
Forum: Music discussion

Topic: The Ultimate Guide to Broadcasting With Virtual Dj - Page: 2

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Broadcasting in mp3... But can't people listen to me LIVE or do they have to save it on the computer memory in order to listen to it after? lool

They listen life, but the URL has to link to the ".mp3" that VDJ broadcasts

How do I open the URL? =S cause WMP, iTunes, Winamp or anything is opening what I'm broadcasting...

Ok now I can listen but not my friends =S They've made the "Open URL" option on WMP...

Do they also need to open port 8000 and 8001? =S Sorry about all the stupid questions.

copy the ip link from vdj

for example

into internet explorer to listen

some players have open > open url type it here .

they do not need to open ports

Also, take care wich quality you select to broadcast...

More quality = less listeners (you need more upload bandwidht)


Maybe we need a Broadcasting Forum. If you type “Broadcasting” into the search option, it will produce 11 pages of threads on this topic. This thread could be a sticky in the Broadcasting Forum.


i agree.

I'm still having problems guys, I give them the URL that VDJ gives me but i says 'Page cannot be displayed'. It doesnt give you a option to open the file, why is this ?

do you use a router and have you unblocked your ports.

I do have a router, and i've unblocked all the ports that are needed. 8000 & 8001

have you forwarded them on the router config

may aslo be called static routes if not no way to stream to the outside.

Okay - Well you've really confused me now. All i've done it opened the ports on this pc TCP '8000' & TCP '8001'. I've also done the same to the downstairs computer where the router is.

I'm not sure what you mean about this 'steam' thing though...

ok you need to directy log into your router now

the computers are fine

to do this you need to read the ip and password on the bottom of it or in the manual


and choose the option portforwarding

if you dont forward these ports , the outside world cannot listen as computers on your network do not have a direct internet connection

once the ports are forwarded vdj can stream via your router which is like a little server


Okay I got the box up asking for my 'Username & Password'. I just gotta work out what it is. Will the username be the I.P

user is usualy admin

and the password : password

check the manual for the exact details

Pants - I cant find the manaul anywhere and there is no indication to the password or user name on the bottom off the router. Me thinks i'lll have to leave it out !

you could always use an external server such as listen2myradio

The both user and pass are "admin" on all routers by default.
