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Forum: VirtualDJ Plugins

Topic: easiest/extremely helpful plugin

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ktilakPRO InfinityMember since 2006
It would be great to see a Clipbank plugin that can only load one clip at a time.

I'm sure a lot of people would find this helpful as they could put it as their default video go-to for when audio-only songs are loaded.

I tried to use the normal clipbank with that setting but it keeps displaying black (because it activates but then does not select the first clip in it's bank) so having only one clip and come easy coding, this should work right?

Some help would be great!

geposted Wed 22 Aug 07 @ 9:54 am
I Agree, this would allow people to use it for tracks that have no video.

The plugin should play from no 1, to the last loaded clip, then restart on 1, so people can load the clips in the order they want. Anhd it should start automatically when activated.

geposted Wed 22 Aug 07 @ 1:28 pm
Hi guys, that's exactly what I was thinking of!

I'm looking into writing a plugin for it, unfortuately I've only got a basic experience with programming but I'm gonna give it a go when the new skd comes out.

geposted Wed 22 Aug 07 @ 7:04 pm
halo_djk wrote :

The plugin should play from no 1, to the last loaded clip, then restart on 1, so people can load the clips in the order they want. Anhd it should start automatically when activated.

I second that. I can't believe that it's not like that to begin with, but I'm not a programmer...
I'd use this feture with those options, but probably not without it.

geposted Wed 22 Aug 07 @ 7:19 pm
ktilakPRO InfinityMember since 2006
glad to see the support for the idea!
if any programmers find this and give it a shot, keep us updated!

if not, i might also poke around the sdk when it comes out and see if i can do anything at all


geposted Thu 23 Aug 07 @ 12:17 am
DwightPRO InfinityMember since 2005
where can i get some clipbank animations?

geposted Fri 24 Aug 07 @ 12:01 am
taylaPRO InfinityMember since 2007

geposted Fri 24 Aug 07 @ 12:47 am

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