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Topic: Automix in/out points anyone?

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Please help me with this - I've scanned postings in all forum groups without finding a final solution for this.

I'm also "one of those dj's" who sometimes leave the desk longer than one track - many times also joining the hosts in private parties etc.

Was supposed to use the full version with the Hercules console the coming weekend, manual mixing works fine - but I have to be able to leave the system for a couple of tracks, for some slow dancing etc.

I've really tried all the versions i had in my download archive, from v.1.08 to 2.02.
Seems my only option is to use the v. 1.06 djc-version for this job??!???? (can't find the 1.07 full..)

There's the (in)famous option regarding fame-settings :
Automix Smart, Tempo, Fade or None in djc versions.
(page 44 in the previous manual)

"None" works fine with slow tunes, fading the next song smoothly into the previous at the end.

But i DID buy the full version to get proper cueing on my mixing console, together with the cd-decks.

None of the full versions i have seems to be able to do this simple task, and are cutting intro's and outro's to the extreme!

Have tried installing different versions, cleaning registry settings (hklm-sw-virtualdj), and leftover xml's in installation folder before installing different versions on three of my pc's - same result with three different soundcards, cpu's etc.
Only common is Win2kSp4.

Some Enigma, Nirvana, Extreme, Oletha and slow dancefloor classics were cut as much as 48 seconds from the end in the middle of vocals, before flipping fader 10-20 seconds into next tune.. Repeatable...!
-> "Edit bpm"-> only "Mix Fade" active, and it works once with a song.
When restarting program this seems to be forgotten.
A simple "end-detection" at -30-50dB would do it, and none of my mp3's, wav or wma has much more than 1sec. silence at start. These tests were done with vbr and cbr mp3's, stereo and bitrates from 128-256. No special differences reg. automix.

I really can't switch to winamp when going for refreshments, toilet, or talk with the hosts, guests etc. everytime..?

Eg. fade a cd when I kill VirtualDJ so I can free up the Hercules console for Winamp, then start VDJ again, reset bass/mid treble and volume (keeps getting offset at load), then reload the playlist I hopefully saved with requests from earlier...

Is there a magic receipt out there to get this to function??

Not willing to make "premixed" slow sections to ride this out, as the contents of these are different for each audience.

Appreciate your response!

Only have a few days to work this out, or get another solution.


geposted Tue 14 Sep 04 @ 1:22 am
What is the actual question?

"Is there a magic receipt out there to get this to function??"

What i mean by this : Fame/Automix setting to turn off chopping start/end-sections of songs.
"Why" I think I've explained above ; a way to leave the system for eg. 3 slow tunes in a row.

Have looked through the new registry variables in Vdj2.02, but can't see any obvious setting like the old AutoMix options : smart/tempo/fade or none..

I wan't to hear the whole songs from intro start to ending guitar...with just a slight fade to the next song's intro - how do others do it now?
Bring some slow cd's to program?

Hope this clarifies it.

It's the same, really, as people in http://www.virtualdj.com/forum/display.html?topic=6320 tries to do..

But increasing "fade time" just cuts even more into start and end of the music for me...

"force fade" / not "force fade"
"fade time" from 0-16 sec.
"Crossfader" smooth/full
"auto bpm" off

-> Someone in support :

Possible with tuning registry values to disable smart cue-points in/out :

BpmDetection (current value : 2)
ForceFade (other values than 0/1?)
Elastic (current value : 0)
AutoBpm (other values than 0/1?)
AdvancedConfig (?)

Mobile system :
Win2ksp4, Vdj 2.02, network disabled.
Shuttle SN45g2v2, Amd XP2400, 512 ram, geforce2 separate vga, usb2 integrated, hecules console w/latest firmware&drivers. Yamaha 32x Cdrw for ripping through firewire when needed.

Sincerely, Lars.

I think what you are looking for is more of an "autoplay" than automix.
Right now VirtualDJ doesn't really have a useable "autoplay" function. (where you can set up 4-5 songs in the play list, set a 5-8 second mix length, and have faith that the song will start at the beginning and end at the end so a DJ go use the bathroom, or have a smoke, or get a pint in a crowded bar)
It looks like more and more people are starting to ask for something like this. I sure hope the developers are watching these 3-4 threads.
Believe me, it's been asked for before.


Right on the spot Rick, it's a simple function - but a real "break saver".

I have asked this before with many others, at the 1.06 version some 7-9 months ago and it DID get implemented in the Fame-settings of ver. 1.07! Then disappeared in 1.08..

I can only find a local copy of the djc version 1.07, and I guess this is beacause i bought the full version just when 1.08 got out...

Haven't played to much with 1.08, 1.09 and 2's until now, when I've built a new "mp3-machine" with enough specs for taking Vdj on the road.
My previous was a 800Mhz, which lagged with vdj 2.0..

Hope this function will come around again!


End posts for now, added this topic to "New Features" - as I understand it cannot be configured through the current options or settings to work the way I desire.

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