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Forum: Old versions

Topic: Automix button [Autobeatmatch] problem

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The "Automix" button that's on top of the mixer was working fine and all of a sudden it doesn't work properly anymore,now,if I have a song playing on one deck and click the Automix button it will immediately "slam mix" into the other song,in other words,no autobeatmatch.
While working on a lot of the other features it might be possible that I may have changed a setting somewhere that may have interefered with the Automix function,keep in mind that I am talking about the Automix function that does the autobeatmatch and NOT the Automix "playlist" function,as a matter of fact,I did not load any songs into the right panel,the playlist area,I take the songs straight from the center panel and load them into the decks.
Can anyone tell me why I am not getting the Automix button/function to autobeatmatch anymore?Or if there is a certain "setting" that I should check please?Thanks.

geposted Sat 18 Sep 04 @ 1:26 pm
Maybe your CF are set to "Cut"?

If by "CF" you mean the crossfader,I did not touch that setting,I checked and it's on "smooth",did anyone here come across this same problem?I still would like to know what may have caused it and a way to fix it please.

Come to think about it,I think this happened just after I was working on the "shortcut" settings,any ideas?

I looked at the shortcut settings,all seems to be ok there so why is this not working?I can't do anything else with this software until I get this feature working as this feature will be the main reason that I will purchase this software if I should so decide,my limited trial time with this software is wasting away so please help,anyone?

Yup, I meant the crossfader - if the fading is not consistent on every song, it may be corrupt analyse data...?
VDJ will reanalyse when you ask it to - just mark songs or folders in the folderview, rightclick, and select analyse.

Most likely it's another of your settings, if fadetime is set to none or very low, it'll sound like cut fader.

Not bought the full version yet? ;)

No,I haven't bought the full version yet,beucase I spent too much money on softwares in the past only to find that it doesn't do what I want which is why I am looking into everhtying with this software before deciding if to purchase.I checked the crossfader,it is on "Full",I even tried it on "smooth",no difference.I used the 4 songs that came with the demo so I don't see that "Analysing" will come into play here,should I ininstall and re-install another demo copy?

Please post here every setting in your fame settings panel.

BPM Engine Any music
Auto Bpm Enabled
Auto Gain Enabled
Auto Pitch-reset Enabled
Force Fade Disabled
Fade lenght 8s
Crossfader Full
limiter Enabled
Time Stretch Enabled
Disengage Beatlock Manual

My time is running out with this demo guys,should I uninstall my present copy and download another demo?

Sorry fellas,I can't wait any longer as my time to evaluate here is limited so I uninstalled and reinstalled another demo,works fine [for now],unto more testing.


I will post a EXTENSIVE test and feedback post for you, regarding the use of automix... will try to give you a good reply for all your questions later today or tomorrow ;)
(at work right now...)

did some testing etc at home, just because I wanted to help you (and others) out, because I have never used the automix function before...

Will post my findings, and results .. and tips later ;)

your new installed demo works, and we will have u around a bit longer? glad to hear ;)

well,you have been very helpful to me from the beginning and very "patient" [thanks],I was going to wait until having done the testing myself to make a small "business" proposal to you guys regarding your software,if you are interested send me an email,thanks.

hi again... :) haven't forgotten you... lol

about any business proposal, you should ask the VDJ Team directly here :

about my reply regarding my findings about automix:
- just have had such a busy life lately, so havent had time to really make that organized post about automix etc...

I will try to make one later today, or tomorrow...

hopefully u are still around :)

maybe some others users have some good automix tips and tricks as well ??? seem to recall some of u use it very often...

later, Dj In Norway :)

Yeah DJinNorway,Im still here,waiting for your findings,thanks for at least keeping me informed,I was beginning to think you had abandoned the request.Looking forward to your findings!

Hey Dj-in -Norway,you still there?

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