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Forum: Wishes and new features

Topic: time remain show & hotkey

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Paz75PRO InfinityMember since 2006
It would be a good feature to have a shortkey that is linked to the current track's time display. I need to switch often between elapsed and time remaining and mousing it is a pain.

Secondly, a mouseover would be usefull which shows the same time setting currently selected, but of where the mouse is over on the waveform. that way you can quickly see what the time value is of a specific part of the track. If the main time dislay is on remain, it shows remain, if its on elapsed, it shows elapsed and so on...

An image i made which displays it more clearly here:


(please download and post it proper as this download link will expire after three d/ls)

geposted Sat 06 Jan 07 @ 8:07 am
erxonPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Paz75 wrote :
It would be a good feature to have a shortkey that is linked to the current track's time display. I need to switch often between elapsed and time remaining and mousing it is a pain.

You have two solutions, where in both cases you'll have to edit the skins' xml.

1/ Create another text display which show only remaining time, while the first one shows only elapsed, so that both values are displayed simultaneously.

2/ Create a panel element in skin, which switches between time elapsed and time remaining, and than assign a keyboard shortcut to a function "pannel" under "skin pannels" category, with a value of that panel you chose in the xml.

Get the information on how to edit skins in this Skin creation reference.

Paz75 wrote :
Secondly, a mouseover would be usefull which shows the same time setting currently selected, but of where the mouse is over on the waveform. that way you can quickly see what the time value is of a specific part of the track. If the main time dislay is on remain, it shows remain, if its on elapsed, it shows elapsed and so on...

I agree, it's a feature that i requested some time ago in this thread.

And it would also be helpful if minute markers would be included in the waveform display:



geposted Sat 06 Jan 07 @ 9:50 am
Paz75PRO InfinityMember since 2006
Thats a good idea about the skins. However, my two-part request is related. I'd also like the mouseover to toggle elapsed and remain depending on the keyboard shortcut. The skins idea would work, but then you wouldnt be able to toggle the elapse/remain on mouseover, which I think would be a more elegant solution than showing all the information at once and taking up precious screen space.

geposted Sat 06 Jan 07 @ 9:58 am
djbiggaPRO InfinityMember since 2003
I'd be happy if VDJ would remember the last state of the counter between restarts so I don't have to keep clicking on it to get the remaining time showing.

geposted Sun 07 Jan 07 @ 7:15 pm

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