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Topic: Laptop users: Whats the final word on nVidia ?

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If you are using a laptop with a nVidia video card (especially NVIDIA® GeForce® Go 7400), whats your final word ? Does it work great for you or not for vDJ video ?

If you had to choose between nVidia and ATI Radeon XPRESS 200M, which would you choose ?

geposted Wed 12 Apr 06 @ 1:56 pm
Well I know that I purchased a top of the line Dell with nVidia graphics and VDJ would not work with the accerlerated option enabled. It didn't crash like it used to, it just didn't work. That laptop was stolen, so the next one will have ATI graphics. Hopefully that will work better.

geposted Thu 13 Apr 06 @ 12:04 am
ATI i would go with.
because Nvidia always had issues with software, Mainly videogames, always had to patch something for Nvidia cards to work properly with software and their hardware acceleration.

geposted Thu 13 Apr 06 @ 1:53 am
I use ATI Radeon mobile.. works like a charm ;)

geposted Thu 13 Apr 06 @ 2:06 am
TO > 101010101
You are kidding, right? ATI is the one with the issues in games, I don't know about VDJ. Nvidia is fast at release new drivers, so try that. Also, there is some Direct X 9 from December 2005, try that also.

geposted Thu 13 Apr 06 @ 7:27 am
ATI is for sure not the one having issues with videogames...

At least not for the game I'm playing a lot ;) Battlefield2 ;) hehe.. love that game;)

Nvidia users seems so run into issues, but can be fixed
ATI users never have any issues:)

I have had ATI grahic cards as long as I've had PC's, and I've been happy with ATI all the time..
Including VDJ use ... ;)

But someone else might have different experiences on different games, Alf... so its hard to say something general I guess.
My guess would be that it really dont matter much what card you get... But hearing Anewsomes problems, makes me cheer on ATI :)

geposted Thu 13 Apr 06 @ 1:15 pm
I've had computers for about 8 years now and ATI have only ever been ahead of nVidia in terms of performance for one generation of graphics cards. It's generally accepted that the new nVidia cards have better performance and image quality than their ATI counterparts.

This may help you:

geposted Thu 13 Apr 06 @ 1:20 pm
thing is... we are talking 2d performance, and not 3d...

Like Anewsome and a few others, they have issues with hardware acceleration with 2d Nvidia use.
For what reason, I do not know.

I have never had such issues with ATI.

But sure, playing games using 3d rendering, Nvidia is known to be ahead of Ati.;)

geposted Thu 13 Apr 06 @ 1:40 pm
okay, thanks for the replies. I'd like to hear from others as well. Also, lets keep the discussion focused around vDJ performance. Would vDJ be considered 2D or 3D ?

Is there anyone using the nVidia 7400 for vDJ without any issue ?

geposted Thu 13 Apr 06 @ 2:58 pm
jenhenPRO InfinityMember since 2004
I just bough a new laptop with Nvidia 7400 It freezes badly with hareware acceleration ON but not with it off. I dont know if it os ok to run with it off but I will see

geposted Fri 14 Apr 06 @ 2:16 am
djkike had the same problem as you, his solution was to do the following:

there i coose one by one extensions .avi, .mpg, .mpeg -> CHANGE -> WINDOWS MEDIAPLAYER VIDEO DECODER.
Not all videos run, depend on riping process used but i can activate Video Hardware Acceleration and play well.
I'll look for BSPlayer Pro Codecs, then i'm sure i'll be able to project all videos"

Hopefully it will work for you. I'm not sure if the problem lies with this particular graphics card or perhaps people are buying their laptops with an oem install where the manufacturers have installed various media components which are causing these problems.

geposted Fri 14 Apr 06 @ 2:28 am
ATI 1900XTX with 512Mb is the fastest card, but Nvidia's 7900GTX is pretty close, but Nvidia has a better price now.

geposted Fri 14 Apr 06 @ 7:19 am

VDJ is 2D, not 3D


geposted Fri 14 Apr 06 @ 6:48 pm
djkikePRO InfinityMember since 2004
Hey guys,
for freezing problem also install "K-Lite_Codec_Pack_Deejaysystem_Edition_254" it has most used codecs for videoclips

geposted Sun 30 Apr 06 @ 12:41 am

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