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Topic: manual looping

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alicooHome userMember since 2004
ive had some problems when trying to loop certain songs so i was wondering if there is anyway of getting a manual loop plugin or something like that created...
kinda like the pioneer 1000s, with loop in/out adjust... that would be wicked

geposted Wed 01 Sep 04 @ 5:39 am
Quite an easy thing to set up with VDJ.

Step 1.
You will need to bind 3 keys for this: loop_in, loop_out, and loop. The first two explain themselves, but when loop is bound with a value of 0 it acts as a Loop Exit, which will exit the loop at whatever point you are at and continue to play the track.

Step 2.
This works best if the track is not playing. Find the point where you want the loop to start and hit your loop_in key. Then, using the jogwheel, scroll to the point where you want the loop to finish . Hit your loop_out key.

Step 3.
Hit play and you should have a perfect loop!

Hint: If you change the scale on the 'visual' part of VDJ to very high you can get a much more precise loop.

Hope that helped somewhat

geposted Wed 01 Sep 04 @ 6:45 am
and many skins have a loop in & loop out button ;)


geposted Wed 01 Sep 04 @ 11:34 am
alicooHome userMember since 2004
oh thats great... thanx.. but ive got v1.09.. it came with my dj console.. will it still work?

geposted Wed 08 Sep 04 @ 6:23 pm
You should try it... we don't have the DJConsole version on our PC's, so we can't tell you. However, I'm pretty sure it will work :)


geposted Wed 08 Sep 04 @ 7:11 pm
djjbPRO InfinityMember since 2004
this works perfect in the vdjc version.

geposted Thu 09 Sep 04 @ 5:07 am
Bren FPRO InfinityMember since 2003

I would also like to see a line appear in the waveform upon clicking at a point,

A vertical line appears, so when a loop is activated it will end here.

Or even better and more proffesional, to be able to set parameters on the waveform "start and end".

So the song your cueing or beat mixing could be edited on the fly as to how you want that loop to sound and where you want it to start and end, so you can capture the exact sound you want, nothing more, nothing less.

Again this is a feature that would out weigh the cd players, Imagine an on the fyle loop editing facility.

the way at the moment works fine, but it would be a more accurate you to set the loop. This could also open up the world to adding other things to that particular part.

Imagine cool edit combined with virtual dj!.

Just a thought, hehe :)

geposted Fri 10 Sep 04 @ 12:12 pm

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