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Topic: VDJ & SL-1 Box

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chabonkPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Wow, just tried my SL-1 box w/ VDJ and it works great. I'm able to use boths timecodes (VDJ or SSL's). I think this is a great "Bonus" feature, since many places here in SoCal already have SSL boxes wired to the mixer. I'm not sure if it's me, but the sound quality seems better... I was using Maya. Happy Mixing!

geposted Mon 09 Oct 06 @ 5:19 am
You say you are able to use both SSL & VDJ timecodes. This is true but is SSL's pitch the same as VDJ's pitch for you?

geposted Mon 09 Oct 06 @ 6:28 am
chabonkPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Hi Mantahoe! The pitch works fine and appears to work the same... why do you ask?

geposted Sat 14 Oct 06 @ 12:33 am
I've learned that the SSL vinyls don't really work that well with, which is a shame because they are widely available and only $7 each, and much better quality than the VDJ vinyls which are kinda flimsy and cheapish. Hopefully when the Numark product ships the VDJ TCV will be more available and a whole lot cheaper.

geposted Sat 14 Oct 06 @ 1:46 am
I was asking cause I use the SSL TCV's with VDJ which work great and aren't "flimsy". But I have the pitch issue which is the only downer. Otherwise the backspin, scratch sound is top notch. If the TCV use in VDJ could match or be better than SSL's, SSL would have nothing on VDJ, they wouldn't even be close cause VDJ has a hell lot more to offer. That's just my opinion though ;)

geposted Sat 14 Oct 06 @ 1:53 am
SL-1 box is a lot more expensive than maya, and probably can be better than maya yes...

SL-1 box have latency about 8ms in real mixing (according to Serrato).
Depending on your hardware settings, the maya or u46dj can run at about that...
But there are more expensive regular soundcards, that will work better... than SL-1, u46dj or maya ;)

But not really needed for most users. Except super fast uzi scratchin hip hop djs ;)

Regarding better support for SSL vinyls.. well some say they work great with VDJ, some say they have 6%pitch off, some say needle drop is intentionally not supported, and yet some say it does work ;) lol
I dont have them, but really not sure what to believe anymore.... hehe


geposted Sat 14 Oct 06 @ 2:17 am
Dj-in-Norway wrote :
I dont have them, but really not sure what to believe anymore.... hehe
Man, don't make me make a video for you to see me using them. I know seeing is believing. I use them at all my gigs. I'm using them tomorrow night too. Actually I'll make that video.

geposted Sat 14 Oct 06 @ 5:04 am
i was considering vdj vs. serato. ill ignore the oncoming versus debate and say this: serato is to the record what vdj is to the cd player. you can have the record if you want, ill settle with whatever is playing at most clubs, i dont really have a preference because no one really scratches at clubs that i work at and i dont scratch all that great anyways. long story short....

i tested out the records a while ago and they worked fine. how exactly does vdj work with the sl1 serato box that comes with scratch live? can i also use an external mixer and the crossfader? do i need to use the crossfader in vdj? will there be support for it in the future? can i use both records, and not just one on the active whatever you call it.

this would put vdj up in every computer because of the video features and its simplicity to learn. thanks a lot. PLEASE: dont be afraid to go on a rant here, id rather know everything there is to know about features that work and those that dont rather than invest in something i cant use. i ened it to work with BOTH of my turntables, into my mixer and able to cue either deck.

thanks again

geposted Sat 14 Oct 06 @ 12:00 pm
The SL-1 box is just a soundcard...

And it works just as that, with VDJ too... A soundcard ;)

And regardless of what soundcard it is, as long as it has 2 line ins, and 2 line outs (prefferably running asio drivers), it will work with VDJ, using timecode vinyls and external mixer...

Now, if you have VDJ (or any other software) connected to an external mixer, the software mixer crossfader stays in middle, giving 2 sounds out, one for each deck, into 2 different channels at the external mixer. This way you do all the crossfading, EQing etc on the external mixer.

With two turntables running timecode you controll both virtual decks in the software yes, and not just the active one. You can also use ONE turntable with timecode, and controll one deck at the time (the active or by switch), but I would recommend using two turntables.

Also, Virtual DJ can use timecode CD's, that will allow dj cd-players to control the software just as turntables.

How well any software will perform, and what latency, depends a lot on the soundcard. For "zero" latency, you need a great soundcard, such as the SL1-box, U46dj, Maya44 and more...

Hope that helps a bit ;)

geposted Sat 14 Oct 06 @ 12:56 pm
Can someone please tell me what settings in the "Performance" tab are directly related to the soundcard?

I have an SL1 and a MAYA44 and it would be really great if the VDJ team could create a read only sticky thread that gives the best settings for the most popular soundcards.

That will make the process of tweaking the rest of the settings easier since there will hopefully be fewer to adjust.



geposted Fri 10 Nov 06 @ 6:37 pm
lajolladjs wrote :
Can someone please tell me what settings in the "Performance" tab are directly related to the soundcard?

I have an SL1 and a MAYA44 and it would be really great if the VDJ team could create a read only sticky thread that gives the best settings for the most popular soundcards.

That will make the process of tweaking the rest of the settings easier since there will hopefully be fewer to adjust.


I'm not sure such a thing can be accompished. The performance settings for each card are going to also be dependent on the system resources, whether or not you're doing video, etc. Too many unknowns that they can say for certain, what the best settings are for any given soundcard.

geposted Sat 11 Nov 06 @ 12:30 am

Very simple:

- Best setting for PRO soundcards like Maya, SL-1, u46dj etc..


That will use the soundcards own latency settings, and works best and most hazzle free for those cards.
Even NEEDED for some pro cards.

After you have choosen AUTO, you can of course tweak performance with the slider.


Overclock on/off at laptops to test if it gives you a performance boost;) works on some laptops

Thats it;)

geposted Sat 11 Nov 06 @ 2:15 am

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