ive bn thinkin bout purchasing virtual dj 4,but reading the system requirments it says you need a screen resouloution that my lcd hd tv what is pc compatible is not capable of displaying ive tried to play games ect with the required resoloution and my screen gets crazy pixelation,different coulourd lines vertical on my display,is there no way of making vdj 4 run in 800x6oo? thanks in advance
geposted Tue 19 Sep 06 @ 1:29 am
theres skins for 4.0 that are 800x600 but you will have to install in 1024x768 first what kind of monitor are u using anyway?
geposted Tue 19 Sep 06 @ 1:32 am
im sure you could get your pc to run in 124...
most pcs that are under 10 year can :)
if your pc is older than this you may have problems meeting the other requriements
most pcs that are under 10 year can :)
if your pc is older than this you may have problems meeting the other requriements
geposted Tue 19 Sep 06 @ 11:21 am
im using a 28inch hdtv+dvd combo dmtech as my pc monitor+ i also have a laptop i would like 2 install the programme on and am wonderin if it would be adequate its a sony viao its a celeron 2.8ghz, 768ram,128 ati graphics+40 gig hard drive.any advice would be appreciated as i like to do my homework before i dive in and spend the cash on vdj.thanks in advance
geposted Wed 20 Sep 06 @ 5:40 pm
forgot 2 mention my desktop pc is well capable of all system requirments athlon processor gig of ram ect.i just would have a problem with the screen resoloution but if there is different skins that would be ok,but if the programme uses 1024x768 to first open id have problems as my screen goes crazy+ gets lines of pixels in different colours vertically on my screen {coulours not normally seen on any screen lol}
geposted Wed 20 Sep 06 @ 5:47 pm