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Topic: My genius idea

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After playing with the latest Justin Timberlake video which is butchered with dropouts for talking scenes I came up with a great idea (atleast I think so!).

Development team, Can we get something called "Jump Points"? I would like to insert a "Jump Point just before a music drop, cuss word, or naughty picture then insert the other "Jump Point" right after the offensive material. When the song playing reaches the "jump point" it automatically moves to the other "jump point" therefore bypassing the info in the middle. I would like this to happen anytime a track is playing that has these "points" inserted whether in autoplay or not. There are MANY great videos that have these drops in them and you don't always remember where they are. I know that we can use cue points to manually jump the bad parts but would like this as an automatic function once the tracks have the markers in place.


geposted Tue 03 Apr 07 @ 6:11 am
or you can just edit them.... now that is genius!!

geposted Tue 03 Apr 07 @ 6:17 am
i'm sure u could get this to work....but the time it will take u to time the cue points right I would rather just edit the video.

I'm still waiting for a vid service that does intros & outros & cuts the bs in the middle. Vmsexchabge is gone.....labels never understand the importance of a dj. It took how long for them to get on mp3. How long is video going to take?

it will never end.

geposted Tue 03 Apr 07 @ 6:18 am
I got stung by VMS also, had 10 months left on my subscription. I feel there is now a BIG hole that needs to be filled by PO or Screenplay.

I am not big on editing them permanently mainly because I don't have any software to edit VOBs. There are just situations where it would come in very handy for me. Maybe have a toggle to turn the feature on or off.

geposted Tue 03 Apr 07 @ 7:25 am
Set cue points and then shortcuts to trigger those cue points when neccessary... if you can't edit them.

Vegas Video is great for editing VOB/MPG files.

I have been actively editing my own tracks for a while now and everytime I get a new track that I know I will play a lot.. I usually edit it with clean intros and outros to use for mixing. I don't funkymix/ulitmix/hot tracks/wicked mix them all up with a bunch of crap and samples and studdering effects. blah!! I just use the a clean intro made from an instrumental and or some dry element from the track itself to create my own dry loop.

I just need to start a service I guess!!


geposted Tue 03 Apr 07 @ 8:55 am
I manually jump that timberlake one, you can tell by the waveform where the crap comes in and out, with a little practice it works fine by just clicking the right spot on the waveform.

geposted Tue 03 Apr 07 @ 11:53 am
I use cue points 3 & 4 when there's a break in the music. I put cue point 3 at the start of the crap bit and cue point 4 at the end.

Also, i've only tried this quickly, but there's a sound effect plugin called something like "action on cue point" which lets you add any VDJ action to a cue point. When I tried that I just told it to jump to cue 4 when it reached cue 3. Works pretty well, but you've got to remember to activate the effect!

I tried editing the video to Bob Sinclar- Rock This Party, but Vegas kept getting an error half way through encoding the edited video. Other people have had similar problems with some videos i think. Anybody found a way round that?


geposted Tue 03 Apr 07 @ 12:47 pm
socrossPRO InfinityMember since 2004
I like the jump point idea! I think the whole idea of adding events to cues would be really cool.

geposted Tue 03 Apr 07 @ 5:01 pm
I know how to do it manually AND with cue points. I want it to do it automatically AND in autoplay. I know I could place the points on a song a whole lot easier than editing the video and could also do it on the fly!


I would LOVE to edit the videos the way you speak of but just don't have time. I was receiving "VJ Tools" which did exactly as you say(put a 32 beat intro and outro on every song) with no extra crap. Now VMS Media has gone AWOL and I am left with no alternative. I am sure I am capable of makeing my own remixes but I can see it being VERY time consuming, I am quite anal!


geposted Tue 03 Apr 07 @ 6:44 pm
erdiPRO InfinityMember since 2004
I like the idea too. And it could be useful on any file, video and audio.

geposted Tue 03 Apr 07 @ 10:31 pm
mp3jrickPRO InfinityHonorary MemberMember since 2003
I think its a great idea, kind of a blackout feature of sorts.

Put it on the


geposted Tue 03 Apr 07 @ 11:23 pm
I wanna be higher on the list!

geposted Wed 04 Apr 07 @ 9:36 am

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