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Forum: Old versions

Topic: Hercules & VDJ Version

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I'm just about to go out and buy myself a Hercules DJ Console... But after reading some postings in this forum I am somewhat doubtful...

What's missing in the version of VDJ that you get in the PRO version?

One thing that has to be included is the possibility to mix the headphone output (i.e. chosing the level of each channel that goes into the headphones). After reading some posts I'm starting to doubt that this is possible with the Hercules version of VDJ, is this so?????? Can't I control the headphone mix in the cans? If it's just one signal at the time in the cans, I'd be so bold to say that the product becomes useless...


geposted Tue 12 Oct 04 @ 11:08 am
it's possible to previewmix in the console version, but you have to look for a skin who supprt that (i made the windj) like windj or mixstation. or you can plug you headphone in the line out of the back of the console (no preview then)

it is possible with some skins which enable this feature for the DJ console version, otherwise your just stuck with monotoring 1 channel at a time through your headphones.
the dj console version is perfect aslong as you are not planning to use anything other than a keyboard and the console in your setup, for a quick overview of the difference between the Pro and dj console version check out this page


there are however alot more features in the pro version which are not listed in this page (althoughthey should be). if you are just starting out this is the perfect package however if you are planning on having a more pro setup, buy the Pro version along with either a D-Vinyl controller, 2X XP10s, Time Coded Vinyls, or Time Coded CD's...


A couple of more q's popped up after reading the comparison:

If not for scratching, what do you use the the pads for on the DJ Console? Jog?

"Can plug headphones" - Only through console... What does that mean? No headphones through PCI soundcard? Not that it does matter.. I will use the consoles can output...

"Can input external sound source" - As I can recollect, the Console has input at the front for an external source... Isn't it supported?

"MIDI keyboard support" - The console has MIDI, can't I use it? I know that the console doesn't send propper MIDI signals, but surely I can control functionality within the consoles limitations from a kbd?


input on console is not suported with vdj.

You use the jog wheel to also cue your songs. In other words, with the jog wheel you can move the next song playing in your headphone forward or backward to sync it with the current song signal (CBR align the big square).


in the pro version you can also scratch with the jog wheels

I know you guys have heard this a million times, but I purchased the full version of Virtual DJ and my headphones work now, I just can't get it so my speakers play along with my headphones. I want to hear whats recording on my speakers, but I want to hear whats on my other table in the headphones. What should I do?

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