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Topic: Numark LE software setup - Page: 1

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DazmaxPRO InfinityMember since 2007
I have just taken delivery of a shiny new DMC2 and its fab mainly because its panel layout is very similar to my CDN95 and i love using it. I am having some problems with the software because my DMC2 shiped with 2 instal discs. I have one disc with the serial number and another white disc which has an instruction printed on it to use this white disc in place of the serial numbered disc. If i use the white disc the instal goes ok but when you try to run the program i get a mesage saying that it is a demo version and to click OK. If i do this the banner goes away but the software fails to run. If i instal the software from the serial numbered disc it installs ok but seems to be a limitted function version. Ie i cant make changes on the remote control page and there seems to be no option in the sound card setup to enable/configure my 7.1 chan soundblaster audigy card.
I am running a 3.0Ghz P4 desktop pc with 1 Gb memory and a Soundblaster Audigy value sound card.
I want to be able to use the front and rear stereo outputs for the left and right decks seperately and feed these into an external Pioneer DJM600 Mixer.

Any help or suggestins would be great


geposted Thu 31 May 07 @ 10:27 pm
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
you have two versions

the full cue demo

i think you aslo have a

and a full copy of CUE LE which is home edition
which carries less features

cue le was included as a sort of gift to get you going out of the box

i think the first disk aslo has a few videos to get you started aslo

geposted Thu 31 May 07 @ 10:34 pm
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
should you deside you like the program you can

A: buy numark cue full on CD


B: a digital download of Virtual Dj Pro at a
discount with your le serial

hope that helps

geposted Thu 31 May 07 @ 10:35 pm
DazmaxPRO InfinityMember since 2007
Apreciate the helpful replys.
I find it very dissapointing that Numark have chosen to use a version of VDj software that fails to provide what is is my opinion a basic function (ie support for multi channel sound cards). Even new D Jays who dont have huge amounts of cash to spend can usualy get their hands on a basic mixer so i dont think it is too much to expect. I have been using a BCD 2000 for 6 or so months and decided to buy the DMC2 as an upgrade, believing that it was intended for professional use. Numark make a big deal about thier system being powered by VDj and the enclosed operating manual for the DMC2 includes instructions on how to set up VDj. But what they dont advertise is that you must make a further purchace to enable some of the most basic features of VDj.

Sorry guys but I feel a bit conned. The Numark DMC2 has already cost me 350 pounds and I feel that Numark should be making it clear to potential purchacers that CUE LE is not fully functional.

Its not the end of the wold to have to buy new software but I dont think it will make Numark or VDj any friends.

regards to all


geposted Fri 01 Jun 07 @ 7:04 pm
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
the software is actualy free

its a gift to get you on your feet

when you buy the dmc your buying an exceptionaly advanced peice of kit not the software


geposted Fri 01 Jun 07 @ 7:34 pm
haz0rdPRO InfinityMember since 2006
which is still a 3.4 Platform correct?


geposted Fri 01 Jun 07 @ 7:46 pm
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004

geposted Fri 01 Jun 07 @ 7:51 pm
DazmaxPRO InfinityMember since 2007
It would have made me feel better if this was made clear at the time of purchase so that i could have budjeted for the software. I just think that as a piece of marketing it puts out the wrong message. If the software is free then say so and if its the home edition then say so. Ime sure no one would have a problem with that and would be greatfull. But changing the name and not being clear dosnt help anyone. Instead of looking to VDJ as a potential supplier it made me think twice and look to other manufacturers. Having looked elsware on the forum i know its not just me who is confused by Numarks marketing. The DMC2 is a great bit of kit and VDJ is an awsome software platform to use but i would respectfully suggest that a little word in Numarks ear about how they are marketing this product would help all future puchacers to have a clear understanding of what they are buying and avoid the mistaken generation of ill feeling towards either company.

Anyway enough moaning from me thanks for your help



geposted Fri 01 Jun 07 @ 8:25 pm
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
thanks for your understanding i think your right numark should be more clear

generaly tho in their defence limited edition means a demo version of a program

such as ablton limed edition you get with maudio cards

geposted Fri 01 Jun 07 @ 10:08 pm
DJ-ALFPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2005
So, can you use 5.1 card to have 2 separate outputs with Cue Le which came with NTC? I think it should.

geposted Sat 02 Jun 07 @ 12:18 am
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004

geposted Sat 02 Jun 07 @ 12:20 am
It should be closer to the DJ counsel version which comes with the Hercules, other than it is version 4.x.

I would certainly think that for the DMC2, it should provide two separate channel outputs. If there was a physical midi fader in between, like with the Hercules or NTC, then I would say that this would not need to be a basic feature, but for a DMC2 that is really intended to be used with a mixtable, I would think Numark would let the customer have that feature, unless they are going to make it clear that the DMC2 can not be used fully functional with the software provided.

Here's the thing. Many of you stick your noses a bit in the air, and say, "Hey, you were given a gift software, and you should just go spend another $270-$300 for the full version, because certainly you didn't expect your hardware to be fully functional with the software included."

Well, first of all, I don't believe for a second that VDJ is just letting Numark give out free copies of their rebranded Home version for nothing. VDJ is getting paid for the version that goes out with these pieces of hardware.

Just so you know where I am coming from, I plan on getting the full version of Cue or Virtual DJ next spring, but I saw getting Cue LE with the NTC as a good starter deal. In my case, there seems to be no serious or unreasonable roadblocks.

Additionally, Numark has advertised that the primary difference between Cue LE and full Cue, is there is no video send. From there, we could also determine previously, that downloads of effects and such would be limitted, and that most likely Cue would require the controller to be plugged in to run. I assumed probably some other limitations, but nothign that would effect the basic functions I needed. For a NTC, not being able to send two separate outputs for two separate decks is acceptable for something like the NTC, because it has a midi crossfader anyway. As for a controller like the DMC2, it has no built in midi crossfader that I can see, and I can't imagine that a user would be expected to assume that they would not be able to connect it to a mixer with the included software. Why include the software at all? It would more honest to not include the software at all, because surely there is no one who would plan to buy a DMC2, and use the crossfader on their laptop??

Additionally, if you look at the comparison chart, the DJConsole version which comes with the Hercules does support connecting to separate channels on an external mixer. So why not the version of Cue LE that comes with the DMC2? Keep the other limitations, sure, it's not the Pro version, but let the guy connect his DMC2 to a mixer, as the DMC2 is intended to be used.

I don't own a DMC2, but nevertheless, thought I'd put in my 2 cents.

geposted Thu 07 Jun 07 @ 9:32 pm
l_ridsPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Put it down to experience. Lesson learnt is to do your research before you buy. Best thing is to bounce your questions in the forum before making any commitment. Theres alot of people on here who know what their talking about.

Sux... I know how you feel though.

geposted Thu 07 Jun 07 @ 10:51 pm


Neither the Console version of VDJ or the Home Edition support connecting to two seperate channels on an external mixer.

Your version is exactly the same as the above, and it support the use of ONE soundcard.

That one soundcard might very well be a 4.1/5.1 soundcard, giving two stereo outs, one for master out, one for prelisten.

Now, if you are creative enough, there is a "hack" to use that free version with external mixer by setting the crossfader all the way to the left or right (really being prelisten you play out).. It works, but sucks in away doing that...

You should really go upgrade to the full pro version when time is right. It gives you far more than video.

geposted Thu 07 Jun 07 @ 11:07 pm
DazmaxPRO InfinityMember since 2007
Thanks guys
Ime shure I wont be the last to be upset by this unless Numark and Vdj sort this out between them. By the way the full demo version that shipped with my unit just did not work it installs and fails to run. You are right about the forum. I have been in the a working DJ since i was 13 (now 38) and have always used hardware based systems decks/CD players/Mixers and all that good stuff. I was so impressed with my little BCD2000 that the DMC2 was the next best step because its so close to my CDN95 and would fit in my 19 inch rack. I just never consdered the possibility that such a basic requirement would be non functional on the supplied/free/whatever software. Clever of VDJ tho to put in a limitation on something I think almost every purchaser of this fine bit of kit will need. It almost guarantees future software sales. Or does it ?

Make no mistake tho the DMC2 is a seriously good bit of kit that I would reccomend to anyone.

Have to shut up now cos i did say i would stop moaning

Regards all


geposted Thu 07 Jun 07 @ 11:12 pm

Well I totally understand the frustration if you thought you got the full version...

It has never been the intention by VDJ nor Numark, to trick you into thinking so.

And sorry for the misunderstanding.

You can though upgrade if you want for a discount.

Please understand that instead of being a time limited demo (that most software companies gives out with new hardware), VDJ/Numark has decided on giving out a free never ending version, as a gesture.

But we cant go give out the pro version for free, and I hope you understand that :)

But we do have a discount for those who want more features than the free version with consoles.


geposted Thu 07 Jun 07 @ 11:23 pm
DazmaxPRO InfinityMember since 2007
Of course i understand and gladly accept that the full version of this software is expensive and cannot be given away free.
I am worried that all this is starting to miss the point a little. Let me try to explain this a s I see it. The limitations on the supplied software means that you cant Get Going and use this unit out of the box in a profesional setup (It is after all a very profesional peice of kit) because of the external mixer limitation and thats dissapointing. I accept that all the other support and additional facilities of the pro version is something that has to be paid for. I am shure Niether Numark or VDJ want or intend ther customers to feel this way, but if I do someone else will. Including the software with the DMC2 is a good idea ime just saying that it may not produce the intended feel good factor because of a limitation that will hack people off. Perhaps a version could be bundled with the DMC2 which has this limitation (and only this limitation) removed It is a basic requirement that i dont think should be omitted from any DJing software.

PS not moaning now just giving customer feedback Te He

Regards DAZ

geposted Fri 08 Jun 07 @ 12:19 am
I do understand what you mean, connecting to an external mixer is maybe the ONE feature that pro djs want.

So, therefore its also the main argument for upgrading to a pro version :)

If it was in the free version, as you want, there would be very few reasons to upgrade for many djs :)

So, to mix with the free version to an external mixer there is a limitation (intentional of course), but it can be used in a pro setting though, just with a bit of extra hazzle (and that being a reason some upgrade).

To mix with external mixer with the free version you need:
- A surround soundcard with two stereo outs.
- Connect the channel 1 out from the soundcard to a channel in, at the external mixer
- Connect your headset to the rear out of your soundcard.

this way, you can prelisten, and mix with the Total Control in a pro setting, where you prelisten at the card directly, and all is done at the Total control, and soundcard, leaving the one channel at the mixer all the way open all the time.

This of course is not good enough for some djs, that dont want to crossfade at the Total control, but rather at the external mixer, and want to connect the headset to that mixer too.
For those djs, we have a discount for an upgrade.

So its giving a completely working version for free, but with a few limitations, so that those who want even more pro settings, can upgrade:) and VDJ needs that for sales.. :)
And that keeps the development going, which again benefits you all, as VDJ dont charge for upgrades (so far)

Hope that makes sense :)


geposted Fri 08 Jun 07 @ 12:28 am

I think in the case of the DMC2, it would have been more practical and honest to have just sold the controller without software period. Here is my reasoning:

The Cue LE software does not provide the functionality the user will need to operate the unit as intended, so there is no point. Once you've spent $400, you are past the point of decided if you are going to buy it or not, you ALREADY HAVE. The time for demoing the DMC2 is over.

As far as deciding which software to use with it, they can go out and download a 20 day demo from Virtual DJ, Cue, Traktor, or whoever else, decide which piece of software to commit too if they haven't already, and then go buy the software. They are going to have to buy software at this point, it will just be a matter of deciding on their favorite. This would be more practical, as then they will be trying a fully functional version, though limitted to 20 days, that will function as it should with a mixer. Cue LE does not give them this opportunity, so for this purpose, the 20 day demo is a more useful option. Additionally, a demo off the website is more likely to be up to date. Right now Cue LE in the packaged product is up to date, because the product was just released, but that will not remain true for very long.

Packaging a Cue LE version, which is not listed as a demo when you are buying the product is misleading. You expect to buy a DMC2 with software that will provide the basic functionality of the product, otherwise, what would be the point in including software that can be used "forever", if it will not provide the basic functionality the unit is meant for?

I am not complaining about Cue LE and it's limitations. It's limitations for the NTC is totally acceptable and expected. The packaging of Cue LE with the NTC is a very reasonable idea. The difference is, you can use the NTC as intended, just missing some higher functions if you want to get more serious. With the DMC2, you are missing a very basic function for it's intended purpose.

Anyway, I am certainly not upset, I didn't buy a DMC2...LOL. But I do think that Numark should rethink this situation, and either sell the DMC2 as a just a controller for DJ software without software included, or sell it as a package with the full version of Cue at the required higher price.

my 2 cents. :)


geposted Fri 08 Jun 07 @ 7:08 am
DazmaxPRO InfinityMember since 2007
Thanks for your posts.
I am not at all convinced by Teamers coment that if this limitation was removed few would buy the upgraded version. Having spent some time looking round this forum I think that it would be worth buying the full edition just to get the download facilitys. I have seen some realy great skins/lots of plugins and most importantly tons of support provided by other DJs and the manufacturer. Having also spent some time looking at competitors sites i have yet to find this limitation being used even on the cheapest versions. The competitors sites however do not come close to VDJ in terms of this kind of support.Just finding your way arround them is a mare.
Have some faith in your product when people start using it and visit the site to see how much more is out there they are gonna want to upgrade. My concern is that for some this is the first contact with VDJ. Some will try this LE version, find it cant do what they want and just look else ware because there initial contact with the product left them with a bad taste inthe mouth. I have no intension of buying anything other than tho pro version as soon as i can afford it.
but thats not because this limitation forces me to, I want to becase its a great product that is well supported.
Dont sell it short. Help make peoples first impression of VDJ a good one.


geposted Fri 08 Jun 07 @ 2:59 pm