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Forum: Wishes and new features

Topic: splitting time code

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ok , here is the deal i would love to have the cd time code the same as the time code for the turn tables so i could put in 2 y splitters and hook the record and the cd to the same input line so i dont have to change the settings in the middle of the mix and pray not to crash .. or have independently changeable button when im on the go right on the skin. Or make it so i can mix all four with out having seprate sound cards and seprate computers.. I come from the old school of duct tape and super glued dimes for needle weights..

geposted Mon 18 Dec 06 @ 2:03 am
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
prehaps a keyboard shortcut could alow a quick change bettween imputs

geposted Mon 18 Dec 06 @ 2:17 am
wicked idea , now how do i do that?? lmao..

geposted Mon 18 Dec 06 @ 8:41 pm
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
il have a look if u can do it now im not entirely sure

but mainly i was sugesting for an update :)

geposted Mon 18 Dec 06 @ 9:45 pm

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