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Topic: Anybody notice more crashes?

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How's it goin? Lately, I've been trying to analyse folders full of mp3's just to have, like, the last mp3 give me a "fatal error" and then the program crashes and when i hit recover, not only does the program NOT recover, but when I restart VDJ, all of those mp3's i just analyzed don't have the bpms anymore. kind of a pain to have to re-analyze all of those mp3's again. has anyone else had this problem? and if so, has anyone come up with a solution? or should i just re-analyze those mp3's minus the mp3's that caused the "fatal error."

mebbe this is a bug that no one else has noticed. mebbe it's just a corrupted mp3. anyways, i just thought i'd let the staff know of this issue. it's probably my problem, but hey, it doesn't hurt to make it know either, right? VDJ is still the best DJ proggie of all time :) later!

p.s. other than that, the program is still responsible for providing plenty of music-laden weekends :) i couldn't throw better house parties without VDJ!

geposted Wed 22 Sep 04 @ 6:00 am
ivarPRO InfinityMember since 2004

i had the samen problem
you are probably scanning to many songs at the same time(wich was possible with the older versions of VDJ)
try to scan less songs at the same time and you'll be fine


geposted Wed 22 Sep 04 @ 6:29 am
and... because of Windows security settings, do not have mp3's in the systemsfolders, VirtualDj (and other progs) dont like that, because of the increased Windows security settings..

do NOT have mp3's in folders such as :
- desktop
- my documents (inc. my music folder)
- system folder

make a mp3 folder at the root of your harddrive, say c:/my music

this will make the scan for mp3's within VDJ work alot better :)

ALSO, some download programs, such as WinMX make insane long filenames for incomplete downloads... try to have them at different harddrive or partition than the music you want to scan, because these long filenames can make programs crash (inc. Virtual DJ)

hope it helps ;)

geposted Wed 22 Sep 04 @ 11:50 am
Hi all,
The same thing just happened to Me. I've got a new Hard drive with nothing on it, then I ripped 7 of My old backup cds onto this clean drive.......I then analyzed the following folder .....D:/ Musique, this folder contains 77 mp3's with no long, long filenames. When it had finished I dragged a song up to play and........Smiley face time, crash, but it never recovered.....When I restarted VDJ it was back to square one - they still require analysis!


geposted Wed 22 Sep 04 @ 6:30 pm
thanx for the responses guys, i really appreciate them! i'm at work right now, so i can't try anything, but i'll probably just try to analyze less music at one time. i was just really trying to select a lot of them and then go to sleep due to the time it can take to analyze a lot of songs, but oh well. thank goodness i have patience :) it could also have something to do with the long file names on some of them too, but i'm not gonna get into like that. i'll just work with the software. thanx again!

geposted Wed 22 Sep 04 @ 8:36 pm

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