!!!

geposted Wed 05 Apr 06 @ 11:05 am
@ asymptote

Did you try the demo for FX? When I purchased it, FX hadn’t even been released. VISIO gave DJ’s that were using Red or Blue a $99 upgrade special. However, there was a catch: we didn’t have a demo to try out. In fact, you could consider those who took advantage of the $99 special as beta testers. I’m thankful VDJ resuscitated me after that nearly F-atal X-perience ;)

On the serious side, I’m sure FX has improved a lot since then. However, there’s still no competition when comparing it to VDJ—far superior software!


geposted Wed 05 Apr 06 @ 4:28 pm
"In fact, you could consider those who took advantage of the $99 special as beta testers."

I guess you can say I was a beta tester then...


and after my testing that I paid for... it failed...
and so did PCDJ Scratch... I guess you can say I was a sucker...errr.. ummm ... I mean.. beta tester for that as well.

geposted Wed 05 Apr 06 @ 4:44 pm
After my nearly F-atal X-perience, I wasn’t about to take a chance with PCDJ Scratch....


geposted Wed 05 Apr 06 @ 4:48 pm
mp3jrickPRO InfinityHonorary MemberMember since 2003
I guess that was part of the ethics issue for me.
After they gave me my money back, they then gave me VRM FREE!

Then I found out that beta testers (Tomsound specifically) had to pay full price, not even a discount.
That is soooo sad.
It's all one way in their favor, take take take and take some more.
All while they put their reputations on the line to use it live and have it crash.

Whats wrong with that picture.......

geposted Wed 05 Apr 06 @ 5:01 pm
The thing that really made me a VDJ (VISIO Defecting Jockey) was the way the customers were treated. I guess VISIO felt that their loyal customers would stay loyal no matter how long it took to get FX working. Furthermore, I didn’t like how they constantly suggested that a customer’s PC was usually the reason why FX didn't working right. I waited almost 2 years before making my F-inal X-scape.


geposted Wed 05 Apr 06 @ 5:20 pm
Dead right OO

That was always their excuse, 'it's your computer'.

It also annoyed me that I had a problem once with verifying the software after an upgrade and there was no support over the weekend.

To be fair, though, the team at www.pcdj.co.uk (Based in Hull UK) were very helpful, but they aren't really Visiosonic and couldn't sort everything out. There's a guy called Paul there who earns real respect.

Software still crap though.

geposted Wed 05 Apr 06 @ 5:28 pm
asymptote: "Software still crap though.”

I’m disappointed to read that. I thought VISIO would have turned it around by now. They probably shoud just give up on FX and release the original Red again….


geposted Wed 05 Apr 06 @ 5:47 pm
mp3jrickPRO InfinityHonorary MemberMember since 2003
I will never for get the year VDJ came out.
ProDJ awarded PCDJ "software of the year", they were sooo proud.
DJ Software of the year my ass, it didn't even work.
It's like they went into the game without a belt on and their pants fell down.

Paul would be Morpheus if I had to guess.
Another one what was pretty helpfull was Phil/Headline DJ who visited Tampa and got the frozen shoulder treatment.
And the list of names goes on and on like road kill on the interstate.

geposted Wed 05 Apr 06 @ 8:08 pm