Hi. I just reinstalled everything on my laptop. Toshia 2.8 Ghz, 1 GIG Mem, 2 External Harddrives, 60 GIG Internal. Plenty of everything. Now I am getting pops on my songs. It is not VDJ it is my system because PCDDJ is doing the same. I also use a gigaport and have started to use ASIO instead of the gigaoprt drivers so I have full access to all open ports. The strange thing is I had no pops when I practiced but when I went to a gig guess what. Each song poped about five times. Ouch. Good think I had my CD's. Anyhow. I do not know how to fix this in a laptop. Can anyone give any advice. I read through the posts. Everything is optimized. I really think there is a conflict but you can't do much to change things around in a laptop, or can you? Here is what is plugged in. A DAC2 Controller, 2 External Harddrives, Mouse, Gigaport, Four port hub USB2.0. Where would the problem be and when do I begin? I used the system fine before without an issue. I just had junk on it and had to reinstall. Thanks for the help...
geposted Sun 15 Aug 04 @ 7:22 am
you should be able to reserve irqs in your bios settings and then manually configure the devices in windows to assign specific irqs
geposted Sun 15 Aug 04 @ 12:43 pm
Can I ask a favor. I know how to get into my bios. Can you give a step by step from there/ I never did that before. I really appreciate your help... :)
Can I ask a favor. I know how to get into my bios. Can you give a step by step from there/ I never did that before. I really appreciate your help... :)
geposted Sun 15 Aug 04 @ 5:28 pm
Got it. I had to reinstall all the drivers and it seems to work fine. :)
geposted Mon 16 Aug 04 @ 2:11 am
thats ok, sorry i diddn't get to write you the details step by step. was that the problem or was it somthing else out of curiosity?
geposted Mon 16 Aug 04 @ 7:18 am
It was the ASIO drivers. But then I got everything working perfect and opened and closed VDJ quickly. WARNING!! DON'T DO THAT! It caused a major headache in my system and crashed my computer. I had to use the recovery program to get it back to working. Took me several hours to find the problem. Damaged a DLL file. Arrgg. I guess I am having bad luck, but all seems ok again.
geposted Mon 16 Aug 04 @ 5:53 pm
good to hear that you sorted out the problem...
i often reinstall drivers, because installing new apps, windows crashes etc can change the drivers....
i often reinstall drivers, because installing new apps, windows crashes etc can change the drivers....
geposted Mon 16 Aug 04 @ 7:52 pm
My problem came back. ARRGH! At my gig (wedding) it was skipping like crazy. I did what I did last time. I uninstalled this recording program which came with the Toshiba laptop which I put back on (so foolish) I then reinstalled the ASIO driver. It worked for the most part, playable but still every three songs one would skip. Anyone have any suggestions.
geposted Sun 29 Aug 04 @ 3:14 pm
Anyone offer any help? I have read this forum back to front and done everything. I keep getting pops. Very small but my computer is almost as jam packed as you get. I think I have it down to the ASIO drivers. THE POPS DO NOT HAPPEN ON MY MAIN BOARD SOUNDCARD ONLY my gigaport. I think there is a conflict with the gigaport. I kept trying to restore but the system will not restore. Also, keep trying to reinstall the sond driver. Doesn't help. Any suggetions? I am really stuck. Should I reformat again? This never happened before I had to reinstall or it could have been 2.01 when the sound card config changed and I had to go ASIO. The simple gigaport config would not work anymore. Please help.... THANKS>...
geposted Sat 04 Sep 04 @ 2:21 am
if it is possable with your ASIO drivers increase the latency slightly and i think this should solve your problem (and or buffer size, however these are usually the same thing)
geposted Sat 04 Sep 04 @ 2:33 am
I appreciate the help. I tried to do this through system performace and it would not let me. I am not sure I am doing to correctly. Can you please give me instructions. And thank you so much for helping. I truly appreciate the assistance. :)
geposted Sat 04 Sep 04 @ 3:04 am
OK. I doubled it and still pops. But I did troubleshoot some more. Here is what I found. I go on the internet and move pages while VDJ is playing, simulating using memory I guess, with the gigaport card the sound stutters, with the internal sound card it does not. I am using the advanced config with ASIO with the gigaport and the simple config without. I really want to use the gigaport and am using the latest driver. I think it is only stuttering when another operation is being done on the computer. Using the programs for weddings a lot stuttering is a bad thing. I have been using the onboard soundcard and cd's rather than mixing with a board for a couple of weeks. I am convinced it is the drivers of the gigaport. Anyone else having problems. Who is using ASIO with gigaport out there. New to 2.01. Again, thank for the help. BTW I have 1 Gig Mem and a 2.8GHZ Proc with Pentium 4 and XP so I think we should be fine. Thanks again... Any thoughts would be appreciated...
geposted Sat 04 Sep 04 @ 5:32 am
I see what you meant but increase the buffer size in the asio drivers but I cannot find where that is done. I will keep researching. I think I just raised the virtual memory before. My instructions say I should be able to adjust this but there is not program associated with it nor is there a control box . How are other adjusting this to stop the pops?
geposted Sat 04 Sep 04 @ 7:17 am
if your songs skip while switching / scrolling with the mouse wheel in your internet browser (or other programs) this is deffently related to the IRQ, more specifically it is being shared with your video drivers. generally (going from your AGP slot) card slots 2 and 4 are the most problem free in regards to this.
if you dont have any free, just juggle some cards around (try them in different pci slots...)
it deffently sounds like an irq conflict now, i've had this problem with one of my cards and this solved it
if you dont have any free, just juggle some cards around (try them in different pci slots...)
it deffently sounds like an irq conflict now, i've had this problem with one of my cards and this solved it
geposted Sat 04 Sep 04 @ 7:50 am
djzero thank you again for your help. if it is an irq conflict how do you switch around the IRQ channels with a laptop? There is no card to pull that I know of. Is it possible?
geposted Sat 04 Sep 04 @ 8:17 am
Here is what my IRQ's read. Many are on 11.
IRQ 0 System timer OK
IRQ 1 Standard 101/102-Key or Microsoft Natural PS/2 Keyboard OK
IRQ 8 System CMOS/real time clock OK
IRQ 9 Microsoft ACPI-Compliant System OK
IRQ 11 Trident CyberALADDiN-P4 v6.4612.22ICD_SE_NP OK
IRQ 11 SoundMAX Integrated Digital Audio OK
IRQ 11 TOSHIBA Software Modem OK
IRQ 11 Realtek RTL8139/810x Family Fast Ethernet NIC OK
IRQ 11 NEC PCI to USB Open Host Controller OK
IRQ 11 NEC PCI to USB Open Host Controller OK
IRQ 11 Standard Enhanced PCI to USB Host Controller OK
IRQ 11 Texas Instruments PCI-1410 CardBus Controller OK
IRQ 11 Toshiba Wireless LAN Mini PCI Card OK
IRQ 11 Toshiba ToPIC100 CardBus Controller OK
IRQ 11 TOSHIBA SD Card Controller Type-A OK
IRQ 12 Alps Pointing-device OK
IRQ 13 Numeric data processor OK
IRQ 14 Primary IDE Channel OK
IRQ 15 Secondary IDE Channel OK
IRQ 0 System timer OK
IRQ 1 Standard 101/102-Key or Microsoft Natural PS/2 Keyboard OK
IRQ 8 System CMOS/real time clock OK
IRQ 9 Microsoft ACPI-Compliant System OK
IRQ 11 Trident CyberALADDiN-P4 v6.4612.22ICD_SE_NP OK
IRQ 11 SoundMAX Integrated Digital Audio OK
IRQ 11 TOSHIBA Software Modem OK
IRQ 11 Realtek RTL8139/810x Family Fast Ethernet NIC OK
IRQ 11 NEC PCI to USB Open Host Controller OK
IRQ 11 NEC PCI to USB Open Host Controller OK
IRQ 11 Standard Enhanced PCI to USB Host Controller OK
IRQ 11 Texas Instruments PCI-1410 CardBus Controller OK
IRQ 11 Toshiba Wireless LAN Mini PCI Card OK
IRQ 11 Toshiba ToPIC100 CardBus Controller OK
IRQ 11 TOSHIBA SD Card Controller Type-A OK
IRQ 12 Alps Pointing-device OK
IRQ 13 Numeric data processor OK
IRQ 14 Primary IDE Channel OK
IRQ 15 Secondary IDE Channel OK
geposted Sat 04 Sep 04 @ 8:29 am
wow.... many are at irq 11? not many, but almost all!!!
Even if Windows have a IRQ steering, this is bound to make problems... having so many critical devices sharing the same irq (inc your soundcard) is very likely to make a fuzz when using for example VDJ..
for a laptop u sure cant open the "cabinet" and move around stuff, but you dont need to.
In device manager, right-click for example soundcard at first. And choose "unintall". Then rightclick the "your computer" icon in device manager and choose "search for ..."
that will asign your soundcard to a new irq, hopefully.
play around with this for other devices as well, so it looks a bit better. MANY devices CAN share IRQ, so dont worry to much... But try having your soundcard and graphic card at least at different IRQ's, and your soundcard at a IRQ alone, for most secure VDJ play...
hope that helps...
dj in norway
Even if Windows have a IRQ steering, this is bound to make problems... having so many critical devices sharing the same irq (inc your soundcard) is very likely to make a fuzz when using for example VDJ..
for a laptop u sure cant open the "cabinet" and move around stuff, but you dont need to.
In device manager, right-click for example soundcard at first. And choose "unintall". Then rightclick the "your computer" icon in device manager and choose "search for ..."
that will asign your soundcard to a new irq, hopefully.
play around with this for other devices as well, so it looks a bit better. MANY devices CAN share IRQ, so dont worry to much... But try having your soundcard and graphic card at least at different IRQ's, and your soundcard at a IRQ alone, for most secure VDJ play...
hope that helps...
dj in norway
geposted Sat 04 Sep 04 @ 11:58 am
Tried unintalling and reinstalling about 6 devices and nothing moved from IRQ 11.
These are my conflicts:
I/O Port 0x00000000-0x00000CF7 PCI bus
I/O Port 0x00000000-0x00000CF7 Direct memory access controller
I/O Port 0x000003C0-0x000003DF ALi PCI to AGP Controller
I/O Port 0x000003C0-0x000003DF Trident CyberALADDiN-P4 v6.4612.22ICD_SE_NP
IRQ 11 Trident CyberALADDiN-P4 v6.4612.22ICD_SE_NP
IRQ 11 SoundMAX Integrated Digital Audio
IRQ 11 TOSHIBA Software Modem
IRQ 11 Realtek RTL8139/810x Family Fast Ethernet NIC
IRQ 11 NEC PCI to USB Open Host Controller
IRQ 11 NEC PCI to USB Open Host Controller
IRQ 11 Standard Enhanced PCI to USB Host Controller
IRQ 11 Texas Instruments PCI-1410 CardBus Controller
IRQ 11 Toshiba Wireless LAN Mini PCI Card
IRQ 11 Toshiba ToPIC100 CardBus Controller
IRQ 11 TOSHIBA SD Card Controller Type-A
Memory Address 0xA0000-0xBFFFF PCI bus
Memory Address 0xA0000-0xBFFFF ALi PCI to AGP Controller
Memory Address 0xA0000-0xBFFFF Trident CyberALADDiN-P4 v6.4612.22ICD_SE_NP
I/O Port 0x000003B0-0x000003BB ALi PCI to AGP Controller
I/O Port 0x000003B0-0x000003BB Trident CyberALADDiN-P4 v6.4612.22ICD_SE_NP
What I have hooked in to the USB ports are:
a scroll mouse
2 external USB2.0 harddrives (on a four port 2.0 hub)
the gigaport sound card
PCDJ Controller
there is also a wireless lan built into the toshiba laptop
Before I did a resinstall this issue did not happen.
Thanks again for suggestions.
These are my conflicts:
I/O Port 0x00000000-0x00000CF7 PCI bus
I/O Port 0x00000000-0x00000CF7 Direct memory access controller
I/O Port 0x000003C0-0x000003DF ALi PCI to AGP Controller
I/O Port 0x000003C0-0x000003DF Trident CyberALADDiN-P4 v6.4612.22ICD_SE_NP
IRQ 11 Trident CyberALADDiN-P4 v6.4612.22ICD_SE_NP
IRQ 11 SoundMAX Integrated Digital Audio
IRQ 11 TOSHIBA Software Modem
IRQ 11 Realtek RTL8139/810x Family Fast Ethernet NIC
IRQ 11 NEC PCI to USB Open Host Controller
IRQ 11 NEC PCI to USB Open Host Controller
IRQ 11 Standard Enhanced PCI to USB Host Controller
IRQ 11 Texas Instruments PCI-1410 CardBus Controller
IRQ 11 Toshiba Wireless LAN Mini PCI Card
IRQ 11 Toshiba ToPIC100 CardBus Controller
IRQ 11 TOSHIBA SD Card Controller Type-A
Memory Address 0xA0000-0xBFFFF PCI bus
Memory Address 0xA0000-0xBFFFF ALi PCI to AGP Controller
Memory Address 0xA0000-0xBFFFF Trident CyberALADDiN-P4 v6.4612.22ICD_SE_NP
I/O Port 0x000003B0-0x000003BB ALi PCI to AGP Controller
I/O Port 0x000003B0-0x000003BB Trident CyberALADDiN-P4 v6.4612.22ICD_SE_NP
What I have hooked in to the USB ports are:
a scroll mouse
2 external USB2.0 harddrives (on a four port 2.0 hub)
the gigaport sound card
PCDJ Controller
there is also a wireless lan built into the toshiba laptop
Before I did a resinstall this issue did not happen.
Thanks again for suggestions.
geposted Sat 04 Sep 04 @ 4:05 pm
I have done some research and in XP you cannot redirect IRQs.
See this article:
However you can in ME 98
See this article:
I am almost convinced the problem is in the drivers because that is what is new and I need to try to do what djzero said and adjust the latency. I have emailed Ego Systems for help and will let you know. If anyone else has advice in the meantime it would be appreciated. :)
I guess I will have to split out mono for now.
See this article:
However you can in ME 98
See this article:
I am almost convinced the problem is in the drivers because that is what is new and I need to try to do what djzero said and adjust the latency. I have emailed Ego Systems for help and will let you know. If anyone else has advice in the meantime it would be appreciated. :)
I guess I will have to split out mono for now.
geposted Sat 04 Sep 04 @ 4:47 pm
I’ve found a solution for you in my M-Audio Delta 410 manual.
From what you've last described it is definitely a IRQ problem with your USB ports. Follow what it says here to be able to manually assign IRQ’s within 2000 and XP (it is written for 2000 but the result is the same)
Once you have done this just manually configure your USB ports onto a dedicated IRQ and it should work fine
Windows 2000: ACPI mode is the default configuration for Windows 2000,
which loads all devices configurable by the OS onto one IRQ. This will not work
for most of us. Changing settings in the BIOS or moving devices to different PCI
slots will not cause them to change IRQs.
You can change your Windows 2000 system to “Standard PC” mode easily. This
will cause your system to reconfigure ALL of the devices, including printer ports
and COM ports. While this may sound like a scary proposition, doing so will
then allow your devices to accept different IRQs, also allowing your BIOS to
take control if your BIOS is capable of this.
The best way to approach this is to change to Standard PC mode before you
install your Delta card or any additional PnP expansion cards. If you’ve already
installed these devices, you may need to completely start over to get each one to
configure properly to its own IRQ. This means removing the device from the
Device Manager, powering down, removing, and then installing each device one
by one. It sounds sinister, but it is the best way to insure that each device
configures properly.
To remove a device from the Device Manager, right-click My Computer and
select Properties. Click the Hardware tab, then select Device Manager. Locate
the device in the list (clicking on the + sign opens the list for that device
category), highlight it, then select “Uninstall” from the Actions menu. This is a
good practice when reconfiguring a device, as it removes entries in the Registry
for that particular device. Power down, and physically remove the expansion
card from its PCI slot.
To change your system to Standard PC mode:
1. Boot into Windows and open the Device Manager. Right-click the + sign next
to “Computer.”
2. Double-click the entry that appears under Computer, which should indicate
that the computer is in ACPI mode. Click the Driver tab, then click the “Update
Driver” button.
3. The Upgrade Device Driver Wizard will appear. Click Next>. Select “Display
a list of known drivers for this device...”and click Next>.
4. Select the radio button “Show all hardware of this device class.” In the list on
the right, select “Standard PC,”then click Next>. Follow the prompts, and restart
your computer when instructed.
From what you've last described it is definitely a IRQ problem with your USB ports. Follow what it says here to be able to manually assign IRQ’s within 2000 and XP (it is written for 2000 but the result is the same)
Once you have done this just manually configure your USB ports onto a dedicated IRQ and it should work fine
Windows 2000: ACPI mode is the default configuration for Windows 2000,
which loads all devices configurable by the OS onto one IRQ. This will not work
for most of us. Changing settings in the BIOS or moving devices to different PCI
slots will not cause them to change IRQs.
You can change your Windows 2000 system to “Standard PC” mode easily. This
will cause your system to reconfigure ALL of the devices, including printer ports
and COM ports. While this may sound like a scary proposition, doing so will
then allow your devices to accept different IRQs, also allowing your BIOS to
take control if your BIOS is capable of this.
The best way to approach this is to change to Standard PC mode before you
install your Delta card or any additional PnP expansion cards. If you’ve already
installed these devices, you may need to completely start over to get each one to
configure properly to its own IRQ. This means removing the device from the
Device Manager, powering down, removing, and then installing each device one
by one. It sounds sinister, but it is the best way to insure that each device
configures properly.
To remove a device from the Device Manager, right-click My Computer and
select Properties. Click the Hardware tab, then select Device Manager. Locate
the device in the list (clicking on the + sign opens the list for that device
category), highlight it, then select “Uninstall” from the Actions menu. This is a
good practice when reconfiguring a device, as it removes entries in the Registry
for that particular device. Power down, and physically remove the expansion
card from its PCI slot.
To change your system to Standard PC mode:
1. Boot into Windows and open the Device Manager. Right-click the + sign next
to “Computer.”
2. Double-click the entry that appears under Computer, which should indicate
that the computer is in ACPI mode. Click the Driver tab, then click the “Update
Driver” button.
3. The Upgrade Device Driver Wizard will appear. Click Next>. Select “Display
a list of known drivers for this device...”and click Next>.
4. Select the radio button “Show all hardware of this device class.” In the list on
the right, select “Standard PC,”then click Next>. Follow the prompts, and restart
your computer when instructed.
geposted Sun 05 Sep 04 @ 1:14 pm