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Topic: XP10 Midi and XP 10 firmware

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Bought two XP10 from EKS, they work fine. However was reading on the forum about special firmware for XP10. There is nothing mentioned on the EKS site http://eks.fi/index.php?page=downloads

1. Is there other firmware for the controller to make them better work with VDJ 4.2?
If yes where do i get it?
Ad how do i download it into the XP10?

2. I also noticed an update of the midi driver http://www.gizmolabs.net/.
Do i need that for windows XP SP2?

geposted Thu 08 Feb 07 @ 10:44 am
fmooij wrote :
1. Is there other firmware for the controller to make them better work with VDJ 4.2?
If yes where do i get it? Ad how do i download it into the XP10?

Not that I'm aware of - They are just simple plug-n-play USB devices and are natively supported in VDJ. You can remap any of the buttons via the XP10 mapper built into VDJ (In the Remote Control tab.)

fmooij wrote :
2. I also noticed an update of the midi driver http://www.gizmolabs.net/.
Do i need that for windows XP SP2?

The MIDI driver is to make the XP10 compatible with any MIDI compatible software that does not have native support for them.

VDJ has built-in native support for the XP10, so the MIDI driver is not necessary (And would result in reduce pitch resolution too - 128 steps MIDI vs 256 steps native.)

The firmware was to prevent you from using the xp10 with other software other than Virtual Dj. Which was a total rip off . You are better off with the EKS version which works with any Dj program that supports Midi functions.

Are you sure that If I install Gizmolabs Midi driver will reduce the pitch steps?

I want to use XP10 (when I buy them) with both VDJ(when I buy VDJ) and Traktor.


I mean that If I install Gizmolabs drivers it will also cause reduce in midi steps (from 256 to 128) even in the native support?

For example:
If I use XP10 with Traktor with midi support I'll have 128 steps, but If I use it (in the same system - Gizmolabs installed-) with Virtual DJ -native support- I will also have 128 steps or 256?


If you install the Gizmolabs driver, this may get in the way of VDJ being able to access the XP10 natively. You can still of course use them as a MIDI controller in VDJ, but you will then only get 128 steps for pitch (Instead of the native 256) and you may also have problems getting the jogwheels to work too.

You may find that the Gizmolabs driver does not affect native support, allowing you to use the XP10 natively in VDJ and as a MIDI controller in Traktor (Although not both at the same time!)

I have the VDJ branded XP10's (No-longer sold) that only work with VDJ, so I can't check this (The Gizmolabs driver does not work with them.)

Thank you very much.

EKS released 5 days ago Original Midi and ASIO Drivers for Windows XP/2000.


I think that with these drivers I won't have problems right? (Using XP10 with VDJ and Traktor in the same system, not in the same time)?



That's what EKS reply in my e-mail about this:

[quote = "EKS"]
XP10 works with Traktor by using either the Gizmolabs driver OR our own EKS
MIDI driver that we have just recently released (can be found on our web site
http://eks.fi). We suggest you use our driver as it is easier to install and
has easy to use control panels for both MIDI and ASIO.

Installing Gizmolabs driver (or EKS driver) does not have any effect on
pitch/tempo slider resolution. The slider in XP10 is actually a lot more
accurate than 256. It is closer to 65536. The midi driver then changes that
to 14bit MIDI message which means 16384 as the resolution after the driver.
So still plenty to go around.

All that means, that the the resolution (steps) of the slider that is visible
in Traktor (which has 128 max resolution for any MIDI device) for example is
the limitation of the software and not XP10 or the XP10 MIDI drivers.

So to improve Traktors slider resolution you actually need to contact Native

ASIO should not be a problem (This is supported in VDJ), providing that you don't run both software at the same time.

The MIDI driver for the XP10 may get in the way of native support in VDJ (Even when not in use), preventing the native support in VDJ from working. However, it might not be an issue - There's no way of knowing until someone actually tries it!

From what you have posted, they have implemented 14-bit LSB/MSB MIDI CC's in their driver - This is good because these offer much finer resolution for sliders and knobs (Particularly important for pitch sliders.)

Unfortunately, VDJ (And Traktor too by the sounds of things) does not currently support 14-bit (LSB/MSB) CC's, so you will only get 128 steps if you use the XP10 as a MIDI controller rather than the native support. Another problem you may have is mapping the jogwheel, depending on how this is implemented in the MIDI driver - VDJ currently has issues with mapping MIDI jogwheels, but this will hopefully be resolved in a software update (Especially now that MIDI controllers are becoming more common.) Hopefully VDJ will also support 14-bit CC's in the future too.

Thank you very much for the immediate answer.
Let me share some thoughts with you.

1) In the mail I sent to EKS -and got the answer I posted above- I was telling them that I want to use both softwares (TDJS & VDJ). So when they say no problem I hope they mean it 100%. ;)

2) In the EKS site (eks.fi) where they announce the new ASIO & MIDI drivers they write that both drivers (ASIO + Midi) have control panels to control them. I hope that there is also the possibility to deactivate them via the Control Panel without uninstalling them.

3) The BCD2000 I already use and is natively supported by VDJ, it is supported as midi by Traktor - so the bcd2000 drivers are midi drivers.
It works fine with both softwares in the same system even the jog wheels.

So we can be 90% sure that there will be no problem.
Of course we have to test it first to be 100%.
Maybe I be the first one to do this :)


gpanos wrote :
In the mail I sent to EKS -and got the answer I posted above- I was telling them that I want to use both softwares (TDJS & VDJ). So when they say no problem I hope they mean it 100%. ;)

They may have assumed that you will be using MIDI for both, which would cause no conflicts.

Providing the MIDI driver does not lock the controller (I.e: Prevent other software from reading it), it will probably work OK.

gpanos wrote :
The BCD2000 I already use and is natively supported by VDJ, it is supported as midi by Traktor - so the bcd2000 drivers are midi drivers.
It works fine with both softwares in the same system even the jog wheels.

The BCD2000 is a MIDI controller, but the native support is simply 'hard-coded' to interpret the MIDI data sent by the controller correctly, plus send MIDI commands to illuminate the LED's (Which is not currently possible with the standard MIDI mapper.)

If you disable the native BCD2000 support and map it manually with MIDI, you will probably get the problem. This is because most MIDI jogwheels send values of 0x00 and 0x7F to indicate the direction (And sometimes values in between if they are velocity sensitive.) These should be interpreted as -64 .. +64, but when mapped using the VDJ MIDI mapper, they are still seen as 0 .. 127, which results in the jogwheel only working in one direction.

This is a well known problem, so I would expect that it will be fixed very soon in a VDJ update.

NOTE: Unlike the BCD2000, the XP10 is NOT a native MIDI controller - It's USB HID (Human Interface Device) and the native support in VDJ uses this to communicate with it. The MIDI driver for the XP10 simply translates the USB data from the controller into appropriate MIDI commands.

gpanos wrote :
So we can be 90% sure that there will be no problem. Of course we have to test it first to be 100%. Maybe I be the first one to do this :)

Only way to find out is to try it and see!

Here is the reply from EKS in my new mail I sent:

Quote :

Hi George

> Dear Aleksi Jokinen,
> Thank you very much for your immediate answer.
> I have already decided to buy XP10.
> Three last questions.
> 1)With original EKS Midi drivers and the .tks
> configuration file included for traktor does the
> jog wheel works correctly like it does in bison software?
> I noticed that it works as pitch bender and
> scratch wheel simultaneously depending on how someone touches it.
> Peripheral touch = pitch bender
> More central = scratch and vinyl emulation.

Yes the jog wheel works the same way in Traktor as it does in Bison, by using
our MIDI driver. So it does pitch bend if you don't touch the metal plate and
scratches when you touch the plate.

> 2)Does it support 2 XP10 working together?

Yes. Actually we've tried even 4 XP10 at the same time without any problems.

> 3)Some guys in virtualdj forum write that the
> midi drivers may cause problem in Virtual DJ
> Native Support (this may cause problem, apart
> from slider resolution, in jog wheels function too).

This sounds unlikely. Ofcourse it depends on VDJ for the large part. But
having the MIDI driver installed does not affect any software that accesses
the device directly through HID. The driver does not read the devices when no
software uses the driver. So if VDJ would be having problems when the MIDI
driver is installed, it could only be because of a bug in VDJ. All this is
true with EKS MIDI driver. We do not have this information on the Gizmo
driver though. So there could be problems using that driver.

> Here are some samples:
> "...the XP10 is NOT a native MIDI controller -
> It's USB HID (Human Interface Device) and the
> native support in VDJ uses this to communicate
> with it. The MIDI driver for the XP10 simply
> translates the USB data from the controller into appropriate MIDI
> commands."

This is true.

> "The MIDI driver for the XP10 may get in the way
> of native support in VDJ (Even when not in use),
> preventing the native support in VDJ from
> working. However, it might not be an issue -
> There's no way of knowing until someone actually tries it! "

EKS MIDI Driver does not get in the way of any software using native (HID)

> "Another problem you may have is mapping the
> jogwheel, depending on how this is implemented in
> the MIDI driver - VDJ currently has issues with mapping MIDI jogwheels, "

EKS MIDI Driver makes it possible to map jogwheel without any problems in a
software that implements MIDI support properly. For example Traktor DJ.

> A) Is there any possibility that midi drivers
> confuse Virtual DJ Native Support?

Only in the case of a bug in VDJ.

> B) If yes the Midi Control Panel, which comes
> with the drivers, does allow to
> deactivate/activate the midi translation (when i
> want it depending on which software I want to use)?

The EKS driver does not read the device if no software is using the driver.
So it is always inactive when not in use.

> PS I am really sorry for sending these message 3
> times in a row adding new questions but I want to
> be 100% sure before buying such an expensive hardware!

No problem. Let us know if you have any other questions.

PS: Our MIDI driver has extensive configuration possibilities. You can
configure any button to send any MIDI message. It is also possible to send
several MIDI messages on a single button press and use button combinations
for different messages and so on. There really is no limits on how you can
configure the device with it.


From what you have posted, it looks like the EKS MIDI driver will not cause any conflicts, allowing you to use the native support for the XP10 in VDJ and MIDI in Traktor (Obviously not both at the same time!)

NOTE: If you intend to use other MIDI controllers with VDJ (E.g: MIDI mixer with crossfader for video), you may experience problems because this will also activate and use the XP10 MIDI driver too.

At the present I plan to use only 2 XP10 as deck controllers and my BCD2000 as mix controller (craossfader, equalizer, volume faders etc) which is natively supported too.
When I get the XP10 I'll give full report for what happened with both softwares.

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