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Hey everyone after countless hours of trying to make it worki have given up and i need help i got a gig this friday and i am trying to save all teh tags for my songs heres what i did

1. got the trial version of mp3 tag and rename cause somone here suggested it

2. loaded up my songs into it to edit the tags for genre on the songs, i noticed that virtual dj doesn't have a genre tab so in stead i decided to use teh comments tab as a make shift one for my genres

3. edited teh mp3s in mp3 tag and rename and now all teh comments of songs say the genres that they are so i am happy, by the way these are all ID3 tags

4. open vdj and enable reading tags for both title and comments but when i looks at the files through vdj in the comments box all i see are litttle squares instead of teh genres that i taged it with

5. right clicked and checked the file info and they all same teh correct thing
but it doesn't show them under the comments section

6. got pissed off startd swearing then sat in front of my computer and posted this message

7. now contemplting to throw my laptop off teh balcony ....lol....

help mne please guys cuz this is getting teh better of me

Squeeze Eye

geposted Thu 08 Jun 06 @ 2:35 am
1. Good program, a few other members and I have mentioned if before.
2. Sort your music by genre in Tag&Rename and then physically move them into a folder with the genre name or use WinAmp to make playlists.
3. Make sure you are writing to ID3v2 tags and ID3v1 tags, this is the default behaviour, so most likely all is good.
4. Virtual DJ's ID3 tag support is bad if I'm being honest. Have you got Read Title+Comments set in the configuration?
5. Normal behaviour, unfortunately the database doesn't update itself.
6. Completely understandable, Virtual DJ's ID3 support is frustrating.
7. Don't do it!

The easiest thing to do would be to move your mp3s into folders named by genre, you can always use search in VDJ to search for a song if you don't know the genre and only the name. I've made a length post about ID3 tags and Virtual DJ before but with no search by user history it's hard to find it again.

There is a database updater program but I don't know how well it works. If that fails and you can afford the time to reanalyse all your music to get correct tag information, rename your VirtualDJ Database.xml file and then analyse all your music from scratch.

The quickest thing to do is organise your MP3s by genre using Tag&Rename and then moving them into their own folder.

you don't have to reanalyse if the database updater fails just copy the database.xml file to somewhere else before u mess with it and if it gets messed up replace it with the backup

ok i'll try that if anyone else had any sugestions please throw them my way also

Squeezeeye...I'm in the same boat. I was really hoping that the VirtualDJ software would at least show "genre" so I could sort my music by genre. Anyone have any idea if in future builds of the software, we will be getting this feature?

I'm going to try out the work around mentioned here. I think I understand what was meant.

Am I missing something here? If you want to sort by genre, why not make it a group? Rock, then subs of Classic, Glam, Hard, Alternative, etc. Then you can have subs off of them.

That is what I do. I created a folder named _Playlists (Note the _ to get it on top of my directory structure). Created a fouvourite in VDJ to this folder. In this folder I created a subfolder for each genre. Of course you could create subfolders in those genre folders for subgenre, like A Man and his Music suggested.

Unlike Andrew, I don't copy my files in this folder structure, but only shortcuts to the original file. In this case it is also possible to have 1 song in different genre folders. A shortcut is only 1kB in size.
In this case Im totally undependent of id3 tags and it is working for every application like WMP, Winamp, VDJ. This is less work than opening a playlist, add songs, remove songs and save it again. With shortcuts, you simply add those to to the proper folder, or remove them if needed.

I also created an application myself to fill those genre shortcut folders from an Access database.

Superstom wrote :
Unlike Andrew, I don't copy my files in this folder structure, but only shortcuts to the original file. In this case it is also possible to have 1 song in different genre folders. A shortcut is only 1kB in size.

I don't copy the files in the folder structure, that would be a serious waste of harddrive space. I have my singles catagorised by genre in folders, I don't see a reason to have them sorted in any other way.

An even easier way than creating shortcuts and even more space efficient is to use Winamp to create playlists.

Sorry, I misunderstood. So you have only the genre folders in which you keep your complete library. That is also a nice solution. You could create shortcuts then if you would like to have a song in more than 1 genre.
When I converted my cd's to mp3, I kept the album layout. When I had 4,5G I burned all to DVD. So my library looks like:
- DVD0001
- Madonna - Immaculate collection
- Prince - Hits Vol1
- Prince - Hits Vol2
- ...
- DVD0002
- ...

I have 2 copies of the DVDs, one at home, one at my father's house. I have this structure also on my harddrive. When my drive fails, or get stolen (not happened yet), I could simply copy all dvd's to a new drive. I create a backup of my playlist folder regularly (it is small, while shortcuts are small). A lot of work has been done to create those playlists, so I'm keen not to loose it. In this case I don't need to make backups of my complete harddrive (500G) to keep all the work I've been done.

I do not like playlists myself. I find it a hassle to open, modify and save again. In vdj you could open a folder, showing all files and shortcuts directly, to view the contents of a playlist you have to double click it. So I prefer to use shortcuts.
It also helps that I could create these shortcuts with my own created application. I also could use this tool to create a shortcut folder from a playlist ;-)

You only need to click a Playlist once in VirtualDJ (expand the playlists folder) and to make a playlist across sevel hundred files is much easier than to make shortcuts, especially if there are several directories; your program sounds like a useful tool though, I'm sure many people would benefit from it if you were to release it.

Here's something I put together quickly. This is probably easier to do in iTunes using smart playlists but I uninstalled it earlier today so wasn't able to use it.

Right click, save as

Nice one, please put it in your blog. Moderators, please add this one to the lists with featured blogs

I will think about it to make this application, source code and database available. Now it is only used by myself, hacking data directly in the databbase tables -> This is not very user friendly. So I will investigate how much effort is involved to get a first simple version available, which could be used for people who are not software developers...

that's the thing i don't like about VDJ it don't display all the MP3 info it will be nice if they can fix all this in the next update also put the album picture display.

The suggestions here are excellent! I went with the playlist suggestion. I'm going to be using that tonight at my gig. Thanks! Yes...I too hope it becomes easier than this in the near future with a new release of VDJ.

I agree, that was a great suggestion. It's amazing that something so simple as a Genre tag is missing in VDJ.

How is tag & rename? After years of searching (!) I had found a program I am really happy with- MP3tag (http://www.mp3tag.de/en, freeware), anyone recommend I switch?


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